On the morning of September 11, 2001, four airliners were hijacked by members of al-Qaeda who aimed to carry out suicide attacks against important targets in the United States.
Statin efficacy and safety evidences
Interpretation of the evidence for the efficacy and safety of statin therapy Prof Rory Collins, FRS[image: correspondence]Press enter key for correspondence information[image: email]Press enter key to Email the author , Christina Reith, FRCP (Glasg.) , Jonathan Emberson, PhD , Prof Jane Armitage, FRCP , ProfColin Baigent, FRCP , Lisa Blackwell, BSc , Prof Roger Blumenthal, MD , Prof John Danesh, FMedSci , Prof George Davey Smith, DSc , Prof David DeMets, PhD , Prof Stephen Evans, MSc , Prof Malcolm Law, FRCP , Prof Stephen MacMahon, FMedSci , Seth Martin, MD , Prof Bruce Neal... mais »
Delaying Aging
Six New Groups of Molecules Could Be Key to Delaying Aging NEUROSCIENCE NEWSSEPTEMBER 7, 2016 *Summary: Researchers claim six previously identified plant extracts could help to delay aging.* *Source: Concordia University.* *Montreal researchers clear a major hurdle in the fight for longevity.* Hearing loss, brittle bones, sagging skin, a deteriorating mind: these are just some of the issues associated with growing old. For millennia, humans have fought the process of aging using everything from fountains of youth to pricey face creams, all to no avail. But a group of Montreal-based res... mais »
Long Lasting Memories
[image: Image shows the location of the lc in the human brain.] Researchers Identify Method For Creating Long Lasting Memories *Summary: Findings have implications for learning methods and memory consolidation.* *Source: UT Southwestern Medical Center.* *Imagine if playing a new video game or riding a rollercoaster could help you prepare for an exam or remember other critical information.* A new study in mice shows this link may be possible. Attention-grabbing experiences trigger the release of memory-enhancing chemicals. Those chemicals can etch memories into the brain that occur ju... mais »
Magnetite: Human Brain
Magnetite pollution nanoparticles in the human brain 1. Barbara A. Mahera,1, 2. Imad A. M. Ahmedb, 3. Vassil Karloukovskia, 4. Donald A. MacLarenc, 5. Penelope G. Fouldsd, 6. David Allsopd, 7. David M. A. Manne, 8. Ricardo Torres-Jardónf, and 9. Lilian Calderon-Garciduenasg,h Author Affiliations 1. Edited by Yinon Rudich, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, and accepted by Editorial Board Member A. R. Ravishankara July 25, 2016 (received for review April 13, 2016) 1. Abstract 2. Full Text 3. Authors & Info 4. F... mais »
Spatial Memory
Home Featured Human Spatial Memory is Made Up of Numerous Individual Maps NEUROSCIENCE NEWSSEPTEMBER 6, 2016 *Summary: Researchers investigate how spatial memories are formed.* *Source: Max Planck Institute.* *Spatial memory is something we use and need in our everyday lives. Time for morning coffee? We head straight to the kitchen and know where to find the coffee machine and cups. To do this, we require a mental image of our home and its contents. If we didn’t have this information stored in our memory, we would have to search through the entire house every time we needed something. ... mais »
Making the personal, geospatial
New post on *Mind Hacks* Making the personal, geospatialby vaughanbell [image: CC licensed photo by Flickr user Paul Townsend. Click for origin.]There is an old story in London, and it goes like this. Following extensive rioting, there is an impassioned debate about the state of society with some saying it shows moral decay while other claim it demonstrates the desperation of poverty. In 1886, London hosted one of its regular retellingswhen thousands of unemployed people trashed London’s West End during two days of violent disturbances. In the weeks of consternation that followed,... mais »
Brain Genetic Blueprint
Twin Study Helps Unravel Genetic Blueprint of the Human Brain NEUROSCIENCE NEWSSEPTEMBER 6, 2016 *Summary: A new study has unlocked important clues about how genes influence the development of gray matter structures in the brain.* *Source: University of New South Wales.* *UNSW Australia researchers have carried out a landmark twin study looking at genetic influences on key structures of the brain in people older than 65 years of age.* An internationally significant study of healthy twins, 65 years of age or older, has unlocked important clues about how genes influence the development o... mais »
M13 phage

FROM OZY Yesterday at 4:00am · A serendipitous discovery might mark the beginning of the end of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and many other neurodegenerative diseases. (via NOVA l PBS) The virus that could cure Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and more The humble phage known as M13 could hold the key to unraveling the misfolded proteins that underlie many diseases. PBS.ORG

Pondering Miracles, Medical and Religious By JACALYN DUFFINSEPT. 5, 2016 Continue reading the main storyShare This Page - Share - Tweet - Email - More - Save PhotoCreditAdam McCauley Kingston, Ontario — THERE was no mistaking the diagnostic significance of that little red stick inside a deep blue cell: The Auer rod meant the mystery patient had acute myelogenous leukemia. As slide after slide went by, her bone marrow told a story: treatment, remission, relapse, treatment, remission, remission, remission./.../
Verifying Twitter

*From MEDIUM**[image: Go to the profile of Luca Hammer]* Luca HammerFollow Grew up in the Alps. Father. Working with data and words. Please ❤︎ and share the article if you enjoyed it. 2 days ago9 min read Analyzing 205 718 Verified Twitter Users Since 2008 I create network visualizations to better understand how communities work. In this article I take a look at how verified Twitter users are connected and who they are./.../
Human Augmentation Ethics
Code of Ethics on Human Augmentation: the three ‘Laws’ Why? To protect us, future consumers and adopters, and society from machines of malice --- whether eventually by AI superintelligence, or right now by corrupt human intelligence. --- Steve Mann From Kurzweil July 5, 2016 [image: seeing radio waves ft] *By Steve Mann, Brett Leonard, David Brin, Ana Serrano, Robin Ingle, Ken Nickerson, Caitlin Fisher, Samantha Mathews, Ryan Janzen, Mir Adnan Ali, Ken Yang, Pete Scourboutakos, Dan Braverman, Sarang Nerkar, Keram Malicki-Sanchez, Zack P. Harris, Zach A. Harris, Jesse Damiani, Edward B... mais »
Urban Health
How AI may affect urban life in 2030 https://ai100.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/ai_100_report_0901fnlc_single.pdfSeptember 2, 2016 [image: (credit: AI100)] Specialized robots that clean and provide security, robot-assisted surgery, natural language processing-augmented instruction, and helping people adapt as old jobs are lost and new ones are created: these are some of the profound challenges explored by a panel of academic and industrial thinkers that has looked ahead to 2030 to forecast how advances in artificial intelligence (AI) might affect life in a typical North American ... mais »
Quantum computer
Google’s secret plan for quantum computer supremacyFrom Kurzweil September 2, 2016 [image: UCSB Martinis Group's superconducting five-qubit array (credit: Erik Lucero)] Google* is developing a quantum computer that it believes will outperform the world’s top supercomputers, according to an August 31*New Scientist* article and sourced to researchers contacted by the magazine. Google’s ambitious goal is to achieve “quantum supremacy”— which would be achieved when “quantum devices without error correction can perform a well-defined computational task beyond the capabilities of state-of-... mais »
Dreams and Revelations
Dreams and revelations *The world’s great religions and spiritual journeys emerged from dreams and visions. Neurochemistry tells us how* Patrick MacNamara is associate professor of neurology and psychiatry at the Boston University School of Medicine and a professor at Northcentral University. He has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals and several books on the science of sleep and dreams, and on the psychology and neurology of religion. He is also a founding director of the Institute for the Biocultural Study of Religion. ................................................. mais »
HANDY (sustainability)
Methodological and Ideological Options Human and nature dynamics (HANDY): Modeling inequality and use of resources in the collapse or sustainability of societies - Safa Motesharreia, , , - Jorge Rivasb, , - Eugenia Kalnayc, Show more http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.02.014Get rights and content Under a Creative Commons license Open Access ------------------------------ Highlights • HANDY is a 4-variable *thought*-*experiment* model for interaction of humans and nature. • The focus is on predicting long-term behavior rather than short-term forecasting. • Carry... mais »
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