AMICORE-Book: atualizado 05/06/2016
AMICORE-BOOK [image: ISFC logo139.jpg] AMICOR PROJETO DE E-BOOK Aproveito a mensagem de Alerta semanal para convidar para uma visita a um novo Blog onde pretendo reunir artigos meus, muitos já publicados - inclusive esparsos pelo Blog AMICOR - como um projeto de E-Book ou mesmo de um futuro livro. Índice para o AMICORE-BOOK.BLOGSPOT.COM: 1. *Estendendo a opinião* 2. *AMICOR* 3. *Carnaval* 4. *Bôrtolo Achutti* 5. *Histórias que meu pai contava - 1* 6. *Histórias que meu pai contava - 2* 7. *Histórias que meu pai contava - 3* 8. *Bairro Itararé - SM* 9. *O T... mais »
Genetic Enhancement?

Homo Sapiens 2.0? We need a species-wide conversation about the future of human genetic enhancementMay 2, 2016 [image: Genome Editing ft] *By Jamie Metzl (@JamieMetzl)* *McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT | Genome Editing with CRISPR-Cas9* After 4 billion years of evolution by one set of rules, our species is about to begin evolving by another. Overlapping and mutually reinforcing revolutions in genetics, information technology, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and other fields are providing the tools that will make it possible to genetically alter our future… re... mais »
Junk DNA ?

No longer ‘junk DNA’ — shedding light on the ‘dark matter’ of the genome A new tool called "LIGR-Seq" enables scientists to explore in depth what non-coding RNAs actually do in human cells May 23, 2016 [image: A plot of human RNA-RNA interactions detected by ligr-seq (credit: University of Toronto)] What used to be dismissed by many as “junk DNA” has now become vitally important, as accelerating genomic data points to the importance of non-coding RNAs(ncRNAs) — a genome’s messages that do not specifically code for proteins — in development and disease. But our progress in understanding... mais »
Diet and fiber

Dietary fiber has biggest influence on successful aging, research revealsJune 2, 2016 [image: (credit: iStock)] Eating the right amount of dietary fiberfrom breads, cereals, and fruits can help us avoid disease and disability into old age, according to an open-access paper published in *The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences* by scientists fromThe Westmead Institute for Medical Research in Australia. Using data compiled from the Blue Mountains Eye Study, a benchmark population-based study… read more *Topics:* Biomed/Longevity Comments (5)
stem cells for chronic stroke

Chronic stroke patients safely recover after injection of human stem cells Stanford researchers now actively recruiting 156 patients for new trial June 5, 2016 [image: Sonia Olea Coontz had a stroke in 2011 that affected the movement of her right arm and leg. After modified stem cells were injected into her brain as part of a clinical trial, she says her limbs "woke up." (credit: Mark Rightmire/Stanford University School of Medicine)] Injecting specially prepared human adult stem cells directly into the brains of chronic stroke patients proved safe and effective in restoring motor (mus... mais »
WHO Urban Health positions opened
DORA, Carlos Francisco C. [image: Anexos]08:25 (Há 47 minutos) Dear colleagues, We have a few positions opened for the WHO forthcoming work on Urban Health, one for an economist, one for an urban health expert and one for a project officer/manager. These – especially the economist one, are closing soon. The group will work closely with colleagues in the same team who will do modelling and statistical analyses of health impacts from public policies. The initial focus for this work are the health co-benefits of policies aimed at reducing air and climate pollutants in cities. Th... mais »
Immune System
*Recomendado pela AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja* Search SUBSCRIBE LOG IN Sunday Review The New York Times SANTTU MUSTONEN Educate Your Immune SystemOur bodies are confused by this 21st-century world. - - - By MOISES VELASQUEZ-MANOFF JUNE 3, 2016 IN the last half-century, the prevalence of autoimmune disease — disorders in which the immune system attacks healthy tissue in the body — has increased sharply in the developed world. An estimated one in 13 Americans has one of these often debilitating, generally lifelong conditions. Many, like Type 1 diabetes andceliac... mais »
Neuroelectric signaling netwolrk
[image: Image shows a neuron.] New Insights Into Brain’s Signaling Network *Summary: A new study reports reseachers have taken an important step toward deciphering the brain’s complex neuroelectric communication system that could underlie sleep disorders and conditions such as Alzheimer’s, epilepsy and schizophrenia.* *Source: Purdue.* *Researchers have taken an important step toward deciphering the brain’s complex neuroelectric communication system that could underlie sleep disorders and conditions such as Alzheimer’s, epilepsy and schizophrenia./.../*
Hebrew Manuscripts
08 May 2016 Lights, Camera, Action! Filming for the Hebrew Manuscripts Digitisation Project In late 2015 I was planning a short video to introduce the Hebrew Manuscripts Digitisation Project. This project, which started in 2013, has been digitising about 1,300 manuscripts from the British Library’s significant collection of Hebrew manuscripts. So far, almost 800 manuscripts have been uploaded to the Digitised Manuscripts website, and the rest will be uploaded within the next few months. Generously funded by The Polonsky Foundation, this project allows Hebrew manuscripts to be freely... mais »
Alzheimer's sign
Head Turning Sign May Help Identify Alzheimer's Pauline Anderson June 01, 2016 COPENHAGEN — A simple, rapid test called the Head Turning Sign (HTS) may help to assess the presence of Alzheimer's disease (AD) dementia. Patients who turn their head toward their caregiver for assistance or cues to help them answer simple questions are more likely to have AD dementia than mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or frontotemporal dementia (FTD), a new study shows. "Turning one's head should be regarded as a warning sign, although a nonspecific warning sign, for AD, especially if it's repeated throu...mais »
NMNAT2 and Alzheimer
New Ways to Protect Against Neurodegeneration NEUROSCIENCE NEWSJUNE 2, 2016 *Summary: NMNAT2 may protect against the debilitating effects of some neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease.* *Source: Indiana University.* *Higher levels of an enzyme in the brain correlate with better cognitive function in older people.* A study led by biomedical researchers at Indiana University has found evidence that an enzyme known as NMNAT2 may help protect against the debilitating effects of certain degenerative brain diseases, including Alzheimer’s. The research was led by Hui-Chen ... mais »
How One Man Came to Own the Skies and Make Aviation History - Peter B. Doran @PeterBDoran June 1, 2016 Adicionar legenda Viking *Peter B. Doran is the Vice President of Research at the Center for European Policy Analysis at the Center for European Policy Analysis and the author of* Breaking Rockefeller. In 1903, the Wright brothers invented the airplane. In 1910, Glenn H. Curtiss topped their monopoly on aviation RECOMMENDED FOR YOU [image: China’s Richest Man Opens Theme Park With Warning for Disney] China’s Richest Man Opens Theme Park With Warning for Disney [image: Why th... mais »
Dia Mundial Sem Fumo
World No Tobacco Day 2016 Ontem, 31 de maio de 2016 - Dia Mundial sem Tabaco - perguntei-me ao passar frente o deteriorado monumento em homenagem ao saudoso Professor Mário Rigatto, se era tão curta nossa memória, ou se não valorizávamos mais uma de suas principais bandeiras alertando para os riscos do tabagismo. Eu não poderia esquecer o Rigatto que me antecedeu por quatro anos na universidade, a quem tive a honra de suceder em 1971 na presidência da Comissão Científica da AMRIGS, como companheiro em inúmeras atividades relacion... mais »
Alzheimer D and infections
*From Scientific America: * Antimicrobial Mechanism Gone Rogue May Play Role in Alzheimer's Disease A new study finds that a key protein implicated in Alzheimer’s may normally protect the brain from infectionBy Jordana Cepelewicz on May 26, 2016 Brain scan of a patient affected by Alzheimer's Disease. *Credit: Photo By BSIP/UIG via Getty Images* General consensus among Alzheimer’s researchers has it that the disease’s main culprit, a protein called amyloid beta, is an unfortunate waste product that is not known to play any useful role in the body—and one that can have devastating co... mais »
Loss of Y Chromosome
Loss of Y Chromosome Linked to Alzheimer's in Men By Larry Hand May 31, 2016 NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Lifetime-acquired loss of Y chromosome (LOY) in blood in men may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and may explain why men live shorter lives than women on average, according to new research. Dr. Jan P. Dumanski of Uppsala University in Sweden and colleagues analyzed data from three independent studies of dementia: two prospective studies and one case-control study. All participants were genotyped, and the researchers used a continuous variable, the median of the log R... mais »
Stress and Cognition Decline
Hormone Causes Decline in Cognition After Social Stress *Summary: Researchers explore how stress can influence our cognitive performance.* *Source: Max Planck Institute.* *How does stress influence our cognitive performance? This is an issue scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich have been dealing with. For the first time, they have identified a brain mechanism that explains why the cognitive performance of mice is reduced after being exposed to social stress. This finding will help to improve our understanding and treatment of disorders involving cognitive dec... mais »
Pain Reliever
New Class of Pain Relievers Discovered and Tested NEUROSCIENCE NEWSJUNE 1, 2016 *Summary: Researchers say a new compound simultaneously blocks two sought after pain targets.* *Source: Duke.* *New drug blocks two sought-after pain targets.* A research team at Duke University has discovered a potential new class of small-molecule drugs that simultaneously block two sought-after targets in the treatment of pain. These proof-of-concept experiments, published June 1 in* Scientific Reports*, could lead to the development of a new drug to treat conditions including skin irritation and itchin...mais »
Ancient Greek Astronomy

REMARKABLE ASTRONOMICAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE ANCIENT GREEKS -- 6/01/16 *Today's selection -- from To Explain the World by Steven Weinberg.*Thousands of years before Christopher Columbus, the early Greek philosopher Aristotle laid out the reasons for concluding that the Earth was round, and from that point forward,this became the prevailing view among ancient astronomers and philosophers./.../
lobby cigarettier
Comment le lobby cigarettier a influencé une étude Alors que plusieurs pays européens réfléchissent à l'introduction du paquet de cigarettes neutre, des experts mettent en garde contre une étude aux conclusions controversées Le 31 mai prochain aura lieu la «journée mondiale sans tabac». À cette occasion, l’OMS invite les Etats à «se préparer au paquet neutre», comme l’on déjà fait l'Australie en 2012 et la France en ce mois de mai. Bien que certaines études scientifiques nient l’effet d’un paquet de cigarettes neutre sur la population de fumeurs, leCIPRET, centre d’information pour la... mais »
Philosophy Encyclopedia

About the IEP *The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy* (IEP) (ISSN 2161-0002) was founded in 1995 as a non-profit organization to provide open access to detailed, scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy. The Encyclopedia receives no funding, and operates through the volunteer work of the editors, authors, volunteers, and technical advisers. At present the IEP is visited over 950,000 times per month. The Encyclopedia is free of charge and available to all users of the Internet world-wide. The staff of 30 editors and approximately 300 authors ho... mais »
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