Association of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thinning With Current and Future Cognitive Decline |
JAMA Neurology |
This community-based cohort study explores the association between future declines in cognitive function and a thinner retinal nerve fiber layer in a large population of healthy UK adults. |
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Saturday, June 30, 2018
Retinal Thinning
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prevalence induced concept change

The Problem with Solving Problemsby Neuroscience News Researchers say prevalence induced concept changes cause people to redefine problems as they are reduced. Read more of this post[image: people sitting in a circle] Perhaps the most socially relevant of the studies described in the paper, Gilbert said, involved participants acting as members of an institutional review board, the committee that reviews research methodology to ensure that scientific studies are ethical. image is in the public domain. *Neuroscience News* | June 29, 2018 at 6:08 pm | Tags: prevalenc... mais »
Healthy Urban Mobility
MOVING TOWARDS HEALTHIER, MORE EQUITABLE CITIES IN BRAZIL: THE HEALTHY URBAN MOBILITY (HUM) PROJECT May 24, 2018 *Sabrina da Rosa Machry* The *Healthy Urban Mobility (HUM)* project is entering its final stage. The research aims to find relevant correlations between urban morphology, modes of transport and its effects in individual and collective health, studying the three Brazilian cities of Brasília, Florianópolis and Porto Alegre, along with Oxford, in the United Kingdom. A video is now available of the preliminary research, including aerial drone footage of the case study areas to... mais »
Internet People
The 25 Most Influential People on the InternetFrom BTS to Ninja, our list of the 25 most influential people on the internet who had the most impact on social media and the news
BP and Cognition
How High Blood Pressure Hurts Cognitionby Neuroscience News Researchers report impairments in the neuroprotective communication between neural blood vessels, astrocytes and neurons may be an early factor in how high blood pressure may impair cognitive function. Read more of this post

AD and exosomes
New Mechanism to Explain the Spread of Alzheimer’s Discoveredby Neuroscience News Researchers report exosomes help neuron-to-neuron growth and the transfer of oligomer amyloid beta, resulting in apoptosis. The study reveals exosomes may be a primary mediator of the pathogenic progression of Alzheimer's disease. Read more of this post
English reformation
Sometimes circumstances can change rapidly. In the 1520s, an English translation of the Bible by William Tyndale had been deemed heresy. But by the late 1530s, with King Henry VIII's cataclysmic split from the Catholic church, having an English translation of the Bible became not only desirable but mandatory. Its introduction helped usher in a fertile period of English literature, with such luminaries as John Milton, John Bunyan, William Blake, Alfred Tennyson, and eventually William Shakespeare, and also helped fuse the English identity with the Protestant faith:
Germs hidden into the glaciers
[image: And we thought bubonic plague was a thing of the past…] *And we thought bubonic plague was a thing of the past…* There are ancient diseases frozen in glaciers, that if released could cause environmental catastrophe. *Greg Foot reveals all >*
World in data
Memorizing these three statistics will help you understand the world By Max Roser | June 26, 2018 One of my favorite websites is Based at the University of Oxford, it uses statistics—on everything from health and population growth to war, the environment, and energy—to give you phenomenal insight into how living conditions are changing around the world. I asked its founder, Oxford economist Max Roser, to share three facts from the site that everyone should know. Here’s what Max had to say. – Bill Gates/.../
Human Evolution
*Recomendado pelo AMICOR Moacyr Saffer * *Are humans still evolving?By Lucy Jones* [image: Will technology affect our evolution? © Donald Iain Smith/Getty] To understand our future evolution we need to look to our past Will our descendants be cyborgs with hi-tech machine implants, regrowable limbs and cameras for eyes like something out of a science fiction novel? Might humans morph into a hybrid species of biological and artificial beings? Or could we become smaller or taller, thinner or fatter, or even with different facial features and skin colour? Of course, we don’t know, bu... mais »
*Association of a Bundled Hospital-at-Home and 30-Day Postacute Transitional Care Program With Clinical Outcomes and Patient Experiences * Alex D. Federman, MD, MPH; Tacara Soones, MD, MPH; Linda V. DeCherrie, MD; et al Invited Commentary: Hospital-at-Home Care Programs—Is the Hospital of the Future at Home?; Joshua M. Liao, MD, MSc; Amol Navathe, MD, PhD; Matthew J. Press, MD, MSc Alex D. Federman, MD, MPH1; Tacara Soones, MD, MPH2; Linda V. DeCherrie, MD 1,3; et alBruce Leff, MD4; Albert L. Siu, MD, MSPH3,5 Author Affiliations Article Information JAMA Intern Med. Published online Jun... mais »
Association of Hydrochlorothiazide Use With Risk of Malignant Melanoma Anton Pottegård, MScPharm, PhD1; Sidsel Arnspang Pedersen, MD1,2,3; Sigrun Alba Johannesdottir Schmidt, MD, PhD4; et alLisbet Rosenkrantz Hölmich, MD, DMSc5; Søren Friis, MD4,6,7; David Gaist, MD, PhD2,3 Author Affiliations Article Information JAMA Intern Med. Published online May 29, 2018. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2018.1652 We have recently shown that hydrochlorothiazide use increases the risk of lip and nonmelanoma skin cancer, notably squamous cell carcinoma.1,2 It would have substantial implications if the carc... mais »
Screening for Cardiovascular Disease Risk With Electrocardiography R. Sacha Bhatia, MD, MBA1,2,3; Paul Dorian, MD, MSc3,4 Author Affiliations Article Information JAMA Intern Med. Published online June 12, 2018. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2018.2773 related articles icon Related Articles - - In 1968, Wilson and Jungner1 outlined the 10 key principles for an ideal screening program. To paraphrase this classic article, a screening program should (1) focus on a common, treatable medical condition; (2) use a suitable, cost-effective test that can accurately detect the condition; ... mais »
Tabela Periódica

Inteligência artificial recria a Tabela Periódica dos Elementos sem a ajuda de humanosPor Natasha Romanzoti, em 26.06.2018 A Tabela Periódica dos Elementos, em sua forma atual, é indiscutivelmente uma das maiores realizações científicas em química. Os humanos levaram quase um século de tentativa e erro para organizar essa belíssima tabela, mas um novo programa de inteligência artificial (IA) desenvolvido por físicos da Universidade de Stanford (EUA) acabou de realizar o mesmo feito em apenas algumas horas./.../
AD and Down S. and Diabetes

Genes Linking Alzheimer’s to Down Syndrome Discoveredby Neuroscience News Researchers report extra copies of genes on chromosome 21 increase Alzheimer's like pathology and cognitive impairment in mouse models of Down syndrome. The findings provide insight into early onset Alzheimer's in those with Down syndrome. Read more of this post Scientists are a step closer to understanding which genes are responsible for early onset Alzheimer’s disease in people with Down syndrome, thanks to a new study led by researchers at the Francis Crick Institute and UCL along with an international group... mais »
Câncer Registro
*O registro compulsório do câncer agora é lei!* A regra, sancionada pelo Presidente da República, vai beneficiar pacientes de câncer em todo o país e trazer dados qualificados para melhorar o manejo da doença. Essa é uma vitória incrível para os pacientes, resultado do trabalho focado da coalisão GoAll, da FEMAMA e de suas ONGs associadas. Estamos muito felizes e gratos por esse momento e por todos que se envolveram com esse objetivo! Leia mais ------------------------------ ------------------------------ FEMAMA Federação Brasileira de Instituições Filantrópicas de Apoio à Saúde da ... mais »
GBD Neurological Disorders

Oct 8, 2017 Sait Mentes Birlik added *2 research items from Researchgate* Global, regional, and national burden of neurological disorders during 1990-2015: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 - [image: Valery Feigin] Valery Feigin - [image: Amanuel Abajobir] Amanuel Abajobir - [image: Kalkidan Hassen Abate] Kalkidan Hassen Abate - [...] - [image: Theo Vos] Theo Vos Summary Background Comparable data on the global and country-specific burden of neurological disorders and their trends are crucial for health-care planning ... mais »
UN Charter
Monash University
View in your browser [image: New Scientist] [image: Monash University] Every now and then *New Scientist* helps a carefully selected commercial partner speak to our audience. Their support helps us produce the high quality journalism we bring you every week. We hope you find today's message relevant and useful. [image: A Different Lens - A Monash documentary series] Go beyond the headlines with *A Different Lens* How do the brightest minds tackle the toughest challenges of our times? And how do different disciplines approach these complex problems? *A Different Lens* is a... mais »

3:01 FEATURES & OPINION Missing matter found in the cosmic web Not only is 95% of the Universe made up of baffling dark matter and energy, up to 40% of the remaining ordinary matter is missing. This elusive ‘baryonic’ matter is thought to be distributed through the Universe like a cosmic web. Now, observations of X-rays from a quasar, which shine through the web like a lighthouse through fog, seem to offer the first solid evidence of the mysterious matter. Astronomer Taotao Fang explores why the missing baryons have been so difficult to detect. Nature News & Views | 6 min read Refere... mais »
life expectancy
The association between income and life expectancy revisited: deindustrialization, incarceration and the widening health gap Elias Nosrati Michael Ash Michael Marmot Martin McKee Lawrence P King *International Journal of Epidemiology*, Volume 47, Issue 3, 1 June 2018, Pages 720–730, Published: 22 November 2017 Article history - Cite - Permissions - Share Abstract Background The health gap between the top and the bottom of the income distribution is widening rapidly in the USA, but the lifespan of America’s poor depends substant... mais »
Microbioma and Immune system

Gut Bacteria Influences Metabolism Through the Immune Systemby Neuroscience News [image: a fly and bacteria]The fly intestine shares much of the same physiology of the human intestine, just simpler and on a smaller scale. image is adapted from the Boston Children’s Hospital news release. Digestive enteroendocrine cells use an innate immune pathway to respond to good bacteria by fine tuning metabolism to diet and intestinal conditions, a new study reveals. Read more of this post *Neuroscience News* | June 24, 2018 at 10:56 am | Tags: enteroendocrine cells, immun... mais »
Cardiology from 1950
*Review Articles Appoited by the AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja* A view from the millennium: the practice of cardiology circa 1950 and thereafter☆ Author links open overlay panelMark ESilvermanMD, FACCa Show more rights and content Under an Elsevier user license open archive Abstract The knowledge and treatment of cardiology as practiced circa 1950 is discussed as abstracted from authoritative textbooks of that time and other sources. Advances in treatment and diagnostic techniques since 1950 are presented. Dramatic changes in cardi... mais »
Gluconeogenesis Gluconeogenesis is the process that leads to the generation of glucose from a variety of sources such as pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, and certain amino acids. From: Signal Transduction (Third Edition), 2016
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