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Friday, July 12, 2019

G20 and development for health

The G20 and development assistance for health: historical trends and crucial questions to inform a new era


The global health challenges and expansive set of global health goals in the SDGs require a new approach to address pending questions about how DAH can better prioritise equity, efficiency, and sustainability, particularly through domestic resource use and mobilisation and strategic partnerships. The G20 Summit, with its focus on global health and achieving the SDGs with senior representatives from the world's largest providers of DAH, emerging donors, and DAH recipients, is a unique forum to consider the changing DAH context and the most pressing DAH questions. Priority areas for discussion include how to focus DAH for equitable health gains; how to deliver DAH to strengthen health systems to efficiently use limited resources; and how to promote domestic financing for sustainable impact. Although not necessarily new issues, the changing global context requires new answers. Wrestling with these difficult questions is essential to develop stronger health financing systems capable of reaching and sustaining crucial global health goals.

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