3.091 - AMICOR (25)
Agradeço a todos que já se manifestaram sobre continuidade e conteúdo de nosso Blog, e me mantenho atento para qualquer sugestão adicional. Segue o convite inicial:
Como sabem, já fazem 25 anos que estou na rede, tentando me manter atualizado. A proposta inicial era de um instrumento para guardar referências interessantes, disponibilizando-as também para amigos e visitantes...Com o desenvolvimento dos meios de comunicação, sempre me questiono da sua utilidade, e de como me manter atualizado. Opiniões, críticas e sugestões serão sempre bem vindas.
#Dra. Valderês Antonietta Robinson Achutti (*13/06/1931+15/06/2021) 
Dentro das muralhas do Kremlin em junho de 1985
Durante 1o. Congresso Mundial de Cardiologia Preventiva
Dia 27/06/2022 Da. Lea Pizani Robinson estaria completando 111 anos. Para lembrá-la, acrescento uma foto dela com a primeira filha, Valderês, provavelmente de 1934.

Léa Pizani Robinson *27/06/1911 +25/06/1991 e Valderês *1931 + 2021
#Associação Amigos do Teatro São Pedro
ao Theatro São Pedro na semana de comemorações dos seus 164 anos. Vida longa a este ícone cultural da cidade, que não para de crescer, oferecendo cada vez mais opções de espaços e uma programação artística de alta qualidade. A Associação dos Amigos do Theatro São Pedro colabora nestas melhorias, e por isto, é fundamental a sua participação.ASSOCIE-SE - Seja um amigo do Theatro São Pedro.
(kontekbrothers via Getty Images) |
Doctors diagnosing monkeypox should be on the lookout for symptoms that don't quite match the typical descriptions of the disease, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned June 14.
Historically, monkeypox rashes tend to erupt around the face and in the oral cavity, first, and then may progress to the extremities, including the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. However, some of the recent monkeypox cases in the U.S. have diverged from this pattern, the CDC reported.
Full Story: Live Science (6/28) #MUHM
Nosso neto, Antônio Achutti Olivé, particicpando de concerto no dia 27/06
No próximo dia 08/07 estarão se apresentando em Buenos Aires no Teatro Colón
#Vera Elisabeth Veríssimo (*15/02/1934 +30/06/2022)Acabo de receber a triste notícia do falecimento de Vera Elisabeth Veríssimo, viúva de Franklin Veríssimo, um dos fundadores de nossa Academia Sul-Riograndense de Medicina, e autora da biografia dele.
Dentre suas prendas posso alinhar: Poeta (com vários livros publicados), Psicóloga, Professora de Inglês, e fez parte do Coral da AMRIGS, onde encontrou Dra. Valderês Antonietta Robinson Achutti.
ABC Cardiol alcança maior fator de impacto de sua história Com este marco, a publicação se consolida como a melhor revista científica de cardiologia na América Latina.
Leia na íntegra |
#Universidade LaSalle
Controversy Continues Over Whether Hot Water Freezes Faster Than ColdBy ADAM MANN Decades after a Tanzanian teenager initiated study of the “Mpemba effect,” the effort to confirm or refute it is leading physicists toward new theories about how substances relax to equilibrium.
Read the article |
 | Life Helps Make Almost Half of All MineralsBy JOANNA THOMPSON A new system for classifying minerals reveals the huge geochemical imprint of biology on Earth and could help us identify other worlds with life too.
Read the blog Related: How Life and Luck Changed Earth’s Minerals by Roberta Kwok (2015) |
 | Can Computers Be Mathematicians?Podcast hosted by STEVEN STROGATZ A global, multidisciplinary effort is underway to write the essential axioms of math in a language that AI can understand. Hear Steven Strogatz interview Kevin Buzzard, one of the project’s key contributors, on the latest episode of The Joy of Why.
Listen to the podcast
Read the transcript |
 | Protein Blobs Linked to Alzheimer’s Affect Aging in All CellsBy VIVIANE CALLIER Protein buildups like those seen around neurons in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other brain diseases occur in all aging cells, a new study suggests. Learning their significance may reveal new strategies for treating age-related diseases.
Read the article |
 | The Sordid Past of the Cubic FormulaBy DAVID S. RICHESON Almost 500 years ago, reputations were ruined and vows were broken over how to solve cubic equations. Learn more about this historic betrayal.
Read the column Related: Mathematicians Resurrect Hilbert’s 13th Problem by Stephen Ornes (2021) |
How to Weigh Truth With a Balance ScaleBy PRADEEP MUTALIK In recreational mathematics, the balance scale is an endless source of puzzles that require precise logic and teach the fundamentals of generalization.
Solve the puzzle |
A Moment of Crystalline Perfection A time crystal is a phase of matter that emulates the periodic structure of a regular crystal, but instead of repeating a pattern in space, it repeats it in time. Dianna Cowern explains time crystals for her YouTube channel The Physics Girl. Time crystals were first theorized in 2013, then experimentally realized on Google’s quantum computer last year. Natalie Wolchover wrote about the experiment for Quanta.
Where Do You Get That Glow? Bioluminescent bacteria can make the ocean glow. Sailors have noticed it for centuries, but now some are joining forces with scientists to study the science behind this “milky sea,” writes Sam Keck Scott for Hakai Magazine. Although bioluminescence is relatively common in nature, it’s poorly understood. In 2016 Steph Yin wrote for Quanta about studies that had started to reveal the evolutionary and chemical origins of the phenomenon. |
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