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Sunday, April 21, 2019

2918 - AMICOR 21 - Feliz Páscoa!

the new green deal

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 13 segundos

Área de anexos
Presente de Páscoa do AMICOR Enrique Barros em 20 de abril de 2019 Área de anexos Visualizar o vídeo A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez do YouTube A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Saúde Mental no mundo em que vivemos
Aloyzio Achutti
emAMICOR - Há 19 horas
[image: A imagem pode conter: 1 pessoa, sorrindo]

Ciro Quadros

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 22 horas
- atts Published:July 19, 2014DOI:[image: Figure thumbnail fx1] - View Large Image Copyright © 2014 Sabin Vaccine Institute Public health physician who rid Latin America of polio. He was born in Rio Pardo, Brazil, on Jan 30, 1940, and died in Washington, DC, USA, on May 28, 2014, aged 74 years.

Assembléia Provincial: primeira, instalada

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 23 horas
20 de abril de 1935 Criada pelo Ato Adicxional de 12/08/1834 Assembléias Provinciais. Também surgiram manifestações sobre movimento separatista que resultou na Revolução Farroupilha, deflagrada de 19/20 de setembro. (calendário Histórico Cultural do RS, coordenado por Barbosa Lessa)

Modern Hearing Aids

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
[image: The Power of Modern Hearing Aids: Interview with Laurel Christensen, Chief Audiology Officer, GN Hearing]The Power of Modern Hearing Aids: Interview with Laurel Christensen, Chief Audiology Officer, GN Hearing Modern hearing aids have to pack a great deal of technology in a tiny package. The batteries, high speed computer chips, speakers, microphones, and antennas have to all fit together and work in unison. They drive multiple sound processing algorithms that can modify how audio is boosted for the unique needs of each individual user. They can connect to other … Read more... mais »

Colon Cancer and microbioma

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
I mage credit: Blausen Medical Communications, Inc. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Microbial Signature for Colorectal Cancer Identified Using Machine Learning APRIL 17TH, 2019 SIAVASH PARKHIDEH GENETICS, GI, INFORMATICS, ONCOLOGY, PATHOLOGY Researchers from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, the University of Trento in Italy, and other international collaborators leveraged a machine learning algorithm to identify a subset of gut bacteria associated with colorectal cancer, the third most ...mais »

Tobacco Purchasing Age

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Mitch McConnell Wants to Raise Tobacco Purchasing Age From 18 to 21, Including for Vaping Devices

Before the Big Bang?

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
[image: What Happened Before the Big Bang?] *What Happened Before the Big Bang?*The Big Bang is commonly thought of as the start of it all: About 13.8 billion years ago, the observable universe went *boom* and expanded into being. But what were things like before the Big Bang? Short answer: We don't know. Long answer: It could have been a lot of things, each mind-bending in its own way. [How Massive Is the Milky Way?]

Stephen Hawking

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Stephen Hawking, the man who explained the universehen Hawking died on March 14th 2018 The Economist4 min read


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
*Pluralsight*‏Verified account @pluralsight Feb 7 More By the time you've finished your next cup of coffee, you'll forget half of what you just learned.

Climate Armageddon

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Figure thumbnail fx1*The Uninhabitable Earth* David Wallace-Wells opens his book, *The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming*, with “It is worse, much worse, than you think.” And within the first 36 pages, the American writer races through evidence of damage already caused by climate change and forecasts humanity's future, peppering sentences with words like annihilation, Armageddon, extinction, and “existential crisis”. There are no safe zones of optimism or passages of hope in Wallace-Wells' book, even in his closing chapter where he avers “The emergent portrait of suffering is, I hope, horrifying. ... mais »

Charles Darwin 1809

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
[image: Darwin, Charles]FEATURED BIOGRAPHY1809Charles Darwin READ MORE


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
*Jo Maugham QC*‏Verified account @JolyonMaugham FollowFollow @JolyonMaugham More A stunning front page from the best newspaper in the country. We need proper wealth taxes and we need them now.


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
The Quest to Find One of the Most Elusive Particle Decays in the Universe By Paul Sutter, Astrophysicist | April 17, 2019 07:12am ET Transmuting one element into another (usually gold, of course) was the stuff of fevered dreams and fanciful imaginations for alchemists way back in the day. It turns out that nature does it all the time without any help from us — though not usually into gold. This natural alchemy, called radioactivity, happens when an element decays and in doing so transforms into another element./.../

Lucrezia Borgia

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
Lucrezia Borgia ITALIAN NOBLE WRITTEN BY: - The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica LAST UPDATED: Apr 17, 2019 See Article History *Lucrezia Borgia*, (born April 18, 1480, Rome—died June 24, 1519, Ferrara, Papal States), Italian noblewoman and a central figure of the infamous Borgia family of the Italian Renaissance. Daughter of the Spanish cardinal Rodrigo Borgia, later Pope Alexander VI, and his Roman mistress Vannozza Catanei, and sister of Cesare, Lucrezia is often accused of sharing in their many crimes and excesses. In historical perspective, however, she seems to have ... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
[image: The Quest to Find One of the Most Elusive Particle Decays in the Universe]The Quest to Find One of the Most Elusive Particle Decays in the Universe By Paul Sutter, Astrophysicist | April 17, 2019 07:12am ET Transmuting one element into another (usually gold, of course) was the stuff of fevered dreams and fanciful imaginations for alchemists way back in the day. It turns out that nature does it all the time without any help from us — though not usually into gold. This natural alchemy, called radioactivity, happens when an element decays and in doing so transforms into another... mais »

Família Cechella Achutti 1938

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
No Diário de Santa Maria de Hoje

Água de Porto Alegre

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
*Recomendado pela AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja* Água de Porto Alegre está contaminada por agrotóxicos Reportagem da Agência Pública A matéria mostra que 27 tipos de veneno foram detectados na água que sai das torneiras na Capital gaúcha, incluindo 11 associados a doenças crônicas (câncer, defeitos congênitos e distúrbios endócrinos), que estão listados abaixo: - Alaclor (61 detecções em 65 testes) - Atrazina (57 detecções em 61 testes) - Carbendazim (37 detecções em 43 testes) - Clordano (55 detecções em 59 testes) - DDT + DDD + DDE (57 detecções em 61 testes) - Diuron (37 d... mais »

Older Adults symptoms

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
How Do Multiple Symptoms *Really* Affect Older Adults? Rebecca Voelker, MSJ JAMA. Published online April 17, 2019. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.1470 [image: Image description not available.]Among older patients, multiple symptoms are common and they may give rise to or worsen others. For example, some studies show that insomnia increases the likelihood of developing depression. But how do co-occurring symptoms affect older adults’ functional abilities? A recent analysis in the *Journal of the American Geriatrics Society* has some answers.


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Digital memories of Notre-Dame Yesterday’s blaze engulfing the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris destroyed much of the 850-year-old building's roof, and caused its spire to collapse. But art historian Andrew Tallon helped to preserve the monument in digital form, creating detailed 3D maps of the building (and its secrets) using sophisticated laser scanners. National Geographic profiled the man and his work in 2015. National Geographic | 12 min read 1. More O ângulo dessa foto [image: 😳] As gárgulas olhando o inferno #NotreDameDeParis Translate Tweet 1 reply0 retweets5 li... mais »

The Brain Int. cooperation

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias

Homo luzonensis,

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
[image: Philippines cave] CAVE SPECIES Fossils unearthed in this cave in the Philippines are from a previously unknown *Homo* species that lived at least 50,000 years ago, scientists announced. A new member of the human genus has been found in a cave in the Philippines, researchers report. Fossils with distinctive features indicate that the hominid species inhabited the island now known as Luzon at least 50,000 years ago, according to a study in the April 11 *Nature*. That species, which the scientists have dubbed *Homo luzonensis*, lived at the same time that controversial half-si... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
Ketamine cultivates new nerve cell connections in mice Helping the regrowth of synapses may be the key to the drug’s antidepressant effects. Read More

Global Health

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
Figure thumbnail fx1
*Sugestão da AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja* Maria Ines Azambuja para Saude, Carlos Roger Acho que o artigo do Lancet (abaixo) e este documento da Usaid/F.Rockfeller/F. Bill e Melinda Gates podem ser disponibilizados no site, no link sobre o evento do dia 9, como leituras complementares... Abs Maria Inês Área de anexos Área de anexos

Chagas Disease

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
More "I am 66 years old. I am a farmer and have lived in the countryside in Colombia all my life. 3 years ago I started getting more tired than normal. Then my feet swelled and finally I could not walk short distances..." Read Jorge's story: … #WorldChagasDay *WorldHeartFederation*‏Verified account @worldheartfed 50m50 minutes ago More Today, more than 100 years after the discovery of #Chagas disease, there are between 6 and 7 million affected people and 7,000 who die annually. These deaths are preventable in their vast maj... mais »

Redes Sócio-Técnicas na Cidade estruturada

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
Do AMICOR de Brasília: Reginaldo Albuquerque>>>>> link a seguir Artigo do qual faço parte e publicado recentemente Artigos - Revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva

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