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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hearing Month

Da Berenice Goelzer: Nunca é demais chamar a atenção para o absurdo dos níveis sonoros altíssimos em vários lugares, até em festas infantís.

 Crianças expostas a esses níveis quase certamente terão pelo menos tinnitus (zumbido constante nos ouvidos – eu tenho e nào é agradável!!!)
– uma pena fazer esta maldade com eles. Mas ninguém liga quando se fala. Os legisladores não estão nem ai.

Tentem conscientizar a quem puderem.

As leis deveriam ser rigorosas, particularmente quando crianças podem ser expostas.

Pelo menos nos US é mês de prevenção re: ruído.

National Protect Your Hearing Month Partner Advisory

Together, we can prevent hearing loss — help spread the word about National Protect Your Hearing Month!
This October, during National Protect Your Hearing Month, we are coming together to raise awareness about noise-induced hearing loss, and share easy steps that people can take to protect their hearing.
At CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH), we are committed to educating young people about noise-induced hearing loss in order to help prevent it. According to a 2018 survey[1], more than 4 out of 5 American adults never, or very rarely, wear hearing protection at loud sports events or entertainment venues. Hearing loss from loud noise is permanent — and most people don’t notice their hearing is damaged until it’s too late.
You can make a difference! We’ve put together some tips and materials to help you spread the word. By sharing these messages on social media and beyond, you can help prevent noise-induced hearing loss during National Protect Your Hearing Month — and every month!
Share the facts
Use these talking points to communicate with young people about noise-related hearing loss:
  • Over time, being around too much loud noise can make you lose your hearing
  • Once you’ve lost your hearing, you can’t get it back
  • 5 in 10 young people listen to their music or other audio too loudly, and 4 in 10 young people are around dangerously loud noises during events like concerts and sports games

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