Galaxies begining
Galaxy cluster discovered at record-breaking distanceAugust 31, 2016 • by Megan Watzke [image: New hope in the fight against tuberculosis]This cluster, called CL J1001+0220, lies about 11.1 billion light years from Earth. Credit: Chandra X-ray Center A new record for the most distant galaxy cluster has been set using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and other telescopes. This galaxy cluster may have been caught right after birth, a brief, but important stage of evolution never seen before./.../
Begining of Life

How Did Life Arise on Earth? By Ker Than | September 1, 2016 12:00pm ET - 655 - 94 - 34 - 79 - 112 - MORE [image: Partner Series] [image: How Did Life Arise on Earth?] Stromatolites — like these, found in the World Heritage Area of Shark Bay, Western Australia — may contain cyanobacteria, which were most likely earth's first photosynthetic organisms. Stromatolites have been found that date back to about 3.7 billion years ago. Credit: Rob Bayer/ Earth is estimated to be about 4.5 billion years old, and for much of that history it has been home to ... mais
Connection Between Chronic Pain and Anxiety Disorders NEUROSCIENCE NEWSSEPTEMBER 1, 2016Sumay *: Researchers provide new insight into the little understood connection between chronic pain and anxiety.* *Source: University of Vermont.* *New research provides insight into a long-observed, but little-understood connection between chronic pain and anxiety and offers a potential target for treatment. The study’s findings, published as an Article in Press inBiological Psychiatry, show that increased expression of PACAP – a peptide neurotransmitter the body releases in response to stress – i... mais »
Human Brain development
Bloodthirsty Brains: Study Challenges Evolutionary Development of the Human Brain NEUROSCIENCE NEWSSEPTEMBER 1, 2016 *Summary: An increase in blood supply appears to be linked closely to the evolution of human intelligence, a new study reports.* *Source: University of Witwatersrand* *[image: Image shows hominin skulls.]* *In a new research collaboration between the University of Witwatersrand and the University of Adelaide, previously held views on the evolutionary development of the human brain are being challenged. The findings of their studies, published today in the Royal Society ... mais »
Pope Francis and Cardiology
ESC: Pope Backs Medical Research in Historic SpeechAddresses cardiology meeting in Rome - SAVESAVED - - - - - - by Nicole Lou Contributing Writer, MedPage Today ROME -- Rain and thunder did not stop Pope Francis from blessing cardiology research and medical care in a speech given at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)'s annual meeting. *"You look after the heart. How much symbolism is enshrined in this world! How many hopes are contained in this human organ! In your hands you hold the beating core of the human body, and as such your responsibil... mais »
Brain science
Video / Neuroscience Psychiatry is due for a revolution in diagnosis and treatment through brain science 4 minutes For decades, the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), with its universal set of standards, has been widely considered the best tool for classifying and diagnosing mental illness. But medical psychiatry may be overdue for a biological revolution. In this Aeon interview, the US-based neuroscientistClaire Gillan describes breakthroughs in brain science that suggest mental illnesses should be reclassified, and exp... mais »
An Alzheimer’s Drug Shows Serious Promise - Alice Park @aliceparkny Aug. 31, 2016 Expert s are excited about a drug that, at high doses, seems to chip away at Alzheimer's | damage in the brain ME[image: stock health brain] Treating Alzheimer’s likely won’t ever be an easy or simple thing. Researchers think that managing the disease will require a combination of treatments, possibly tailored to each person. But in a paper published Wednesday in the journal *Nature*, scientists from a biotech company report the most encouraging results so far for one drug that could ... mais »
‘We are probably one of the last generations of Homo sapiens’ — Yuval Noah HarariAugust 25, 2016 ‘We are probably one of the last generations of Homo sapiens’ — Yuval Noah Harari August 25, 2016 [image: (credit: Cognitive)] Historian and author of the international bestseller Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Yuval Noah Harari predicts the future of humanity. “We are probably one of the last generations of Homo sapiens,” he tells BBC Radio 4′s Today programme. Animation by Cognitive. related: - Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow - mais »
Cosmic Eye
Dimensions: Cosmic Eye HDAugust 26, 2016 Through Kurzweil *Danail Obreschkow* This movie was generated using the iOS App “Cosmic Eye“, written by Danail Obreschkow at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research at the University of Western Australia. This app draws inspiration from a progression of increasingly accurate graphical representations of the scales of our Universe, including the classical essay “Cosmic View” (1957), the short movie “Powers of Ten” (1977), directed by Charles and Ray Eames, and “Cosmic Zoom” (1968), directed by Eva Szasz. Where possible, it disp... mais »
De Hobbes a Rousseau
*Artigo na ZH de hoje de meu companheiro de Hidroginástica* Antonio Domingos Padula: de Hobbes a Rousseau: selvageria ou civilização? Antonio Domingos Padula: de Hobbes a Rousseau: selvageria ou civilização? Professor titular na Escola de Administração da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) 30/08/2016 - As estatísticas e os últimos acontecimentos sobre a violência e a insegurança pública no Rio Grande do Sul revelam que a sociedade gaúcha está avançando a passos largos para o que o filósofo do século 17, Hobbes, chamava de estado de "guerra de todos contra todos", ou s... mais »
Leicester researchers involved in hunt for 'golden spike' that signalled new epoch Posted by ap507 at Aug 30, 2016 09:05 AM | Permalink Geologists search for the moment humanity changed the planet forever and triggered the Anthropocene era [image: Leicester researchers involved in hunt for 'golden spike' that signalled new epoch] Geologists - including Professor Jan Zalasiewicz and Dr Colin Waters from the Department of Geology - are on the hunt for the 'golden spike' that would signify the moment humanity changed the planet forever and triggered the Anthropocene era. The worldwide hu... mais »
Elder Rights in China
Elder Rights in ChinaCare for Your Parents or Suffer Public Shaming and Desecrate Your Credit Scores FREE ONLINE FIRST XinQi Dong, MD, MPH1 [+] Author Affiliations *JAMA Intern Med*. Published online August 29, 2016. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.5011 Text Size: A A A Article References Comments The demographics of China are changing rapidly, straining long-standing values about aging, family, and caregiving. By 2025, it is likely that Chinese people will represent one-quarter of the world’s population over age 60 years. At present, the Chinese government lacks the structure and capa... mais »
Baruch Spinoza
*From aeon* Essay / Values & Beliefs Why Spinoza still matters At a time of religious zealotry, Spinoza’s fearless defence of intellectual freedom is more timely than ever Steven Nadler
Utopia of Life
A New and Sweeping Utopia of Life: Gabriel García Márquez’s Nobel Prize Acceptance SpeechAn ennobled vision for a world “where no one will be able to decide for others how they die, where love will prove true and happiness be possible.”BY MARIA POPOVA On December 8, 1982, decades after his unlikely beginnings as a writer, Gabriel García Márquez(March 6, 1927–April 17, 2014) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. With the hindsight of a lifetime of reading, he took the stage at the Swedish Academy and delivered his tremendous acceptance speech under the title “The Solitude of Lati... mais »
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