3.100 AMICOR (25)
#Neto novo
#Acadêmico Jorge Neumann
Tive o prazer de adquirir o belo livro "A vida entre o céu e a terra" no seu lançamento, em estabelecimento da rua Vigário José Ignácio que, casualmente, no meu tempo de recém chegado a Porto Alegre, chamávamos de Colégio dos Anjos, pensão de moças, dirigida por freiras, bem em frente da Casa da JUC no.1 na qual fiquei hospedado. Já no decorrer de 1953 me mudei para a Casa de no.4, na 24 de Outubro 575, que dirigi até 1957 quando casei.
#Hospital Moinhos de VentoAssisti a apresentação pela direção médica e administrativa do Hospital, dando conta das realizações e sucessos, bem como planos e desafios futuros.
#Academia SRMLink de acesso pelo Zoom:
ID da reunião: 897 3662 1708

#Orquestra Filarmônica da UFRGSNa audição inaugural no dia 30 de agosto, nosso neto Antônio Achutti Olivé, como percussionista (o maestro dos fundos como costumo o chamar).
Link de acesso pelo Zoom:
ID da reunião: 897 3662 1708
An extrasolar world covered in water?

An international team of researchers led by Charles Cadieux, a Ph.D. student at the Université de Montréal and member of the Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx), has announced the discovery of TOI-1452 b, an exoplanet orbiting one of two small stars in a binary system located in the Draco constellation about 100 light-years from Earth.
Immortal jellyfish genes identified explain their long lives
By performing a DNA comparison of two similar jellyfish species, researchers have found the genes that could stop and reverse ageing in immortal jellyfish

One jellyfish’s regeneration powers seem linked to key genetic changes.
Roy Ensink Photography
An immortal species of jellyfish has double copies of genes that protect and repair DNA. The finding could provide clues to human ageing and age-related conditions.
Jellyfish start their lives as drifting larvae. They eventually attach to the seafloor and develop into sprout-like polyps. The bottom-dwellers clone themselves, forming stacked, sedentary colonies that bud off into free-swimming umbrella-shaped medusas.
That stage is a dead end for most jellyfish – but the immortal jellyfish (Turritopsis dohrnii) can reverse the cycle. When times get tough, like in harsh environments or after injury, they melt their bodies into amorphous cysts, reattach to the seafloor and regress into polyps. They can restart the cycle indefinitely to skirt death by old age.
How to read philosophy
The first thing to remember is that the great philosophers were only human. Then you can start disagreeing with them by Charlie Huenemann
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