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Sunday, May 10, 2015

2705 - Feliz Dia das Mães!

Feliz Dia das Mães!

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um minuto
*Feliz dia das Mães para todo o mundo. Afinal todos que visitam AMICOR são, poderão vir a ser, ou ter sido, têm ou tiveram Mãe.* *Para quem quiser ler um pouco mais, vai um link para artigo que escrevi no século passado e que transcrevi para o Blog em 2013, quando faleceu meu amigo David Barker responsável por uma das linhas de pesquisa mais importantes para compreensão da importância do papel das mães.*

Science and God

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 13 minutos
Dante and the Eternal Quest for Nonreligious Divinity: Physicist Margaret Wertheim on Science and God*by Maria Popova* *“I believe that there is a love that moves the sun and the other stars.”* Centuries after Ada Lovelace, the world’s first computer programmer, contemplatedthe relationship between science and religion, and decades after Carl Sagan did the same in his exquisite *Varieties of Scientific Experience*, physicist-turned-science-writer *Margaret Wertheim* offers perhaps the most elegant and emboldening reconciliation of these two frequently contrasted approaches to the huma... mais »

Religion of the Market

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 7 horas
WEEKEND EDITION MAY 8-10, 2015 SHARE ON FACEBOOKSHARE ON TWITTERSHARE ON GOOGLEMORE SHARING SERVICES44 Reflections on the Religion of the Market Capitalism is the West’s Dominant Religion by MICHAEL WELTON “One can behold in capitalism a religion, that is to say, capitalism essentially serves to satisfy the same worries, anguish, and disquiet formerly answered by so-called religion.” — Walter Benjamin “This yellow slave will knit and break religions” — William Shakespeare, “Timon of Athens” David R. Loy, a professor of international studies at Bunkyo University in Japan and a Zen Buddh... mais »

Sustainable Development Goals

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 16 horas
*Referência da AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja* Volume 385, No. 9979, p1710–1711, 2 May 2015Health and sustainable development: a call for papers Richard Horton[image: email] , Zoë Mullan Full Text In just under 5 months' time, the aspiration for the next 15 years of development efforts will be signed off at the UN General Assembly in New York, USA. These Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are already at an advanced stage of drafting—17 ambitious goals and 169 targets (panel), which have been criticised even by the UN General Secretary for being too voluminous.1 Amid th... mais »

Building DNA scaffolds

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 19 horas
A new technique to build complex custom-designed DNA scaffolds May 7, 2015 [image: DNA nanotube assembly-ft] McGill University researchers have devised a new technique to produce long, custom-designed DNA strands to build nanoscale structures to deliver drugs to targets within the body or take electronic miniaturization to a new level. Researchers have been assembling and experimenting with DNA structures or “DNA origami” for years, as KurzweilAI has reported. But as these … more…

electromagnetic spectrum

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 23 horas
A new visualization of the electromagnetic spectrumMay 8, 2015 *[+]* These marine creatures and objects illustrate the size of the different wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum (credit: BNL designer Tiffany Bowman and writer Justin Eure) (click the image and then the magnifying glass to enlarge the diagram) An infographic created by the Department of Energy’s Brookhaven Lab uses ocean creatures and objects to illustrate the extraordinary range of wavelengths (the inverse of frequencies) in the electromagnetic spectrum — from radio waves to gamma rays — and the lab’s role in r... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Cartographies of Time: A Visual History of the Timeline*by Maria Popova* *A chronology of one of our most inescapable metaphors, or what Macbeth has to do with Galileo.* I was recently asked to select my all-time favorite books for the lovely Ideal Bookshelfproject by *The Paris Review’*s Thessaly la Force and artist Jane Mount. Despite the near-impossible task of shrinking my boundless bibliophilia to a modest list of dozen or so titles, I was eventually able to do it, and the selection included *Cartographies of Time: A History of the Timeline* (*public library* |*IndieBound*) by *D... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
[image: print] printThe Tree Room : Evolutionary trees: A primer *by the Understanding Evolution team* Confused by a tree diagram in a textbook, webpage, or museum exhibit? Need a quick review of tree-reading before delving into a more difficult topic? This short primer is the place to start. It provides the basic facts you need to know to interpret trees. You can explore the following topics: - What is an evolutionary tree? - How to read trees - Understanding evolutionary relationships - Clades within clades - Trees are hypotheses - The anatomy of an evolutionary tree ... mais »

Avian flu human adaptation

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Avian flu adapts to human hosts We first wrote about the H5N1 avian flu back in 2005, but this is a bug that keeps coming back! Most recently, Egypt has experienced a surge of infections: 132 cases since January. Now, new studies reveal that the Egyptian strain has evolved adaptations that allow it to more easily pass from bird to human, raising the possibility that the virus could soon evolve the ability to move from human to human. Get the whole story here.

The political origins of health inequity

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
*FEATURED PUBLICATIONS*View all - Read full-text Source Article: The political origins of health inequity: prospects for change. Ole Petter Ottersen, Jashodhara Dasgupta, Chantal Blouin,Paulo Buss, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Julio Frenk, Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Bience P Gawanas, Rita Giacaman, John Gyapong, [...], Nkosana Moyo, Sigrun Møgedal, Ayanda Ntsaluba, Gorik Ooms, Espen Bjertness, Ann Louise Lie,Suerie Moon, Sidsel Roalkvam, Kristin I Sandberg, Inger B Scheel 1 request - Request full-text Article: Why a Youth Commission on Global Governance ... mais »

Há 70 anos...

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
[image: Ecstatic crowds in London celebrating the end of the European phase of World War II, May 8, 1945.]*1945: World War II in Europe ended* Following Germany's unconditional surrender,World War II in Europe officially ended at midnight on this day in 1945, although the war in the Pacific continued until the Japanese surrender in September. *Learn more >>* *Lembro que neste dia eu entalhei a data (VIII/V/XLV) na casca de uma árvore nos fundos de nossa casa em Santa Maria, onde morávamos na Rua Venâncio Aires. Tenho ainda hoje na memória muitas vivências da época da segunda guerra... mais »

Processo Criativo: Artes e Ciências

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
*PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO* *EM CIÊNCIAS DA SAÚDE: GINECOLOGIA E OBSTETRÍCIA* > *Disciplina Bioética, Diversidade e Gênero* > *SEMINÁRIO SOBRE* > *PROCESSO CRIATIVO NAS ARTES * > *E NA CIÊNCIA* > *Convidados* > *Fernando Neubarth **– médico e escritor* > *Dr. Fernando é Robinson, primo da Dra. Valderês. * *Ilma Simoni Brum da Silva **– professora UFRGS* > *Marcelo Delacroix **– músico* > *Data * > * 08/05/2015* > *Horário* > * 9h às 11h* > *Local* > *Salão Nobre da Faculdade de Medicina da UFRGS – 4º andar* > > *ABERTO AO PÚBLICO*

Cidadania de Porto Alegre

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
*Fico sensibilizado com a lembrança do Mario Antônio, apoio do Thiago, assessor do Vereador Valdir Canal, autor da proposição para ser oficialmente cidadão de Porto Alegre.* *Vivemos aqui três quartas partes de nossas vidas. Migramos para fazer Medicina. Eu pretendia ser engenheiro (quem sabe hoje estaria numa empreiteira...), mas fui seduzido duplamente pela minha namorada em 1951, a Dra Valderês Robinson que está completamente comprometida com toda essa história. Por isso escolhi o dia 12 de junho - dia dos namorados - e véspera do aniversário dela.* *Meus agradecimentos aos veread... mais »

Stem Cells fertilization

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
Exclusive: Meet the World's First Baby Born Using Stem CellsDoctors in Canada have begun a new chapter in medical history, delivering the first in a wave of babies born through a breakthrough techniqueNIH study solves ovarian cell mystery, shedding new light on reproductive disorders Share on emailShare on facebookShare on twitte Scientists at the National Institutes of Health have solved a long-standing mystery about the origin of one of the cell types that make up the ovary. The team also discovered how ovarian cells share information during development of an ovarian follicle, whic... mais »

O primeiro automóvel em Santa Maria

José Antonio BrenneremBrenner de Santa Maria - Há 3 dias
Em 27 de março último, o amigo Marco Aurélio Birmann Pinto visitou-me, trazendo um precioso presente: o livro *50 Anos de Viagem - Trabalhos, Peripécias e Alegrias*, 1972, de Francisco da Rocha Timm, conhecido como "Chicotim". Em 272 páginas, o autor narra diversos episódios vividos durante cinco décadas de sua atividade como caixeiro-viajante. Na leitura, minha atenção foi logo voltada para o caso do primeiro automóvel em Santa Maria. "Chicotim" narra, com riqueza de detalhes, o inusitado acontecimento de um veículo automotor rodar pelas ruas da cidade, em 1908. Francisco ... mais »

Sigmund Freud

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
*1856:*[image: Sigmund Freud, 1921.]Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, was born in Freiberg, Moravia, Austrian Empire (now Príbor, Czech Republic). Aproveito a data para reapresentar o vídeo a seguir postado aqui mesmo em 17 de abril. No final da apresentação existem vários outros links para filmes semelhantes. A Invenção da Psicanálise - Sigmund Freud *Compartilho "Sigmund Freud - A Invenção da Psicanálise (1997)" no YouTube - Sigmund Freud - A Invenção da Psicanálise (1997): LG enviado pela AMICORJussara Koff.* Visuali... mais »

World Happiness Report

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
OVERVIEW The *World Happiness Report* is a landmark survey of the state of global happiness. The first report was published in 2012, the second in 2013, and the third on April 23, 2015. Leading experts across fields – economics, psychology, survey analysis, national statistics, health, public policy and more – describe how measurements of well-being can be used effectively to assess the progress of nations. The reports review the state of happiness in the world today and show how the new science of happiness explains personal and national variations in happiness. They reflect a new ... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
User Actions Following *Eric Topol*‏@EricTopol The gut #microbiome <-> #brain gets legs @ JAMA_current @thedailybeast David Perlmutter, MD Reply Retweet Favorite Followed More [image: Embedded image permalink] - RETWEETS53 - FAVORITES43 - [image: *][image: Tytus Michalski][image: Dr. Brian Tiu][image: 고순영 Soon Young Ko][image: Michael Mahony][image: NutriNav][image: Alannah Pecha][image: GUARAPOeCAFE][image: Mary Tomasko]

Dia da Asma ou dos Asmáticos?...

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
*What is World Asthma Day?* World Asthma Day is organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) in collaboration with health care groups and asthma educators to raise awareness about asthma and improve asthma care throughout the world Each year GINA chooses a theme and organizes preparation and distribution of World Asthma Day materials and resources. World Asthma Day activities are organized in each country by health care professionals, educators, and members of the public who want to help reduce the burden of asthma./.../

Embriões humanos à venda

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
*Recomendado pelo AMICOR Alexandre Henrique Gruszynski*Uma empresa da Califórnia produz e comercializa embriões humanos José Ángel Minguez, Observatório de Bioética da Universidade Católica de Valência San Vicente Mártir Roma, 04 de Maio de 2015 ( Redaction | 240 visitas Recentemente foi publicado no American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology um artigo (Creating and selling embryos for “donation”: ethical challenges”. 212; 167-170, 2015) sobre as questões … leia tudo

Medical Journals

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Hemadri Posts: 220 Joined: 14/5/2012 Last Post: 1/5/2015 Score: 2 'Most of what is published in journals is just plain wrong or nonsense' Former editor of BMJ Richard Smith says The peer review process – long considered the gold standard of quality scientific research – is a “sacred cow” that should be slaughtered. He also says 'Most of what is published in journals is just plain wrong or nonsense' Dr Trish Groves, the current head of research at *BMJ* said that, while peer review wasn’t perfect, it was “still the best way to help research funders, conference organisers, and journal edi... mais »

Places to grow Up

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
The Best and Worst Places to Grow Up: How Your Area Compares Children who grow up in some places go on to earn much more than they would if they grew up elsewhere. MAY 4, 2015

E´Cig to quit

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
The Best Way to Quit Smoking Isn't E-Cigs - Alice Park @aliceparkny May 4, 2015In the latest in-depth review of studies investigating which smoking cessation methods work best, experts say there isn’t enough evidence to support using e-cigarettes to kick the habit/.../


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
From Delanceyplace: finding things with crowds -- 5/5/15 Today's selection --from *The Organized Mind* by Daniel J. Levitin. Accomplishing the impossible through crowdsourcing: "Crowdsourcing -- outsourcing to a crowd -- [is] the technique by which thousands or even millions of people help to solve problems that would be difficult or impossible to solve any other way. Crowdsourcing has been used for all kinds of things, including wildlife and bird counts, providing usage examples and quotes to the editors of the* Oxford English Dictionary*, and helping to decipher ambiguous text. ...... mais »

Neurons DNA

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
*From Tumblr* neurosciencestuff *(Image caption: Images of mouse neurons from the hippocampal region of the brain. Levels of the surface receptor GluR1, orange, are shown in unmodified neurons, left, and in those with increased levels of Tet3, right. Credit: Huimei Yu, Johns Hopkins Medicine)* Neurons Constantly Rewrite Their DNA Johns Hopkins scientists have discovered that neurons are risk takers: They use minor “DNA surgeries” to toggle their activity levels all day, every day. Since these activity levels are important in learning, memory and brain disorders, the researchers think ... mais »

Gaúcho: Alfredo Jerusalinsky

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
*Artigo de ZH do Domingo recomendado pela AMICOR Jussara Koff* COM A PALAVRA“Gaúcho é o homem da fronteira que odeia fronteiras”Um dos fundadores da Associação Psicanalítica de Porto Alegre (Appoa), acostumado a percorrer o Rio Grande do Sul e o Brasil para conferências e palestras, o psicanalista argentino Alfredo Jerusalinsky tem um olhar aguçado sobre o Estado que o acolheu em 1977. Ele é um dos convidados por Appoa e UFRGS para debater a identidade rio-grandense no evento NósOutros Gaúchos (leia mais na página 3 do caderno PrOA). Ao discorrer sobre o tema, ele mede as palavras, ... mais »

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