I am thinking about time this morning — about how it expands and contracts in the open fist of memory, about how the same duration can feel like a blink or incline toward the infinite, or even do both at once. Eleven years ago today,
Brain Pickings began — birthed by what feels like another self, one that was once myself but no longer is and never again will be, and yet tethered to who I am today by some invisible thread of personal sensibility woven by and of time. As I look back on my
most important learnings from the first decade, I am thinking of Simone de Beauvoir and her meditation on
how chance and choice make us who we are. I am thinking of Borges and his sublime
refutation of time. But, above all, I am thinking of a poem by one of my favorite poets, the Polish Nobel laureate
Wisława Szymborska (July 2, 1923–February 1, 2012), about my favorite number, pi — an ode to the most precise language of the universe, mathematics, in the most precise language on Earth, poetry./.../
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