Public and Private

The Private Person and the Public Persona: Borges on the Divided SelfA
timeless parable of the self-defeating quest for integration.By Maria Popova
[image: The Private Person and the Public Persona: Borges on the Divided
*“A person’s identity,”* Amin Maalouf wrote as he contemplated what he so
poetically called the genes of the soul, *“is like a pattern drawn on a
tightly stretched parchment. Touch just one part of it, just one
allegiance, and the whole person will react, the whole drum will sound.”*
And yet, inseparable as the parts may be from the whole, we each contain
multi... mais »

Pinocchio: An Alternative Origin Story Exploring the Grandest Questions of
ExistenceA lyrical illustrated cosmogony serenading the ephemeral and the
eternal. By Maria Popova
[image: Pinocchio: An Alternative Origin Story Exploring the Grandest
Questions of Existence]
*“Myths are made for the imagination to breathe life into them,”* Albert
Camus wrote. Ada Lovelace, the world’s first computer programmer, observed
a century earlier as she contemplated the nature of the imagination and its
three core faculties: *“Imagination is the Discovering Faculty,
pre-eminently… that which penetrat... mais »
Urban Life AI
How AI may affect urban life in 2030September 2, 2016
[image: (credit: AI100)]
Specialized robots that clean and provide security, robot-assisted surgery,
natural language processing-augmented instruction, and helping people adapt
as old jobs are lost and new ones are created: these are some of
the profound challenges explored by a panel of academic and industrial
thinkers that has looked ahead to 2030 to forecast how advances in
artificial intelligence (AI) might affect life in a typical North American
Titled “Artificial… read more
*Topics:* AI/Robotics
Nosso filho Luiz Eduardo e a fotografia
17/set/2016, 14h57min
Fotógrafo refaz olhares sobre Cuba, 30 anos depois
[image: Voltar a Cuba e refazer as mesmas fotos feitas há 30 anos foi o
projeto que Luiz Eduardo Achutti conseguiu realizar este ano. (Fotos: Luiz
Eduardo Achutti)]Voltar a Cuba e refazer as mesmas fotos feitas há 30 anos
foi o projeto que Luiz Eduardo Achutti conseguiu realizar este ano. (Fotos:
Luiz Eduardo Achutti)
Jari da Rocha
Voltar à ilha e refazer as mesmas fotos de 30 anos, este é o projeto que
Luiz Eduardo Achutti havia iniciado em 1986. Agora, retomado, conta com a
passagem do tempo e com sua narrativa... mais »
Gravitational Waves
A Year Ago, Scientists Cracked One Of Einstein's Greatest Mysteries — Now A
Bizarre New Form Of Astronomy Is Emerging
By Dave Mosher15/09/2016, 17:18
A year ago Tuesday, scientists inside two giant L-shaped instruments saw a
strange blip on their screens they could hardly believe.
It was the first evidence of gravitational waves — ripples in the fabric of
space that careen across the universe, right through everything and
Einstein first predicted their existence 100 years ago, yet the famous
scientist doubted we'd ever find any./.../
AF 1 year after

Occurrence of death and stroke in patients in 47 countries 1 year after
presenting with atrial fibrillation: a cohort study
Dr Jeff S Healey, MD[image: correspondence]Press enter key for
correspondence information[image: email]Press enter key to Email the author
Jonas Oldgren, MD
Prof Michael Ezekowitz, MD
Jun Zhu, MD
Prof Prem Pais, MD
Jia Wang, Msc
Patrick Commerford, MD
Petr Jansky, MD
Alvaro Avezum, MD
Alben Sigamani, MD
Albertino Demasceno, MD
Paul Reilly, PhD
Alex Grinvalds, BSc
Juliet Nakamya, PhD
Akinyemi Aje, MD
Wael Almahmeed, MD
An... mais »

The fugue of life: why complexity
matters in neuroscienceJoel Frohlich
is a PhD student at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he is
examining biomarkers of autism spectrum disorders. He is also senior editor
at Knowing Neurons. Published in association with Knowing Neurons
an Aeon Partner
[image: Idea sized day donaldson 15656329862 b861bf22b9 o]
*Day Donaldson/Flickr*
People like simplicity. Each decade, corporate
logos grow progressively minimalistic, pop
songs use ever simpler melodies, and visual arts
embrace simpler compositions as Monet gives way
to Picasso, and ... mais »
Earth's origin

New discovery shatters previous beliefs about Earth’s originDate:September
14, 2016Source:Western UniversitySummary:A new study demonstrates that the
Earth and other planetary objects formed in the early years of the Solar
System share similar chemical origins -- a finding at odds with accepted
wisdom held by scientists for decades.Share:
Scientists have now demonstrated that Earth and other planetary objects
that formed in the early years of the Solar System share similar chemical
origins -- a finding at odds with accepted wisdom held by scie... mais »
Transplante de células tronco
La première greffe de cellules souches laisse entrevoir une nouvelle
Des scientifiques sont parvenus à transplanter des cellules souches entre
deux individus. Une première réalisée chez le singe qui ouvre la voie vers
la réparation des organes malades
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Prélever des cellules lambda chez un individu, les «reprogrammer» pour
qu’elles se changent en cellules de rétine par exemple, puis les injecter
dans l’œil malade d’un patient pour le guérir. Des scientifiques de Kobe,
au Japon, viennent de faire un pas supplémentaire vers ... mais »
Prostate cancer treatment?
*Prostate cancer patients* who get treatment live just as long as those who
don't, according to 10-year study. (*Washington Post) *Check *MedPage
Today *later today for an in-depth report from Senior Associate Editor
Charles Bankhead. In *A Patient's Journey *Howard Wolinsky shares his own
experience with active surveillance for prostate cancer./.../
The survival rate for early-stage prostate cancer is 99 percent after 10
years, regardless of whether men undergo surgery, radiation or are
“actively monitored,” according to studies published Wednesday. Researchers
hailed the results as... mais »
Sugar Industry science manipulation

*Lembrado pela AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja*How the Sugar Industry
Shifted Blame to Fat
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The sugar industry paid scientists in the 1960s to play down the link
between sugar and heart disease and promote saturated fat as the culprit
instead, newly released historical documents show.
The internal sugar industry documents, recently discovered by a researcher
at the University of California, San Francisco, and published Mon... mais »
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