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Monday, August 08, 2016

Exercise and Plant Protein: lower risks

Why prolonged sitting may increase risk of death
July 29, 2016

But an hour of moderate exercise a day is enough to counter health risks, say scientists in Lancet, based on data from 1 million men and women
American Heart Association | Signs and Symptoms of  VTE Prolonged sitting, such as watching a lot of television every day, may increase your risk of dying from a blood clot in the lung, according to a new open-access research letter published July 26 in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation. A lung blood clot (pulmonary embolism) … more…

Eating more plant protein associated with lower risk of death
August 1, 2016

Some high-protein plant-based foods (credit: iStock)Eating more protein from plant sources was associated with a lower risk of death, while eating more protein from animals was associated with a higher risk of death — especially among adults with at least one unhealthy behavior such as smoking, drinking, and being overweight or sedentary — according to an open-access survey article published … more…

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