3.117 AMICOR (25) Desejando-lhes um 2023 saudável e feliz!
#Dra. Valderês Antonietta Robinson Achutti (*13/06/1931+15/06/2021)
Pensando no que nos reserva o futuro...
#PELÉ & JATENE (link para mais) Em memória de nosso Rei, rescém falecido...
Publicado: Zero Hora 17 de janeiro de 1995 (3a. feira)
Aloyzio Achutti, médico e professor universitário
Há dois anos (1993) quando chegávamos, eu e dra.Valderês, a um hotel numa cidadezinha perto do círculo polar ártico, ao nos identificarmos como brasileiros, o porteiro exclamou "You are from the country of the king!" (vocês são da terra do rei). Eu só o entendí quando ele foi mais explícito: "the king Pelé!"
Vinhamos da 3a. Conferência Mundial sobre Cardiologia Preventiva em Oslo, onde fora figura de destaque uma campeã mundial da Noruega. Por tê-la acompanhado em "jogging" matinal, até ganhamos camisetas com sua assinatura, dizendo "eu corro com Gute Waitz".
Voltando, propuzemos convidar Pelé para compor nosso Comité de Prevenção, sugerindo também um rei ao presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia. Vejo agora que perdemos a oportunidade de ter dois trunfos no Ministério... (Foi em Trondheim, mais no link do título)
P.S. The legacy of J. Robert Oppenheimer glows a bit more brightly now that the U.S. government nullified a 1954 decision, at the height of the McCarthy era, to revoke his security clearance. (The mastermind behind the atomic bomb was suspected of being a Soviet spy.) One of Oppenheimer’s other misfortunes was getting no recognition for discovering the idea of a black hole because his paper was published on the day Hitler invaded Poland. Watch the trailer for Oppenheimer, Christopher Nolan’s upcoming film on the physicist, here.
#Geographic Magazine
A colored scanning electron micrograph of two T lymphocyte cells (yellow) attached to a cancer cell (green). T lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell and a component of the body's immune system. They recognize a specific target—an antigen—on the surface of the cancer cell and bind to it. Once a T-cell has bound to the cancer cell it can signal for other immune cells to destroy it.
MICROGRAPH BY STEVE GSCHMEISSNER, SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY BYPRIYANKA RUNWALThe immediate goal is to create vaccines that destroy cancer cells—but some scientists are also testing vaccines that might prevent someone from developing cancer.
#Quanta Magazine
June Huh, High School Dropout, Wins Fields MedalBy JORDANA CEPELEWICZ June Huh wasn’t interested in mathematics until a chance encounter during his sixth year of college. Now his profound insights connecting combinatorics and geometry have led to math’s highest honor.
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| Euler’s 243-Year-Old ‘Impossible’ Puzzle Gets a Quantum SolutionBy DANIEL GARISTO A surprising new solution to Leonhard Euler’s famous “36 officers puzzle” offers a novel way of encoding quantum information.
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| Mathematicians Discover the Fibonacci Numbers Hiding in Strange SpacesBy LEILA SLOMAN Recent explorations of unique geometric worlds reveal patterns, including the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio.
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| Mathematicians Clear Hurdle in Quest to Decode PrimesBy KEVIN HARTNETT
Paul Nelson has solved the subconvexity problem, bringing mathematicians one step closer to understanding the Riemann hypothesis and the distribution of primes.
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| Teenager Solves Riddle About Prime Number Look-Alikes.By JORDANA CEPELEWICZ
In his senior year of high school, Daniel Larsen proved a key theorem about Carmichael numbers — strange entities that mimic the primes.
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Will Transformers Take Over Artificial Intelligence?By STEPHEN ORNES A simple algorithm that revolutionized how neural networks approach language is now taking on vision as well. It may not stop there.
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| How to Write Software With Mathematical PerfectionBy SHEON HAN Leslie Lamport revolutionized how computers talk to each other. Now he’s working on how engineers talk to machines.
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| Researchers Find ‘Master Problem’ Underlying All CryptographyBy ERICA KLARREICH The existence of secure cryptography depends on one of the oldest questions in computational complexity.
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| Researchers Achieve ‘Absurdly Fast’ Algorithm for Network FlowBy ERICA KLARREICH
Computer scientists can now solve a decades-old problem in practically the time it takes to write it down.
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| Computer Science Proof Unveils Unexpected Form of EntanglementBy MORDECHAI RORVIG
A new proof shows that systems of entangled particles can remain difficult to analyze even away from extremes.
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The Man Who Revolutionized Computer Science With MathThe Turing Award-winning computer scientist Leslie Lamport talks about the importance of programming, how he developed distributed systems and his favorite algorithm.
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| How Physicists Created a Holographic Wormhole in a Quantum ComputerWormholes were first envisioned almost a century ago, but it would take theoretical leaps and “crazy” experimentalists to build one on a quantum computer.
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| The High Schooler Who Solved a Prime Number TheoremAs a senior in high school, Daniel Larsen built upon the work of leading number theorists to prove a statement about where phony primes appear on the number line.
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| The Biggest Project in Modern MathematicsThe Langlands program provides a beautifully intricate set of connections between various areas of mathematics, pointing the way toward novel solutions for old problems.
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| How Two Physicists Unlocked the Secrets of Two DimensionsIn exploring a family of two-dimensional crystals, a husband-and-wife team is uncovering a potent variety of new electron behaviors.
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#Human Development Report
HDR continues to spark debate on human development in uncertain times |
https://vimeo.com/777167985?embedded=true&source=video_title&owner=173253422 |
#ISUH - Carlos Dora
No dia 28 p.p. tive a grata satisfação de reencontrar o eminente colega que esteve conosco e junto com Eduardo Costa na investigação epidemiológica de 1978, que teve como objeto a população adulta de nosso Estado. Veio com sua filha Cecília. Mora em Genebra, onde trabalhou até se aposentar na OMS. Há décadas não nos encontrávamos. Atualmente é co-Diretor da International Society of Urban Health.
- Alejandra Martins. BBC News Mundo. 27 dezembro 2022
Legenda da foto,Para o pesquisador espanhol David López Pérez, 'se queremos entender o cérebro, precisamos descer a mais um nível na escala quântica'
PUBLICADO 21 DE DEZ. DE 2022 15:12 BRT
A luz viaja a uma velocidade constante de 300 mil quilômetros por segundo. Com este parâmetro em mente, a Nasa define um ano-luz como a medida de comprimento (não de tempo) usada para calcular a distância entre corpos no espaço. /.../
#Science10 incredible James Webb Space Telescope images reveal the wonders of the universe
It is no exaggeration to say the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) represents a new era for modern astronomy. Launched on December 25 last year and fully operational since July, the telescope offers glimpses of the universe that were inaccessible to us before. Like the Hubble Space Telescope, the JWST is in space, so it can take pictures with stunning detail free from the distortions of Earth’s atmosphere. Continued here