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Sunday, February 10, 2019

2908 - AMICOR 21

Global Health

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um minuto
[image: People's Health Movement] - - - Download Full Contents of GHW5 Section A: The global political and economic architecture A1: Sustainable Development Goals in the age of Neoliberalism A2: ‘Leave No One Behind’ — are SDGs the way forward?


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 14 horas
How Exercise May Protect Against Alzheimer’sby Neuroscience News Researchers report irisin, a hormone released during physical exercise, may promote neurogenesis in the hippocampus. The study sheds new light on why exercise helps improve memory and could help to protect the brain against Alzheimer's disease. Read more of this post

Universe dimension

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 19 horas
Ask Ethan: How Large Is The Entire, Unobservable Universe?If we know how big the observable Universe is, why can’t we figure out how big the unobservable part is? [image: Go to the profile of Ethan Siegel] Ethan Siegel 13.8 billion years ago, the Big Bang occurred. The Universe was filled with matter, antimatter, radiation, and existed in an ultra-hot, ultra-dense, but expanding-and-cooling state. By today, the volume containing our observable Universe has expanded to be 46 billion light years in radius, with the light that’s first arriving at our eyes today corresponding to the lim... mais »

Lua do outro lado...

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
OSonda chinesa pousa seu rover Yutu-2 no lado mais distante da lua Por Natasha Romanzoti O pioneirismo da missão da China ao lado “escuro “da Lua está trazendo diversas novidades aqui para a Terra. Depois de pousar lá pela primeira vez na história e fazer brotar uma semente de algodão em solo lunar, os chineses agora enviaram para o nosso planeta uma raríssima foto do lado de lá do nosso satélite natural, com a intromissão da Terra ao fundo. A imagem foi capturada pelo satélite chinês Longjiang-2, um dos acompanhantes da sonda lunar Chang’e-4, que explora o lado escuro da lua desde o ...mais »

Does tea prevent cancer?

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Does tea prevent cancer? “Yes, no and perhaps.” There is evidence that green tea, or some of its chemical components, can guard against cancer. But after decades of population-based health studies, and even clinical trials in people with cancer, scientists are struggling to translate promising initial results into meaningful benefits. Nature | 10 min read This article is editorially independent and was produced with financial support from Hunan Agricultural University. [image: image_alt_text]

HIV Drug

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
HIV Drug Could Treat Alzheimer’s and Age Associated Disordersby Neuroscience News [image: cells] Lamivudine, a generic HIV/AIDS medication significantly reduces age-related inflammation in old mice by halting retrotransposon activity. Two weeks of treatment reduced the signs of chronic inflammation — white blood cells stained pink amongst green fat cells — in old mouse fat tissue. image is credited to Sedivy Lab/Brown University. Researchers report a drug commonly used to help treat HIV can significantly reduce age related inflammation in mice. The study suggests... mais »

Soviet army entering Berlin

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
[image: World War II: Soviet army entering Berlin] *World War II: Soviet army entering Berlin*As Soviet troops entered Berlin, Adolf Hitler committed suicide, April 1945.Contunico © ZDF Enterprises GmbH, Mainz

Via Lactea

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
Dive Right Into the Largest Ever Image of Our Galaxy's Centre Jacob Aron - New Scientist 10/24/12 7:58am Filed to: SPACE 19.0K 25Save You are looking at more than 84 million stars, the largest ever catalogue of the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Astronomers at the Paranal Observatory in Cerro Paranal, Chile, stitched the 9 gigapixels of the original image from thousands of individual infrared pictures.You can see the full, zoomable version here./.../

The Medical Futurist Newsletter

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
*THE ROLE OF MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS IN THE DIGITAL HEALTH ERA* ------------------------------ The Digital Health Implementation Playbook, released by the AMA recently, marks an essential step in the expansion of the functions of medical associations as promoters of digital health and as guides for application of disruptive solutions in the 21st century. Here, we provide an overview of the development paths of medical associations from book clubs until advocacy networks – and draw up a potential way towards digitally savvy innovation hubs. *READ MORE*

Alzheimer and fibrinogen

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
A New Culprit of Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer’sby Neuroscience News Researchers have identified a potential new biomarker for cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease. The study reports fibrinogen, a blood clotting protein, causes a series of molecular events that may trigger the destruction of connections between neurons, resulting in cognitive decline. Read more of this post

400 mil bebês

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
[image: Bebê recém-nascido no Quirguistão. Foto: UNICEF/Voronin] UNICEF: quase 400 mil bebês nasceram em todo mundo no 1º dia de 2019 No Brasil, a previsão da agência da ONU era de aproximadamente 7,8 mil nascimentos para o 1º de janeiro. O UNICEF também divulgou uma lista com os nomes mais populares para os recém-nascidos. Entre os novos brasileirinhos, está previsto um número considerável de Helenas e Alices, além de Bernardos e Miguéis. Arthur, Sophia, Lorenzo, Heitor, Valentina e Isabella também estão entre os nomes preferidos pelas mães e pais da Virada.

Doença de Chagas

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
[image: Espécimes mortos do "barbeiro", inseto e vetor da doença de Chagas nas Américas. Foto: OPAS/OMS/Ary Rogerio Silva] Agência da ONU lança guia para diagnóstico e tratamento da doença de Chagas Em 21 países das Américas nos quais a doença de Chagas é endêmica, cerca de 65 milhões de pessoas correm risco de contrair a enfermidade. A Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS) estima que essa infecção parasitária seja responsável pela morte de 12 mil indivíduos por ano na região. Para melhorar a detecção e o manejo clínico da patologia, a instituição publicou um novo guia para o diag... mais »

Economia Glob al 2019

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Banco Mundial alerta para piora da economia global em 2019 As perspectivas para a economia global em 2019 pioraram, disse o Banco Mundial nesta quarta-feira (9) em novo relatório. Enquanto as tensões comerciais permanecem elevadas, o comércio internacional e o investimento desaceleram. A previsão do Banco Mundial é de crescimento de 2,9% da economia global em 2019, frente a 3% no ano passado. Para o Brasil, o organismo internacional projeta crescimento econômico de 2,2% em 2019 e de 1,2% em 2018. Já para a China, o PIB deve subir 6,2%, frente a estimados 6,5% no ano passado.

Urban Food

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Four steps to urban food security Many urbanites waste more food and demand more meat than rural residents — all while cities consume fertile cropland. Ecologist Baojing Gu and colleagues argue for four ways to keep everyone fed: combine pockets of rural land, reduce food waste, improve farming and encourage city-dwellers to back away from meat-rich diets. Nature | 8 min read

Neanderthal woman nicknamed Nana

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
[image: The Neanderthal woman reconstructed at the Gibraltar Museum] The Neanderthal woman nicknamed Nana, reconstructed at the Gibraltar Museum, with feathers. (S. Finlayson/Gibraltar National Museum) Trail of feathers to the Neanderthal mind In his new book *The Smart Neanderthal*, palaeoanthropologist Clive Finlayson makes the claim that Neanderthals were our cognitive equals — and that birds had a part to play in that. Finlayson — a passionate amateur birdwatcher — offers insight into human and Neanderthal behaviour gleaned from long-neglected fossil evidence of their interaction ... mais »

‘gut–brain axis’

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Gut microbes linked to depression Two species of gut bacteria — *Dialister* and *Coprococcus* — are reduced in people with depression, finds a large study of Belgian and Dutch people. Meanwhile, *Faecalibacterium* and *Coprococcus* bacteria were consistently associated with higher quality of life. The finding doesn’t prove cause and effect, but it does contribute to mounting evidence that there is a ‘gut–brain axis’ at work. Science | 5 min read Reference:* Nature Microbiology* paper

Hans Selie em Pôrto Alegre

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Graças à memória do Dr. Valério Garcia, colega de turma da Dra. Valderês. Caro Achutti, antes de tudo saudações à Valderes. O Hans veio a Porto Alegre por interveniência do Professor Peri Riet Correa do Instituto de Fisiologia uma referência na época devido a sua reorganização por parte do prêmio Nobel Houssais. Fez um Conferência no Salão Nobre da vetusta Faculdade de Medicina com a Mesa presidida pelo reitor da URGS Eliseu Paglioli. Salão lotado pela “intelligentsia” médica da época. Homem simples, alegre e comunicativo fez a conferencia em espanhol, embora austríaco-canadense. No ... mais »

Life organization strategies

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
How I Adapted the Bullet Journal Method to Organize My Entire Life As a lawyer, my time is a scarce resource. I’ve designed an all-in-one system that beats any productivity app. [image: Go to the profile of Jennifer Chan] Jennifer Chan Follow Dec 12, 2018 Since notebooks have always been around for as long we can remember, we tend to take them for granted. Their appeal — especially when compared to digital tools like Trello, Todoist, and Evernote — is, to put it lightly, lackluster. In the past, I’ve found they rarely spark creativity. They’ve felt functional, uniform, and mandatory. ... mais »

56 mi from 60: Americas Colonization

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
American colonization caused Little Ice Age Epidemics brought by European settlers killed such a huge number of indigenous Americans that there was a drop in CO2in the atmosphere, cooling the climate. Regrowth of forests on depopulated land caused around half of the drop in carbon that has been observed in Antarctic ice cores, and contributed to the ‘Little Ice Age’ of the 1600s. Researchers estimate that colonization led to the deaths of 56 million of the estimated 60 million inhabitants of North and South America between 1492 and 1600. BBC | 6 min read Reference: *Quaternary Science... mais »

Ervas Medicinais

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
Prosa, Verso e Arte 9 h · Manuscrito ilustrado de ervas medicinais escrito há mil anos é disponibilizado online REVISTAPROSAVERSOEARTE.COM Escrito há 1000 anos, o manuscrito ilustrado de ervas medicinais é disponibilizado online - Revista Prosa Verso e Arte O livro, ilustrado no século 11, é repleto de receitas de tratamentos naturais baseados em plantas que podem curar de tudo um pouco

“Thus Spoke Zarathustra”

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
“Thus Spoke Zarathustra” by Friedrich NietzschePart 4 in Arc’s series: The Greatest Works In Philosophy [image: Go to the profile of Dale Wilkerson] Dale WilkersonFollow Nov 2, 2017 Nietzsche once demurred that Socrates was the “vortex and turning-point [ *Wendepunkt*] of so-called world history” due to the fact that he had renovated Western moral and political thought from the ground up with the dream of an ideal moral and political type. For this reason, Nietzsche was drawn to engage the Socratic project in philosophy: Socrates, to confess it bluntly, is so close to me that I am alm... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
*Biocapacity in action: Watch the planet pump its vital energy from the sun!* [image: c7b2922d-0f3d-4573-91d7-102d98711a0f.gif] Our favorite geographer, Benjamin Hennig, is at it again. After creating colorful and distorted maps of the world based on Ecological Footprint data, his most recent endeavor aims at depicting ongoing cycles in the productivity of ecological systems around the world. Together with his colleague Yadvinder Malhi from Oxford, he factored the daily net photosynthesis value over an 8-day interval of satellite observations and extrapolated the trends for a year.... mais »

Determinantes Comerciais da Saúde

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
Recomendado pela AMICOR Cristianne Famer Rocha Dando continuidade à discussão sobre o tema dos *Determinantes Comerciais da Saúde*, no âmbito da *Renovação da Promoção da Saúde* *no contexto dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável*, convidamos para a segunda sessão virtual (webnar), que contará com a participação do *Dr Carlos Mussi* que abordará o tema: *Determinantes Comerciais da Saúde relacionados à produção e consumo sustentável, em articulação com os ODS 8, 12 e 17.* O Dr. Carlos Mussi é economista, com graduação na UnB e pós graduação na PUC-Rio. Desde outubro de 2011 é o... mais »

The Lancet Digital Health

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
A new voice for promoting digital technologies in health practice worldwide [image: cover]Presenting *The Lancet Digital Health*, a new gold Open Access journal published by *The Lancet*. Building on *The Lancet*’s tradition as an advocate for health, this monthly journal is committed to publishing high-quality original research, comment, and correspondence contributing to promoting digital technologies in health practice worldwide. By bringing together the most important advances in this multidisciplinary field, *The Lancet Digital Health* aspires to be the most prominent publishi... mais »

Perfect Plant

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
6 FAST FORWARD The Search for a Perfect Plant That Could Stop Climate Change Scientists are developing a plant that can suck and store carbon dioxide in its roots, helping to tackle climate change.

Felix Mendelssohn

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias

Telemedicina - CFM

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias

World Economy

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
Economics & FinanceThe Sorry State of the World Economy Kaushik Basu sees rays of light only in Africa and Asia's developing economies, none of which can drive global growth. Jan 30, 2019 KAUSHIK BASU Data released in January paint a bleak picture of advanced-economy prospects. Even if some emerging economies – which face serious challenges of their own – manage to pick up some of the slack, the world economy will remain encumbered by the combination of economic interconnectedness and political balkanization. NEW YORK – January is traditionally a time for assessing the developments o... mais »

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