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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Spacetime origins

Theory of everything? How spacetime is built by quantum entanglement

May 27, 2015
University of Tokyo
Physicists and mathematicians have made a significant step toward unifying general relativity and quantum mechanics by explaining how spacetime emerges from quantum entanglement in a more fundamental theory.


This is an illustration of the concept of the holography.
Credit: Hirosi Ooguri
A collaboration of physicists and a mathematician has made a significant step toward unifying general relativity and quantum mechanics by explaining how spacetime emerges from quantum entanglement in a more fundamental theory. 
Physicists and mathematicians have long sought a Theory of Everything (ToE) that unifies general relativity and quantum mechanics. General relativity explains gravity and large-scale phenomena such as the dynamics of stars and galaxies in the universe, while quantum mechanics explains microscopic phenomena from the subatomic to molecular scales.

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