AMICORE-Book atualizado em 19/06/2016
Molecular Sex
*Molecular sex* *Arunas L Radzvilavicius* is an evolutionary biologist at University College, London. His main scientific interests include modelling the involvement of mitochondria in the evolution of sex, sexes and development of complex life. [image: Idea sized nichd 19124186316 6eab18bc21 o] At its heart, sex is a process of genetic mixing: it creates unique sets of genes and trait combinations different from either of the two parents. In eukaryotes (organisms such as animals and plants), the molecular machinery of recombination deliberately breaks the chromosomes into chunks,... mais »
Neurociência x psicanálise ??
*Enviado pela AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja*'Estudos de neurociência superaram a psicanálise', diz pesquisador brasileiro JULIANA CUNHA ENVIADA ESPECIAL A BUENOS AIRES 18/06/2016 02h00 Com 60 anos de carreira, 22.794 citações em periódicos, 60 premiações e 710 artigos publicados, Ivan Izquierdo, 78, é o neurocientista mais citado e um dos mais respeitados da América Latina. Nascido na Argentina, ele mora no Brasil há 40 anos e foi naturalizado brasileiro em 1981. Hoje coordena o Centro de Memória do Instituto do Cérebro da PUC-RS. Suas pesquisas ajudaram a entender os difere... mais »
Antiaging supplements
Deep neural networks to help identify, formulate advanced antiaging supplements June 7, 2016 [image: (credit: InSilico Medicine)] Life Extension teams with Insilico Medicine to use big data and deep learning to identify and develop natural approaches to promote health and support extended human longevity, including "geroprotectors" Insilico Medicine and Life Extension announced today an exclusive collaboration to identify novel biomarkers of human aging through the use of big-data analytics and AI, with the ultimate goal of discovery and formulation of nutrients to support health and... mais »
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
Home Featured Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in the Pathology of Alzheimer’s Disease NEUROSCIENCE NEWSJUNE 18, 2016*Summary: A new study looks at the role nicotinic acetylcholine receptors play in Alzheimer’s disease.* *Source: Bentham Science Publishers.*[image: Image shows the chemical structure of nAChR.] *The ability of protein interactions to modify nAChR function adds a completely new level of complexity to cholinergic signaling in the brain that may be specifically altered in AD. image is for illustrative purposes only.* *Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors... mais »
Blood Test for Depression
Home Featured Blood Test Can Help Personalize Depression Treatments [image: Image shows SSRI pills.] *Summary: A new blood test can accurately predict whether a person will respond to common antidepressants.* Source: King’s College London. *Scientists at King’s College London have developed a blood test that accurately and reliably predicts whether depressed patients will respond to common antidepressants, which could herald a new era of personalised treatment for people with depression./.../* ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUG ENHANCE FILLING OF CONTROL IN DEPRESSION
BACE Inhibitor
New Alzheimer’s Study Aims to Delay or Prevent Symptoms NEUROSCIENCE NEWSJUNE 17, 2016 *Summary: A new study will test a promising drug aimed at preventing or delaying Alzheimer’s symptoms.* *Source: USC.* *The international trial co-managed by USC will test a drug in people who show no symptoms of the disease.* *[image: Image shows amyloid deposits in the hippocampus.]* In a person with Alzheimer’s, harmful amyloid beta clusters (red) build up among neurons (green) in a memory-related area of the brain. image is credited to Strittmatter Laboratory, Yale University... mais »
Carcinogenicity of drinking very hot beverages
Carcinogenicity of drinking coffee, mate, and very hot beverages Dana Loomis , Kathryn Z Guyton , Yann Grosse , Béatrice Lauby-Secretan , Fatiha El Ghissassi , Véronique Bouvard , Lamia Benbrahim-Tallaa , Neela Guha , Heidi Mattock , Kurt Straif on behalf of the International Agency for Research on Cancer Monograph Working Group [image: Article has an altmetric score of 618] DOI: Article Info No data is available - Summary - Full Text - Tables and Figures - References In May, 2016, a Working Group of 23 scientists from... mais »
History of the Cities
*HISTORY OF THE CITIES* Watch as the world’s cities are born one-by-one over 6000 years June 15, 2016 Watch as the world’s cities are born one-by-one, beginning with [arguably] the very first city in 3700 BC and continuing up to the present. Use the controls at the bottom to pause/resume the map and to move back and forth in time *The history of urbanization, 3700 BC – 2000 AD (full-screen version)* *full screen / video* *By 2030, 75 percent of the world’s population is expected to be living in cities. * *Today, about 54 percent of us do. In 1960, only 34 percent of the world lived... mais »
Alzheimer D
*Alzheimer's / Dementia News* Alzheimer's researchers find clues to toxic forms of amyloid beta A New Role For Amyloid Beta in Alzheimer’sby Neuroscience News Researchers have developed a new technique to measure levels of amyloid beta in the brain. They have also discovered new insights into why mutations of the TREM2 gene increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Read more of this post Researchers Block Action of Alzheimer’s Tau Protein in Miceby Neuroscience News Researchers report a drug called phenylbutyrate may protect against damage caused by the tau protein in Al... mais »
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