Ten times more galaxies
Observable Universe contains ten times more galaxies than previously thoughtOctober 13, 2016 [image: New hope in the fight against tuberculosis]Among other data, scientists used the galaxies visible in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) to recalculate the total number of galaxies in the observable Universe. The image was taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and covers a portion of the southern field of GOODS. This is a large galaxy census, a deep-sky study by several observatories to trace the formation and evolution of galaxies. Credit: NASA, ESA/Hubble
Mês do Idoso Santa Casa 19-21 outubro

Billion Dollar Lies
[image: Go to the profile of Joe Brewer] Joe BrewerFollow I am a change strategist working on behalf of humanity, and also a complexity researcher, cognitive scientist, and evangelist for the field of culture design. 18 hrs ago Living in A World of Billion Dollar Lies Not knowing what’s going on may just be a sign of sanity in an insane world. Are you having a hard time knowing who to trust? Not sure what is going on in the world? Is your Facebook feed full of lies, misdirections, and half truths? This is because billions of dollars are being spent to confuse all of us. More than one b... mais »
Sugar Drinks
WHO urges global action to curtail consumption and health impacts of sugary drinks In a new WHO report launched this week on World Obesity Day, expert findings show that taxing sugary drinks can lower consumption and reduce obesity, type 2 diabetes and tooth decay. Fiscal policies that lead to an at least 20% increase in the retail price of sugary drinks would result in proportional reductions in consumption of such products. Read the press release Read the executive summary Read the report See the infographics *Copyright © 2016 World Health Organization, All rights reserved.* You ar...mais »
Surgery complications
When things go wrong after surgery, a patient’s fate & bills can vary widely by hospital http://scienmag.com/?p=1496083
Marie Curie
*Science* @scienmag 17h17 hours ago "All my life through, the new sights of Nature made me rejoice like a child." - Marie Curie
Life extent
*How long can we live?* (AP) by Alicia Chang Advances in medical science have been extending our lives for centuries. But a new study published in *Nature* suggests this won’t go on indefinitely. While the average lifetime could keep creeping up, the complicated nature of the aging process means the record for oldest person is likely to stay at 122 for the foreseeable future.
Células Tronco
Des cellules pour guérir le coeur *(enviado por meu amigo Alexandre Gruszynski)* Des chercheurs ont réussi à greffer à des singes des cellules-souches de coeur issues d’autres individus. De quoi imaginer la création de banques de cellules réparatrices destinées à l’être humain.
Depression Research Update: October 2016 October 05, 2016 | Major Depressive Disorder, Depression, Psychopharmacology By Mark L. Fuerst - - Three new studies help predict which patients with MDD may not respond to pharmacotherapy and which women may become depressed during menopause.[1-3] Scroll through the slides for the latest findings and take-home messages. To view the information in PDF format, click here. - *1. Depressed Patients With High-Status Occupations Are Less Likely to Respond to Antidepressants:*Patients with major depression (N = 654) who ... mais »
Parkinson's D
Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 diasThe epidemiology of Parkinson's disease: risk factors and prevention Prof Alberto Ascherio, MD[image: correspondence]Press enter key for correspondence information[image: email]Press enter key to Email the author , Prof Michael A Schwarzschild, MD Published: November 2016 [image: Article has an altmetric score of 1] DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1474-4422(16)30230-7 | - Summary - Full Text - Tables and Figures - References Summary Since 2006, several longitudinal studies have assessed environmental or behavioural factors that seem to modify the risk of developing Parkins...mais »
Working Over 25 Hours Per Week After Age 40 Could Lead to a Decline in Cognition, Study Finds
Google em 33 fotos

New post on *Mind Hacks* Do students know what’s good for them?by tomstafford Of course they do, and of course they don't. Putting a student at the centre of their own learning seems like fundamental pedagogy. The Constructivist approach to education emphasises the need for knowledge to reassembled in the mind of the learner, and the related impossibility of its direct transmission from the mind of the teacher. Believe this, and student input into how they learn must follow. At the same time, we know there is a deep neurobiological connection between the machinery of reward in our br... mais »
Medical Technology
New catheter lets doctors see inside arteries for first time October 5, 2016 [image: Image-guided catheter with a camera the size of a grain of salt (credit: UC San Diego Health)] A new safer catheter design that allows cardiologists to see inside arteries for the first time and remove plaque from only diseased tissue has been used by interventional cardiologists at UC San Diego Health. The new image-guided device, Avinger’s Pantheris, allows doctors to see and remove plaque simultaneously during an atherectomy — a minimally invasive … more… Genetically engineered peptides on 2D na... mais »
Coming soon: a 3-D computer model of a cell October 7, 2016 [image: The image from co-author Arthur Olson's lab at the Scripps Research Institute shows a preliminary model of mycoplasma mycoides. Modeling by Ludovic Autin and David Goodsell, rendering by Adam Gardner. (credit: The Scripps Research Institute)] Heralds a new era for biological research, medical science, and health Advances in molecular biology and computer science may soon lead to a three-dimensional computer model of a cell, heralding a new era for biological research, medical science, and human and animal health, a... mais »
The wealth of Humans

Our Planet
Dave Brain: What a planet needs to sustain life 13:42 minutes · Filmed Sep 2015 · Posted Aug 2016 · TEDxBoulder "Venus is too hot, Mars is too cold, and Earth is just right," says planetary scientist Dave Brain. But why? In this pleasantly humorous talk, Brain explores the fascinating science behind what it takes for a planet to host life -- and why humanity may just be in the right place at the right time when it comes to the timeline of life-sustaining planets. Watch now » PLAYLIST OF THE WEEK Reconnect with natureGet inspired to go out and rediscover the wonders of the natural worl... mais »
Economy of Children’s Health
Vol 6, No 2 (2015)International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies The *International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies* (IJCYFS) is a peer reviewed, open access, interdisciplinary, cross-national journal that is committed to scholarly excellence in the field of research about and services for children, youth, families and their communities. *Special Issue on the Political Economy of Children’s Health*. Table of ContentsEditorial INTRODUCTION TO THE SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF CHILDREN’S HEALTH Toba Bryant, Dennis Raphael/.../
SBR ´Dr. Fernando Robinson Neubarth
[image: Exibindo FullSizeRender.jpg]
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