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Sunday, October 18, 2015

2728 - AMICOR 18 - Feliz dia do Médico 2015

18 de Outubro Dia do Médico


Ciência e Arte

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 horas
*Artigo que enviei para ZH pela proximidade com o Dia do Médico, mas não tenho mais esperança que publiquem* Ciência e Arte Aloyzio Achutti. Médico. O extraordinário desenvolvimento científico leva-nos à ilusão de que ciência e tecnologia são suficientes, desvalorizando a arte necessária para a aplicação do conhecimento e das habilidades. Qualquer atividade profissional - em especial a medicina - exige ciência e arte para compatibilizar ciência com humanidade. Conforme William Osler (pai da clínica moderna) a incerteza biológica deve, e precisa, ser complementada pela arte da proba... mais »

15 de Outubro - Dia do Professor.

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 horas
Apezar de tudo, Um abraço e votos de coragem e persistência aos AMICOR/Professores

basic life processes

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 horas
Protein-folding discovery opens a window on basic life processes October 16, 2015 [image: Proteins can go through odd changes as they shift from one stable shape to a different, folded one. (credit: Oregon State University)] Biochemists at Oregon State University have made a fundamental discovery about protein structure that sheds new light on how proteins fold — one of the most basic processes of life. Even the process of thinking involves proteins at the end of one neuron passing a message to different proteins on the next neuron. The findings, … more… [image: nanoncar] Nanobots: T... mais »

Neurologic repair

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 horas
Chemical transformation of human astroglial cells into neurons for brain repair October 15, 2015 [image: Astroglial cells after treatment with small-molecule cocktails in the lab of Gong Chen at Penn State University, showing transformation into neurons with long axons and dendrites (credit: Gong Chen lab, Penn State University)] May lead to drugs that restore brain functions lost after traumatic injuries, stroke, or diseases such as Alzheimer's Researchers have succeeded in transforming human support brain cells, called astroglial cells, into functioning neurons for brain repair. Th... mais »

Imaging living brain

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 horas
Imaging study shows you (and your fluid intelligence) can be identified by your brain activity October 13, 2015 [image: A connectome maps connections between different brain networks (credit: Emily Finn)] Your brain activity appears to be as unique as your fingerprints, a new Yale-led “connectome fingerprinting” study published Monday (Oct. 12) in the journal Nature Neuroscience has found. By analyzing* “connectivity profiles” (coordinated activity between pairs of brain regions) of fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) images from 126 subjects, the Yale researchers were able ... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 horas
Un concentré d'esprit français aux valeurs universelles *Referência de meu amigo Alexandre Henrique Gruszynski* [image: Le dessinateur et scénariste de bande dessinée Albert Uderzo pose à côté d'une pancarte d'Asterix et Obelix durant une conférence de presse, le 12 octobre 2015 à Paris] Le dessinateur et scénariste de bande dessinée Albert Uderzo pose à côté d'une pancarte d'Asterix et Obelix durant une conférence de presse, le 12 octobre 2015 à Paris - Bertrand Guay 16 OCT 2015 Mise à jour 17.10.2015 à 15:30 Par Franck IOVENE AFP © 2015 AFP dans - Accueil - France ... mais »

Hospital Moinhos de Vento

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
Hospital Moinhos de Vento lança galeria para homenagear médicos que atuaram na instituição Na sexta-feira (16), o Hospital Moinhos de Vento realizará o seu já tradicional café da manhã e fará o lançamento da Galeria da Excelência Médica. A comemoração é em virtude ao Dia do Médico, celebrado no dia 18 de outubro. O evento, voltado apenas para convidados, contará com a presença do corpo clínico, homenageados e seus familiares.

William E. Paul (1936–2015)

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
Nature 526, 324 (15 October 2015) doi:10.1038/526324aPublished online 14 October 2015A leading force in immunology. Ronald N. Germain *William Erwin Paul* was a major contributor to the development of modern immunology. He helped to transform cytokine biology, the study of small proteins involved in cell signalling, from crude assessments of uncharacterized cellular 'factors' into a science involving precise quantitative molecular analyses. He also elucidated the mechanisms controlling the production of antibodies — proteins that recognize and bind to specific antigens such as bacter... mais »

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