FRIDAY, Feb. 12, 2016 (HealthDay News) -- If you think your sneezes merely emit a delicate spray of tiny droplets into the space around you, think again.
New research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology using slow-motion photography finds that, instead, sneezes expel a sticky sheet of fluid that first balloons and then breaks apart into long, viscous filaments.
Those filaments eventually do separate into a mist of fine droplets, said a team led by Lydia Bourouiba, who runs MIT's Fluid Dynamics of Disease Transmission Laboratory.
"What we saw was surprising in many ways," she said in a university news release. "We expected to see droplets coming out fully formed from the respiratory tract. It turns out that's not the case at all."/.../
1 comment:
Interessante. O uso do lenço saiu de moda. As pessoas espirram sobre as outras.
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