O AMICOR Grueninger, colega suisso, tem importantes contribuições para o Sistema de Saúde e de Educação Médica de seu país. Tive o prazer de conhecê-lo durante um dos seminários avançados de dez dias sobre epidemiologia e Prevenção Cardiovascular promovidos pela Federação Mundial de Cardiologia. Esteve conosco há 20 anos no Seminário de Gramado e portanto no nascimento da rede AMICOR. Depois voltou durante as comemorações do Centenáriao de nossa Faculdade de Medicina da UFRGS. Hoje me alegrou com uma mensagem, e pediu que a estendesse para todos os AMICOR:

Querido AloyzioI send you and Valderes my very best wishes for the New Year: may it bring you fulfillment and as many good moments as possible. I send you a carpet of golden sunshine to be with you on the steps into the new year - may these steps be light and rewarding for you (I took the photo this past october, on the very last day of our pilgrimage on the Via Francigena, from Canterbury/UK to Rome: a beautiful morning sun guided me onto the last couple of thousand steps. It was an moment of great joy, it will accompany me and my wife Leonora for the rest of our days, I feel.
Querido Aloyzio,
What a pleasure to receive your answer, and in so little time, 2x across the Atlantic Ocean. Thank you so much for your words and memories - I did not realize that this year is 20 years since Gramado. Congratulations to Valderes and you to your 60eth wedding anniversary!
I am very moved by what you are telling me about how Valderes is doing - please give her a big hug from me. I will never forget how she told me - it was on the way to the airport and back home to Switzerland - "You would be a very good family doctor!"
And of course, I would be delighted if you use my foto in the AMICOR blog - please add my best wishes to all of its readers, and especially the AMICOR.
Cordially yours - um abraço
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