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Sunday, August 11, 2013

2614 - AMICOR 16


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
John Searle: our shared condition — consciousnessAugust 6, 2013 Philosopher John Searle lays out the case for studying human consciousness — and systematically shoots down some of the common objections to taking it seriously. As we learn more about the brain processes that cause awareness, accepting that consciousness is a biological phenomenon is an important first step. And no, he says, consciousness is not a massive computer simulation. (Filmed at TEDxCERN.)


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
Existing cropland could feed 4 billion more An abundant supply of food for a hungry world, hidden in plain sight August 5, 2013 In many areas (lighter areas), crops used for non-food uses (biofuels, other) were not delivered to the food system. Credit: Emily S Cassidy et al./Environmental Research Letters Reallocating croplands away from fuels and animal feed could boost food available for people by 70 percent without clearing more land, new research from the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota researchshows/.../


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
Chocolate may help keep brain healthy August 8, 2013 [image: (Credit: iStockphoto)] Drinking two cups of hot chocolate a day may help older people keep their brains healthy and their thinking skills sharp, according to a study published in the August 7, 2013, issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The study involved 60 people with an average age of 73 who … more…

Dunbar's Number

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
Dunbar's NumberBefore there was Facebook, British anthropologist Robin Dunbar proposed a cognitive limit to the number of meaningful social relationships one can have. Through his research on primates and ancient hunter-gatherer societies, he concluded that brain size, specifically the size of the neocortex, dictates the maximum size of one's social group. Primates create intimacy by picking parasites off each other, while humans rely on language. How many social relationships does Dunbar believe one can have? More... mais »

Exercício Físico x DCV

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
*CONTEÚDO PROGRAMÁTICO – TEÓRICO E PRÁTICO* *Sábado 17 e Domingo 18 de Agosto 8:00 às 18:00* *Profa. Dra. CLAÚDIA FORJAZ* *1. Doenças e fatores Cardiovasculares: Caracterização, Prevalência, Diagnóstico, Classificação, Tratamento** **e Evolução.* *2. Benefícios do Exercício Físico nas Doenças e nos Fatores de Risco Cardiovasculares: Benefícios e Riscos agudos e crônicos do Exercício Aeróbico e Resistido* *3. Avaliação Pré-Participação:** **Triagem pré-participação e Teste ergométrico* *4. Prescrição Individualizada de Exercício: Tipo, Duração, Frequência, Intensidade, Acompanhamen... mais »

Breast-Cancer x Antihypertensives

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Some antihypertensives linked to breast-cancer risk AUGUST 5, 2013 Janis C Kelly - AUGUST 5, 2013 Janis C Kelly in *Boston, MA* - The first observational study of long-term antihypertensive use and breast-cancer risk found that calcium-channel blockers (CCBs) were associated with a more than twofold increased risk, while ACE inhibitors appeared to be associated with a reduced risk. The new findings are published online August 5, 2013 in *JAMA Internal Medicine* [1]. Women who had taken CCBs for 10 years or more had more than double the usual risk for invasive ductal breast carcin...mais »

Bloggers 2013

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
The 25 Best Bloggers, 2013 Edition Our honorees include everyone from one of the people who invented blogging back in the 1990s to a clever creator of animated GIFs who launched his Tumblr blog in May. Read Later prev 1 of 27 nextVIEW ALL Worthwhile Reading By Harry McCracken @harrymccrackenAug. 05, 201314 Comments [image: Blog Intro] For years now, pundits have been knowingly declaring that blogging is dead, rendered irrelevant by alternative means of personal publishing such as Facebook and Twitter. The best way to quash that silly notion is to read scads of blogs, as we did to ... mais »

Melhora da expectativa de vida no BR 2010

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
*Foi o assunto do Programa do Lauro Quadros de hoje, para o qual gentilmente nos convidou* Polêmica Like This Page · 9 hours ago ** Segundo o IBGE, a expectativa de vida no Rio Grande do Sul é de 75,9 anos e no Maranhão é de 68,7. São sete anos menos. O que pesa mais na longevidade é a genética, a condição social ou o estilo de vida? Conheça os convidados do Polêmica de hoje: *Aloyzio Achutti - Cardiologista Newton Luiz Terra - Geriatra Carlos Alberto Verutiski - Nutrólogo* *Tábuas Abreviadas de Mortalidade por Sexo e Idade - * *Brasil, Grandes Regiões e Unidades da Federação - 201... mais »

Tabagismo: Ameaça CV e mais além (artigo de 2002)

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR EXTENSION - Há 6 dias
*TABAGISMO: UMA VISÃO GLOBAL DO SEU ÔNUS* *Revista da Sociedade de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul - Ano XII nº 3 Set/Out/Nov/Dez 2003* *páginas 28-32 no pdf Na revista impressa: páginas 26-30* *Aloyzio Achutti* *Médico do Serviço de Cardiologia do Hospital Moinhos de Vento* *Endereço para correspondência:* *Av. Bastian, 212 - Porto Alegre, RS 90130-020 - fone (51) 3233.3579* * -* *INTRODUÇÃO* Está bem estabelecida a importância do tabagismo como determinante de doenças, inclusive no conjunto das doenças cardiovasculares [1,2,.3]. Entr... mais »

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