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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Syrian and Lebanese immigration to RS

Julio B FranciscoJulio B Francisco   Parabéns ao Patrício!...
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulDepartament of Information Science, Faculty Member
This thesis refers to the history and the memory of Syrian-Lebanese immigration in Rio Grande do Sul, in the period from the last decade of the nineteenth century to the 1940s, more precisely between the years of 1890 and 1949, a temporal lapse that corresponds to two generations of immigrants, between their arrival in the country, adaptation to the new land and integration with the ‘gaucho’ culture. It aims to contribute to the knowledge of the origins of the Arab immigration in the state, the periods in which immigrants arrived, their places of fixation, the activities they carried out,...

1 comment:

juju said...

Obrigado professor Aloyzio!