Centro de Estudos sobre Tabaco e Saúde
Brain Treatments
Head Lines | Mind & Brain [image: Cover Image: March 2013 Scientific American Magazine]See Inside Old Drugs Find New Life as Brain Treatments By Daisy Yuhas | March 21, 2013 | 1 - Share - Email Developing new drugs is no easy feat. As much as 95 percent of new compounds fail along the path to becoming clinically available. Attrition is especially high for drugs treating the central nervous system. The ones that do succeed rack up an average cost of $1.8 billion. So researchers are increasingly turning to the bottles already on the shelf. Proved safe for human consumption an... mais »
Earth Worst Days
*Earth Worst Days* Por Cesar Grossmann em 20.03.2013 as 14:16 O planeta Terra tem cerca de 4,5 bilhões de anos, e nestes anos já viu muitos dias ruins (realmente ruins, com colisões planetárias, chuvas de fogo, gelo de polo a polo, nuvens tóxicas e tudo o mais). Confira sete dos piores dias que o globo já passou: [image: 7] http://hypescience.com/os-7-piores-dias-do-planeta-terra/
Higgs Boson
Jeanna Bryner, LiveScience Managing Editor Date: 14 March 2013 Time: 08:01 AM ET Confirmed! Newfound Particle Is a Higgs Boson [image: proton-proton collisions showing what may be the Higgs boson particle] Digsby IM, Email, and Social Networks in one easy to use application! http://digsby.com The mass of the Higgs boson particle, possibly uncovered at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, may mean doom for our universe. Here, proton-proton collisions at the LHC showing events consistent with the Higgs. CREDIT: CERN/CMS/Taylor, L; McCauley, T View full size image A newfound partic... mais »
Water Day
*World Water Day* [image: Kids at the water tank]Currently, more than one in six people-894 million-lack a source of safe drinking water. Two and a half billion people, including almostone billion children, live without even basic sanitation. The combined effects of a lack of clean water and basic sanitation are approximately 1.6 million preventable deaths each year. On World Water Day, to celebrate freshwater and the sustainable management of freshwater resources, we are featuring a guest post by Ashley Grimes, a Project Officer at Kopernik. Grimes describes the imperative for improv... mais »
Brain Activity
Full-brain waves challenge area-specific view of brain activityMarch 21, 2013 *[+]* A still-shot of a wave of brain activity measured by electrical signals in the outside (left view) and inside (right view) surface of the brain. The color scale shows the peak of the wave as hot colors and the trough as dark colors. (Credit: David Alexander/KU Leuven) Our understanding of brain activity has traditionally been linked to brain areas — when we speak, the speech area of the brain is active. New research by an international team of psychologistsshows that this view may be wrong. The entire...mais »
New cosmic background radiation map challenges some foundations of cosmologyMarch 22, 2013 [image: Planck_CMB_large] Cosmic microwave background seen by Planck space telescope, (credit: ESA) The most detailed map ever created of the cosmic microwave background — the relic radiation from the Big Bang — acquired by ESA’s Planck space telescope, has been released, revealing features that challenge the foundations of our current understanding of the Universe and may require new physics. - The fluctuations in the CMB temperatures at large angular scales do not match those predicte... mais »
Cutting DNA
SCIENCE MAR 20, 2013 9:15 AM14,803 56 *The Super Protein That Can Cut DNA and Revolutionize Genetic Engineering* *Jamie Condliffe* When scientists Phillipe Horvath and Rodolphe Barrangou set out to find a better way to make yogurt, they didn't expect to stumble across one of the future's most promising discoveries: a super protein that can accurately cut DNA—and could perhaps revolutionize genetic engineering. The protein, called Cas9, can be exploited to snip strands of DNA in exactly the place researchers want. It doesn't make genetic engineering easy, but does make it much, much ... mais »
One Third of Seniors Die With Dementia By AP / Lauran NeergaardMarch 19, 20131 Comment [image: 80639185] COKE WHITWORTH / GETTY IMAGES/AURORA CREATIVE RELATED - Loneliness, Not Living Alone, Linked to Dementia - Even Brief Exercise Can Improve Memory In Older Adults - How Cannabinoids May Slow Brain Aging A staggering 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia, says a new report that highlights the impact the mind-destroying disease is having on the rapidly aging population. Dying with Alzheimer’s is not the same as dying from it. But ... mais »
[image: NaliniSaligram_photo] March 18, 2013 NCDs: A 47 Trillion dollar Problem We Cant Ignore By Nalini Saligram, Ph.D., Founder and CEO of Arogya World As Indian Americans, we have a lot to be proud of in our communities and in the changes underway in India. Today, to protect our families and this remarkable progress, we must address one of the greatest health and development challenges of the century, the rise of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). NCDs, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and chronic lung diseases, have thus far escaped our attention and collective action. ... mais »
Oligomers and Alzheimer
Correlation of Specific Amyloid-β Oligomers With Tau in Cerebrospinal Fluid From Cognitively Normal Older Adults ONLINE FIRST Maureen Handoko, PhD; Marianne Grant, BA; Michael Kuskowski, PhD; Kathleen R. Zahs, PhD; Anders Wallin, MD, PhD; Kaj Blennow, MD, PhD; Karen H. Ashe, MD, PhD *JAMA Neurol. *2013;():1-6. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2013.48. Text Size: A A A Published online March 11, 2013 Article Figures Tables References Comments ABSTRACT ABSTRACT | METHODS | RESULTS | COMMENT | AUTHOR INFORMATION | REFERENCES *Importance* To improve the ability to develop treatments that prevent inc... mais »
Sugary Drinks
Sugary drinks may explain 180 000 deaths worldwide each yearMARCH 19, 2013 Marlene Busko large amounts of sugary beverages was associated with an increased body-mass index (BMI), which in turn was linked with BMI-related deaths from diabetes, CVD, and cancer [*1*]. Specifically, the researchers found that in 2010, 132 000 deaths from diabetes, 44 000 deaths from CVD, and 6000 deaths from cancer in the world could be attributed to drinking sugar-sweetened soft drinks, fruit juice, or sports beverages. The study by* Dr Gitanjali Singh* (Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA) and... mais »
Kidney injury and Statin
"High-potency" statins linked to acute kidney injury in analysis MARCH 19, 2013 Steve Stiles *Montreal, QC* - Taking statins at "high-potency" dosages, with levels depending on the agent, appears to raise the adjusted risk of acute kidney injury by 34% over the first four months of treatment, compared with taking lower-dose statins, suggests an analysis [1]. In the study, from *Dr Colin R Dormuth* (University of British Columbia, Vancouver) and colleagues and based on data from observational cohorts predominantly in Canada but also the UK and US, the high-potency statins were*r**osuv... mais »
Harvard OnLine
Harvard Online: A Worldwide Hit By Kathleen Struck, Senior Editor, MedPage Today Published: March 18, 2013 When the Harvard School of Public Health opened its virtual doors last fall to a worldwide student body online, the first course they offered was neither broad nor lofty. But 55,000 students signed up for "Health in Numbers: Quantitative Methods in Clinical and Public Health Research." In other words, biostatistics and epidemiology, together in one offering (PH207x for those looking in the online course catalog). The free course taught students basic lessons in how to handle varia... mais »
Women In Health
*50 Of The Most Influential Women In Health* If you've received a blood transfusion, had lifesaving radiation therapy, experienced a natural birth or even lost weight by counting calories, you have used one of the many health innovations given to us by women in medicine. The history of women in medical professions is a long, not always happy one. In honor of Women's History Month, the Healthy Living staff has been thinking about the accomplishments of women in science. As health journalists, we believe that *all* doctors and researchers deserve more recognition for their contributio... mais »
Invasão do Iraq: 10 anos...
[image: Richard N. Haass] Richard N. Haass President, Council on Foreign Relations The Iraq Invasion 10 Years Later: A Wrong War "show the folly of overlooking local realities, be they political, cultural, or historic, and trying to impose our views on these societies and trying to remake these societies using large amounts of American military might."/.../
Química da Felicidade
*In the meantime, it’s clear that the chemistry of happiness — and anger, sleep and addictions — just got more complicated.* Are You Happy? You Might Have Hypocretin to Thank By Maia SzalavitzMarch 18, 201313 Comments In the mea [image: 6458-000137a] MAURO SPEZIALE / GETTY IMAGES As prolific as the recent research on dopamine has been, neuroscientists have long recognized that all of the subtle varieties of human happiness couldn’t possibly be embodied in a single brain chemical, especially one that is also released under severe stress.Move over dopamine, there’s a new “pleasure”... mais »
Social Psychology
Why people act out of line with their beliefs Tom Stafford - [image: Why people act out of line with their beliefs] (Copyright: Thinkstock) Ever been forced to defend a particular position and ended up believing it? You’ve succumbed to one of the most famous theories in social psychology. Related Why your brain loves feedback Psychology has some answers. If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards. And if you find yourself acting out of line with your beliefs, change them. This sounds like motivational advice from one of the more cynical self-help books, or perh... mais »
Links - Referências
Pretendo colocar progressivamente nesta página os endereços de links que mais tenho utilizados e que me parecem portanto mais úteis. Começo pelo nosso: http://amicor.blogspot.com http://amicorextension.blogspot.com http://emedicine.medscape.com http://www.nature.com http://www.youtube.com http://us2.campaign-archive1.com http://edition.cnn.com http://hdr.undp.org/ http://www.nejm.org http://www.reachmd.com/ http://www.arogyaworld.org/
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