
I, holobiont. Are you and your microbes a community or a single entity? Derek J Skillings is a biologist and philosopher of science. He is currently a lecturer in philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania. His work has been published in *Philosophy of Science* and *Trends in Ecology and Evolution*, among others. Edited by Sally Davies [image: Cicada, North Carolina, May 2011. Photo courtesy Wikimedia.
] Cicada, North Carolina, May 2011. *Photo courtesy Wikimedia.* Cicadas might be a pest, but they’re special in a few respects. For one, these droning insects have a hab... mais »
] Cicada, North Carolina, May 2011. *Photo courtesy Wikimedia.* Cicadas might be a pest, but they’re special in a few respects. For one, these droning insects have a hab... mais »
Dia Mundial do Coração: 29 setembro
*No dia 29 de setembro, é comemorado o Dia Mundial do Coração,* estabelecido como forma de conscientização e prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares. Neste dia, realizam-se campanhas por todo o mundo para promoção de hábitos de vida mais saudáveis, como praticar exercício físico, alimentar-se melhor, entre outros hábitos.
Francisco Mauro Salzano (1928-2018)
*Morre Francisco Mauro Salzano, Geneticista Gaúcho* [image: Paulo Franken / Agencia RBS] Francisco foi um pesquisador de grande projeção internacionalPaulo Franken / Agencia RBSO biólogo gaúcho Francisco Mauro Salzano morreu, aos 90 anos, na noite desta quinta-feira (27), em Porto Alegre. Nascido na cidade de Cachoeira do Sul em 1928, Salzano foi um pesquisador de projeção internacional. Ao longo de sua vida profissional, a maior parte dedicada ao estudo da genética humana, Salzano recebeu diversos prêmios, como o Annual Award, da Ibero American Society of Human Genetics, em 1997, e ... mais »
EKG and Risk
Screening for Cardiovascular Disease Risk With Electrocardiography Read Article Take Quiz Abstract *Importance* Cardiovascular disease (CVD), which encompasses atherosclerotic conditions such as coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and peripheral arterial disease, is the most common cause of death among adults in the United States. Treatment to prevent CVD events by modifying risk factors is currently informed by CVD risk assessment with tools such as the Framingham Risk Score or the Pooled Cohort Equations, which stratify individual risk to inform treatment decisions.... mais »
Pandemic Flu
Vulnerability to Pandemic Flu Could Be Greater Today Than a Century Ago Rebecca Voelker, MSJ Article Information JAMA. Published online September 28, 2018. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.12966 multimedia icon Multimedia Audio(17:13) Vulnerability to Pandemic Flu Could Be Greater Today Than a Century Ago Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, didn’t mince words when he wrote a love letter to his children and grandchildren. His dispatch, a book entitled *Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs*, was published last year as a guide for surviving emerging infectious disease threats. “[F]ailure is not an ... mais »
Religion and emotions
Religion is about emotion regulation, and it’s very good at it [image: Photo by Ted Spiegel/National Geographic/Getty
] *Photo by Ted Spiegel/National Geographic/Getty* Religion does not help us to explain nature. It did what it could in pre-scientific times, but that job was properly unseated by science. Most religious laypeople and even clergy agree: Pope John Paul II declared in 1996 that evolution is a fact and Catholics should get over it. No doubt some extreme anti-scientific thinking lives on in such places as Ken Ham’s Creation Museum in Kentucky, but it has beco... mais »
] *Photo by Ted Spiegel/National Geographic/Getty* Religion does not help us to explain nature. It did what it could in pre-scientific times, but that job was properly unseated by science. Most religious laypeople and even clergy agree: Pope John Paul II declared in 1996 that evolution is a fact and Catholics should get over it. No doubt some extreme anti-scientific thinking lives on in such places as Ken Ham’s Creation Museum in Kentucky, but it has beco... mais »
Suporte Nutricional
*Recomendado pela AMICOR Cristianne Maria Famer Rocha* Protocolos de Suporte Nutricional Blog destinado à divulgação do eBook "Protocolos de Suporte Nutricional Parenteral e Enteral" e da literatura referente à Terapia Nutricional. [image: Minha foto]Pedro Paulo GuerraVisualizar meu perfil completo *Contato:*
Galileo's letter
Discovery of Galileo’s Long-Lost Letter Shows He Edited His Heretical Ideas to Fool the Inquisition Document shows he lied about his alterations By Alison Abbott, Nature magazine on September 21, 2018 [image: Discovery of Galileo's Long-Lost Letter Shows He Edited His Heretical Ideas to Fool the Inquisition] Galileo Galilei at the Inquisition. *Credit: Getty Images* It had been hiding in plain sight. The original letter — long thought lost — in which Galileo Galilei first set down his arguments against the church’s doctrine that the Sun orbits the Earth has been discovered in a misdat... mais »
Reading for the visually impaired
*ORCAM'S A.I. READS FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED * Jerusalem-based OrCam Technologies leverages on the power of computer vision, a sub-field of Artificial Narrow Intelligence, to *provide assistance to the blind, visually impaired or people with reading difficulties*. The wearable device’s main feature is that it recognizes text and reads it out loud to the wearer. The company was founded in 2010 by Prof. Amnon Shashua and Mr. Ziv Aviram. There are already *over 20,000 individuals who have benefited from the OrCam MyEye artificial vision device* since our initial launch. It is currentl... mais »
Maladie d'Alzheimer
Démences et maladie d’Alzheimer: une approche personnalisée s’impose OPINION. Il y a peu, «Le Temps» publiait une tribune du docteur Fabienne de Bilbao questionnant l’utilité des médicaments pour le traitement de la maladie d’Alzheimer et la réalité même de cette pathologie. Le professeur Julius Popp de l’Université de Genève présente l’état de la recherche à l’occasion de la journée mondiale de la maladie d’Alzheimer, le 21 septembre On entend encore souvent qu’il n’y a pas de traitement efficace contre la maladie d’Alzheimer. Ce n’est vrai que dans la mesure où il n’y a pas ... mais »
ABNT - Referências
*Referências da AMICOR * *Cristianne Famer Rocha* *LISTA DE "SOBREVIVÊNCIA" PARA A PRODUÇÃO ACADÊMICA * Adaptado de Nathália Ronfini Drive com as normas da ABNT para os trabalhos acadêmicos: • Ferramenta para escrita e correção de textos em inglês: • Contador de palavras repetidas: • PDF Converter: https:/... mais »
Researchers Uncover the Mathematics of Brain Wavesby Neuroscience News Researchers have developed a new mathematical model, which incorporates EEG data and evolutionary game theory, that bridges the gap between waves and random fluctuations in the brain. Read more of this post
William Osler & Élio Rolim
*A mim também o pensamento de William Osler sempre me impressionou e me ajudou a compreender a que vimos na profissão médica, a compreender seus limites, sobrepujar as imensas dificuldades, exorcizar fantasmas de culpa, frear impulsos de onipotência, aceitar com realismo e humildade nossas limitações, estimular nosso aperfeiçoamento, e gozar a satisfação do dever cumprido. Por isso a tínhamos escrito numa das paredes de nosso consultório (meu e da Dra. Valderês).* *Agradeço ao Professor Élio Rolim a lembrança.* ** * mais »
AD Research
Forefront of Alzheimer’s Disease Research Dr. Bruce T. Lamb discusses his career and recent research. Published August 22, 2018 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder most common among older adults. AD represents a major unmet therapeutic need. Bruce T. Lamb, PhD is a researcher working to unravel the causes of AD. Recently he discussed his career and research of new treatments for this disease. What inspired you to research AD? Initially, I worked at a lab focused on Down syndrome. One of the characteristics associated with the condition is an increased risk for AD. ... mais »
Alzheimer's Disease and exercise (2,5 h. per week)
Exercise May Delay Cognitive Decline in People with Rare Alzheimer’sby Neuroscience News[image: an old person walking] Researchers aimed to determine if at least 150 minutes of physical activity (walking, running, swimming, aerobics, etc.) per week – the current recommendation by the World Health Organization and the American College of Sports Medicine – would produce cognitive benefits for the study participants. image is in the public domain. Researchers report, for those with a genetic mutation that causes Alzheimer's disease, 2.5 hours of physical activity pe... mais »
09/10 - Santa Casa de Misericórdia PA
Cardiology Guidelines 2018
[image: Medscape] *New Cardiology* *Guidelines, September 2018* Stay current on new guidelines and recommendations. *VIEW NOW* *New Cardiology Guidelines, including the following:* *Atrial Fibrillation* *Adult Congenital Heart Disease* *Heart Failure* *Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Training* *Myocardial Revascularization* Access the latest drug and disease information and point-of-care tools at * >* Diseases & Conditions Drug Interaction Checker Drugs, OTCs & Herbals Calculators Slideshow Collections Procedures
Child Mortality Report 2018
Levels and Trends in Child Mortality Report 2018[image: Publication cover] Author:UNICEF, WHO, World Bank Group and United NationsPrice:FreeNo. of pages:44Publication date:September 2018Publisher:UNICEF Available language versions English Available formats PDFFree download For further information The United Nations Interagency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (UN IGME) produces estimates of child and young adolescent mortality annually. This report presents the UN IGME’s latest estimates – up to the year 2017 – of under-five, infant, and neonatal mortality as well as mortality amon... mais »
Estratégias BAT
Gigante do tabaco investe pesado em novos produtos Controladora da Souza Cruz, a BAT defende que vaporizadores e dispositivos de tabaco aquecido são menos nocivos do que cigarros *Recomendado pela AMICOR Dra. Mariana Lourenço de Lima Carneiro* Por: Pedro Garcia Foto: Rodrigo Assmann Uma das gigantes do setor de tabaco no mundo, a British American Tobacco (BAT), controladora da Souza Cruz, já investiu o equivalente a mais de R$ 9 bilhões nos últimos seis anos no desenvolvimento de alternativas aos cigarros. Ainda proibidos no Brasil, vaporizadores (também conhecidos como cigarros eletrô... mais »
Sigmund Freud
[image: Freud, Sigmund] 1939: Sigmund Freud, the founder of modern psychoanalysis, died in London. [image: Freud, Sigmund: ego; superego; id] *Freud, Sigmund: ego; superego; id*Learn about Sigmund Freud's model of the human psyche: ego, superego, and id.© Open University
Sep 21 - #WorldAlzheimersDay
PAHO/WHO Retweeted *World Health Organization (WHO)*Verified account @WHO Sep 21 More Today is #WorldAlzheimersDay. #Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of #dementia and may contribute to 60–70% of cases. People with dementia need access to care. Let's ensure the dignity of every person with a #MentalHealth condition is respected. World Health Organization Western Pacific, WHO South-East Asia, WHO EMRO and 7 others 24 replies1,144 retweets1,194 likes Reply 24 Retweet 1.1K Like 1.2K Direct message Save To Pocket Show this thread