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Monday, April 02, 2012

2543 - AMICOR 14

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Dark Energy and Neutrinos

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 5 horas atrás
[image: Image of the South Pole Telescope in Antarctica.] South Pole Telescope Provides New Insights Into Dark Energy and Neutrinos *Neutrinos, the most abundant particles in the universe, until recently, were thought to be without mass* South Pole Telescope findings are the most recent results produced by NSF-funded researchers. Credit and Larger Version *April 2, 2012* Analysis of data from the National Science Foundation- (NSF) funded 10-meter South Pole Telescope (SPT) in Antarctica provides new support for the most widely accepted explanation of dark energy, the source of the my... mais »

Tale of Love and Illness Ends in Deaths

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 2 dias atrás
Tale of Love and Illness Ends in DeathsBy MATT FLEGENHEIMERPublished: March 30, 2012 His was a love story, Charles D. Snelling wrote — a tale of a shiftless dreamer and the woman who saved him, of the life they built over six decades and the disease that stood no chance of erasing it. By the end, he said, their time together had become a case study in reciprocity. “She took care of me in every possible way she could for 55 years,” Mr. Snelling wrote of his wife, Adrienne, months before the two were to celebrate their 61st wedding anniversary. “The last six years have been my turn, a... mais »

Brain & Ethics

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 3 dias atrás
How Does the Brain Secrete Morality?Pondering the neuroscience of moral platitudes, free will, and sacred values. Ronald Bailey | March 21, 2012 “The brain secretes thought as the liver secretes bile,” asserted 18th century French physiologist Pierre Cabanis. Last week, the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies convened a conference of neuroscientists and philosophers to ponder how our brains secrete thoughts about ethics and morality. The first presenter was neuroeconomist Gregory Berns from Emory University whose work peers into brains to see in which creases of gray matter those v... mais »

3D Brain Structure

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 3 dias atrás
The brain is wired in a 3D grid structure, landmark study findsMarch 30, 2012 (Vejam video da Science ao final) *[+]*[image: brainpathways1] Neighborhood structure of cerebral pathways. A curved sheet of interwoven orthogonal pathways (Credit: Van J. Wedeen, et al./Science) The brain appears to be wired in a rectangular 3D grid structure, suggests a new brain imaging study funded by the National Institutes of Health. “Far from being just a tangle of wires, the brain’s connections turn out to be more like ribbon cables — folding 2D sheets of parallel neuronal fibers that cross paths at... mais »

New Genetic Discovery

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 3 dias atrás
New layer of genetic information discoveredMarch 30, 2012 *[+]* The structure of a ribosome (credit: Dale Muzzey/UCSF) A hidden, never-before-recognized layer of information in the genetic code has been uncovered by a team of scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) thanks to a technique developed at UCSF called ribosome profiling, which enables the measurement of gene activity inside living cells — including the speed with which proteins are made. By measuring the rate of protein production in bacteria, the team discovered that slight genetic alterations could... mais »

Contaminantes Ambientais

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 3 dias atrás
Boletim *ALERTA DO VIGIAR/RS do dia 28/03/2012*, com alterações na Qualidade do Ar da Grande Porto Alegre. *Contaminantes* *Ambientais* Núcleo de Vigilância dos Riscos e Agravos Ambientais não Biológicos Centro Estadual de Vigilância em Saúde / SES - RS Fone: (51) 3901-1081 Objetivo do Boletim Informar/alertar a comunidade gaúcha sobre as condições atmosféricas atuais no RS, disponibilizar informações do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE e recomendar ações para a proteção/promoção da saúde e prevenção de agravos e doenças ocasionadas ou agravadas por im... mais »

Billion of Planets

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 3 dias atrás
*Life on Billions of Planets? Could Be* By MICHAEL D. LEMONICK Friday, Mar. 30, 2012 This artist's impression shows a sunset seen from the super-Earth Gliese 667 Cc. "The Creator must have an inordinate fondness for beetles," the early 20th-century biologist J.B.S. Haldane once said. "He made so many of them." If Haldane had been an astronomer, he might have said the same about the nondescript red stars known as M-dwarfs. As the name implies, they're small, no more than half the size of our Sun at most. They're so dim that not a single one, not even the closest, is visible to the na... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 4 dias atrás
Q&A: Psychiatrist Dr. David Healy Defines ‘Pharmageddon’ A Q&A with the author of *Pharmageddon* about how the pharmaceutical industry has co-opted medicine. By MAIA SZALAVITZ | @maiasz | March 28, 2012 [image: Phil Ashley / Getty Images] PHIL ASHLEY / GETTY IMAGES Dr. David Healy has spent decades delving into the dark corners of the pharmaceutical industry, where, for instance, drug companies have tried to hide the worrisome connection between antidepressant drugs and suicide. In the psychiatrist’s best-known previous books, *The Antidepressant Era* and *Let Them Eat Prozac,* Healy... mais »

Diferenças de Gênero

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 4 dias atrás
Jornal Mente Corpo Março Diferenças de Gênero - Aloyzio Achutti As diferenças de gênero sempre despertam curiosidade, provavelmente, desde a descoberta de ostensivas diferenças anatômicas: a existência de apêndices externos em uns, inexistentes em outros. Se estas características não nos fossem desde logo escondidas, não haveria necessidade de colocar cores distintivas em fitinhas no cabelo, roupinhas, sapatinhos: cor de rosa uns; outros, azuis. 19/03/2012 Saiba mais. ------------------------------

Saúde - Urbana / Observatório das Metrópoles / Georgetown University

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 4 dias atrás
Em 19 março p.p. aconteceu a apresentação do nosso grupo *Saúde - Urbana / Observatório das Metrópoles *para os representantes da Georgetown University - Washington, interessados particularmente nas *Desigualdades em Saúde*.

Medicine & Humanity

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 4 dias atrás
"US health system reform--what's missing?" Humanity POSTED MAR 25, 2012 AT 05:44 PM, EDT BY MELISSA WALTON-SHIRLEY I don't know the identity of the physician that stood at the microphone at the end of this presentation, but he hit the nail on the head. "Healthcare is a basic human right," he said; which raises the question, "If the right to healthcare is so basic, why is it so problematic?" When there's trouble in any country, it most usually has to do with the age-old struggle to balance the supply of cash with the demand for services, but that is a woefully inadequate summation. Li... mais »

Viação Férrea: Fotos LEAchutti

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 4 dias atrás
[image: 218]Exposição de Fotos em Rio Grande. Tema Viação Férrea Fotógrafo: Luiz Eduardo Robinson Achutti (nosso filho)

Digital Data & Human Brain

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 6 dias atrás
All the Digital Data In the World Is Equivalent to One Human Brain Supercomputer An IBM Blue Gene/P supercomputer rack. Wikimedia Commons By Rebecca BoylePosted 02.11.2011 at 6:05 pm13 Comments If you could put all the data in the world onto CDs and stack them up, the pile would stretch from the Earth to beyond the moon, according to a new study. The world’s technological infrastructure has a staggering capacity to store and process information, reaching 295 exabytes in 2007, a reflection of the world’s almost complete transition into the digital realm. That's a number with 20 zeroes... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 6 dias atrás
Study: Why Flu Hits Some People Harder than Others By ALEXANDRA SIFFERLIN | @acsifferlin | March 26, 2012 | + * * [image: Tom Grill / Getty Images] TOM GRILL / GETTY IMAGES During the 2009-10 H1N1 or “swine flu” pandemic, the same virus that caused mild coughing and sneezing in some patients proved fatal for others. It highlighted a medical mystery: why are some people more fit to handle the flu than others? British and American researchers think they have a clue. Reporting on Sunday in the journal *Nature*, researchers say they’ve found a gene that influences our susceptibility to fl... mais »

National Nutrition Month

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 1 semana atrás
*From Christine Seivers* * ** ** My work managing content at means I spend a lot of time online. (All day, actually.) I was happy to find your blog while researching health care articles. I think you’ve got a lot of great, informative content. **I’m writing because our interests overlap, and because I think I’ve found something that could interest you and your readers. We recently published an article, "25 Twitter Feeds to Start Following During National Nutrition Month ", that’s right in line with your areas of expertise. Take a look: ( http://www.medica... mais »

Três AMICOR de Parabéns!

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 1 semana atrás
*PARABENS!* **Dra. Rosa Maria Villa-Nova de Carvalho* apresentou no dia 23 p.p. com distinção sua tese de Mestrado Profissional na UFRGS: "Validação de teste de Hemoglolbina Glicada A1c." **Dra.Beatriz Bohrer do Amaral* receberá no próximo dia 27 o títuo de Cidadã Emérita de Porto Alegre no próximo dia 17 na câmara de Vereadores de Porto Alegre. **Dra. Amanda GRM Souza* receberá, no mesmo dia 27 em São Paulo, o VIII prêmio Excelência Mulher 2012.

Man Interacting with a Woman

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 1 semana atrás
Why Interacting with a Woman Can Leave Men "Cognitively Impaired" In one experiment, just telling a man he would be observed by a female was enough to hurt his psychological performance. By Daisy Grewal | March 13, 2012 | 66 - 12Next > [image: mind,brain,men,woman,cognitively impaired, psychology]*WHY DO MEN HAVE TROUBLE THINKING?*Image: iStock/Iconogenic Movies and television shows are full of scenes where a man tries unsuccessfully to interact with a pretty woman. In many cases, the potential suitor ends up acting foolishly despite his best attempts to impress. It seems like h... mais »

Universe wide image

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 1 semana atrás
[image: Click for full-page version] *New wide image of universe called unprecedented* March 22, 2012 Courtesy of the Science & Technology Facilities Council of the U.K. and World Science staff *As­tro­no­mers have re­leased a pan­o­ram­ic im­age of the uni­verse that they call un­prec­e­dent­ed in scope.*On this col­or com­pos­ite of the Ul­tra­V­ISTA im­age (click for full-screen view), the large white ob­jects with haloes are fore­ground stars in our own Milky Way Gal­axy. A host of oth­er ga­lax­ies can be seen, from rel­a­tively near­by ga­lax­ies which ap­pear large enough to di... mais »

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