3.078 - AMICOR (24)
#Dra. Valderês A. Robinson Achutti (*13/06/1931+15/06/2021 - 10 meses)
O mesmo sorriso de sempre...Novembro 1995, no Lago Titicaca, na Bolívia.(clicar em Apresentação de Slides)
#Quanta Magazine
Deep Learning Poised to ‘Blow Up’ Famed Fluid EquationsBy JORDANA CEPELEWICZ For centuries, mathematicians have tried to prove that Euler’s fluid equations can produce nonsensical answers. A new approach to machine learning has researchers betting that “blowup” is near.
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 | Scientists Unravel How the Tonga Volcano Caused Global TsunamisBy ROBIN GEORGE ANDREWS The Tonga eruption in January was “basically like Krakatoa 2.” This time, geophysicists could explain the tiny tsunamis that cropped up all over the planet, solving a 139-year-old mystery about Tonga’s predecessor.
Read the article Related: Why Earth’s Cracked Crust May Be Essential for Life by Rebecca Boyle (2018) |
 | Life With Longer Genetic Codes Seems Possible — but Less LikelyBy YASEMIN SAPLAKOGLU Life’s genetic code is based on sequences of nucleotide bases read as three-letter “words.” A new study suggests that a code based on four-letter words is biophysically possible but poses challenges.
Read the blog Related: Is a Bigger Genetic Code Better? Get Ready to Find Out by Jordana Cepelewicz (2018) |
 | Researchers Gain New Understanding From Simple AIBy MORDECHAI RORVIG Language processing programs are notoriously hard to interpret, but smaller versions can provide important insights into how they work.
Read the blog Related: Will Transformers Take Over Artificial Intelligence? by Stephen Ornes |
 | Secrets of Early Animal Evolution Revealed by Chromosome ‘Tectonics’Podcast hosted by SUSAN VALOT; Story by VIVIANE CALLIER Large blocks of genes conserved through hundreds of millions of years of evolution hint at how the first animal chromosomes came to be.
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Don't Give Me That Face Selective breeding may be responsible for your pet’s puppy-dog eyes. Domesticated dogs have more mimetic facial muscles than wild dogs, allowing them to emote more clearly, Elana Spivack reports for Inverse. Facial expressiveness is one of the many signatures of canine domestication. Other signs are now appearing in some dingo populations that live close to humans, Carrie Arnold wrote for Quanta in 2018.
This Could Be Ground, Breaking A new deep-learning algorithm that helps scientists sort meaningful signals from seismic noise is improving the detection of earthquakes in urban areas, Rhiannon Williams reports for MIT Technology Review. AI can help not only with earthquake detection but also prediction. In 2019 Ashley Smart reported for Quanta on an algorithm that helped scientists predict when “slow slip” quakes would occur. A recent mathematical model also helps predict how damaging a quake will be. As Robin George Andrews reported for Quanta in 2020, large rocks bouncing like pinballs inside a fault make destructive high-frequency seismic waves. |
O palestrante da Sessão será Luiz Eduardo Achutti, professor, doutor em Antropologia e fotógrafo renomado. Palestra: Fotos que Vivi. Achutti 45 anos de Fotografia. .... Convidem familiares e amigos.
.... Miriam Oliveira. Diretora Cultural da ASRM. Gestão Luiz Lavinsky (2021-2022)
LE: 15/04/2022 01:10
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#Penguin Random House
| | #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In Sapiens, he explored our past. In Homo Deus, he looked to our future . Now, one of the most innovative thinkers on the planet turns to the present...... READ MORE ▸ | | |
#Alzheimer Association
Discovery of Alzheimer’s genes could lead to treatment pathways
| An additional 42 genes connected to the development of Alzheimer's, including ones tied to inflammation and the body’s immune system, have been uncovered in the largest study of genetic risk for the disease to date. Experts say the discovery will provide researchers with potential new targets for treatments, medications and lifestyle changes that might reduce Alzheimer’s risk. |
#Grupo A+
Medicina Ambulatorial, 5ªedição
De: Michele Petró Kuhn Analista Administrativo • Produção editoria
WhatsApp (51) 99345-8878 linkedin.com/in/michelepetrókuhn Ernesto Alves, 150 • Porto Alegre/RS |
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