Happy Chinese New Year?
How can I wish someone a Happy Chinese New Year? [image: Citizens buy decorations for the upcoming Lunar New Year in Hefei, Anhui Province of China on Feb. 3, 2018.] Citizens buy decorations for the upcoming Lunar New Year in Hefei, Anhui Province of China on Feb. 3, 2018. VCG/Getty Images *“Gong hei fat choy”* is the most common Chinese New Year greeting in Cantonese, which is spoken in parts of southern China and Hong Kong. It directly translates to “wishing you great happiness and prosperity.” In Mandarin, the same greeting is *“gong xi fa cai”* (pronounced *gong she fa tsai*). W... mais »
Ruth Glass: Beyond ‘Gentrification’Divya Subramanian[image: A barman and customers at the Piss House pub on Portobello Road, Notting Hill, London, 1969] In her introduction to *London: Aspects of Change* (1964), Ruth Glass wrote that the city was “too vast, too complex, too contrary and too moody” to be known entirely. The same could be said about Glass herself, an urban sociologist based at University College London from the 1950s to her death in 1990. She left no archive for scholars to sift through. The term she coined, gentrification, has become ubiquitous, but she remains out of... mais »
Leonhard Euler (1707–1783)
The Smartest Person in the World That You Have Never Heard Of [image: Calin Aneculaesei] Calin Aneculaesei Follow Jul 26, 2019 · 4 min read Portrait of Leonhard Euler by Jakob Emanuel Handmann (1753) Unless you study Mathematics or Physics at a university level it is very unlikely that you have ever heard of Leonhard Euler (1707–1783). But as many of the people who know who he is would tell you, his impact on the scientific world cannot be overlooked. Similar to DaVinci, Euler didn’t focus on only one facet of science. He was known for his work in optics, astronomy, music theory, mecha... mais »
Robert Burns
[image: Robert Burns, detail of an oil painting by Alexander Nasmyth; in the National Portrait Gallery, London.] 1759: Robert Burns, national poet of Scotland, (born January 25, 1759, Alloway, Ayrshire, Scotland—died July 21, 1796, Dumfries, Dumfriesshire), national poet of Scotland, who wrote lyrics and songs in Scots and in English. He was also famous for his amours and his rebellion against orthodox religion and morality.
Winston Churchill
[image: Churchill, Winston] *Winston Churchill*, in full *Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill*, (born November 30, 1874, Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, England—died January 24, 1965, London), British statesman, orator, and author who as prime minister (1940–45, 1951–55) rallied the British people during World War II and led his country from the brink of defeat to victory. *Marlborough: His Life and Times*, a massive rehabilitation of his ancestor against the criticisms of the 19th-century historian Thomas Babington Macaulay. Ontem postei algo sobre nossa visita à Inglaterra em 1997,... mais »
Stratford on Avon
Como andamos às voltas com* W.* *Shakespear *durante a semana, conversamos com uma amiga sobre nossa viagem a *Stratford on Avon* em abril de *1997* e resolvemos revisitá-la, Reproduzi um mapa da região, duas fotos da paisagem dos campos onde criam uma raça de gado com aspas grandes, que parece ser originária de lá. Também fotos da ponte, do rio com a *Valderês* passeando, e a casa onde morou o poeta. [image: Resultado de imagem para avon river map]
Lua: lado oculto
Missão espacial chinesa divulga fotos incríveis do lado oculto da Lua [image: Missão espacial chinesa divulga fotos incríveis do lado oculto da Lua] [image: share on twitter] [image: share on facebook] [image: share on Flipboard] globo.com / Redação Galileu Faz pouco mais de um ano desde que o veículo espacial Yutu 2 pousou no lado escuro da Lua como parte da missão chinesa Chang'e 4. As informações … leia mais
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia! Vol. 114 Nº 1
Caso não esteja visualizando corretamente, clique aqui. *Confira a nova edição dos Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia!* *Edição Atual | Janeiro, 2019 | Vol. 114 Nº 1* *ARTIGO ORIGINAL* *Endocardite Infecciosa* *Fatores de Risco para Mortalidade Hospitalar na Endocardite Infecciosa* Ana Marques et al. *MINIEDITORIAL* *Endocardite Infecciosa: Ainda uma Doença Mortal*
Edouard Manet
[image: A Bar at the Folies-Bergère, oil on canvas by Édouard Manet, 1882; in the Courtauld Institute Galleries, London.]FEATURED BIOGRAPHY1832Édouard Manet READ MORE
Scientists uncover new mode of evolution By Nicoletta Lanese - Staff Writer a day ago Scientists have discovered a form of natural selection that doesn't rely on DNA. [image: Cryptococcus neoformans] (Image: © Shutterstock) Evolution and natural selection take place at the level of DNA, as genes mutate and genetic traits either stick around or are lost over time. But now, scientists think evolution may take place on a whole other scale — passed down not through genes, but through molecules stuck to their surfaces. These molecules, known as methyl groups, alter the structure of DNA and... mais »
Technological Books
Technological Books you should read in 2020 We’re living in the future. It’s time to understand it. [image: Przemek Chojecki] Przemek Chojecki Follow Dec 6, 2019 · 4 min read Our world is a global village. If you’re reading these words, you probably have a smartphone with a connection to the Internet. Last two decades were crazy when it comes to technology and how we use it. Never in our history we have seen so many breakthroughs in such a short time. This text focuses on books which discuss those changes from different perspectives. Technology Books you should read in 2020
AD and Inflammation
New research about the role of microglia is shifting the brain-body paradigm and may make inflammation an important target for Alzheimer's and other neurological diseases, an essayist argued. *(STAT)*
George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron
[image: George Gordon, Lord Byron, c. 1820.] Lord Byron ENGLISH POET BORNJanuary 22, 1788 London, England (Born on this day)DIEDApril 19, 1824 (aged 36) Mesolóngio
Concurso Nacional de Tiro ao Alvo 1922 (centenário da independência)
Complementando a postagem da semana passada com o título SILHUETA https://amicor.blogspot.com/2020/01/silhueta.html Estou postando mais duas fotos da época: *Tiro de Guerra 36 de Santa Maria* o grupo todo, e os três campeões regionais que foram ao Rio concorrer, pela comemoração do *Centenário da Independência*, no qual nosso pai foi classificado como *Campeão Nacional de tiro ao alvo.* *Bortolo Achutti, A, Kümmel e Rubem Oliveira* (pai do muito estimado colega, também falecido *Renan Marisiaij de Oliveira*)
Biology tech 2020
Biology technologies to watch in 2020 Seven thought leaders in biology predict the tech developments that will have a big impact in the coming year. Among them, structural biologist Hongwei Wang plumps for transmission cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) for deciphering the structures of macromolecules. Biophysicist Sarah Woodson is keeping her eye on long-read RNA sequencing and live-cell imaging using light-up RNA strands called aptamers. And computational systems biologist Elhanan Borenstein is excited about computational methods to decode the microbiome. Nature | 10 min read
Big Bang
Bye-bye to the Big Bang During an infinitesimal moment in time just after the Big Bang, the Universe expanded to more than a billion, billion times its original size through a process called cosmological inflation. Or did it? Huge cosmological experiments have failed to find the much-sought-after fingerprint of inflation in the cosmic background radiation, and some theorists feel that the theory has outlived its usefulness. To replace it, some propose a ‘Big Bounce’, with the Big Bang as the turning point in an ongoing cycle of contraction and expansion. Or even a mirror universe — ... mais »
Enzymes Design
How designing brand-new enzymes could change the world 13:12 minutes · TED@DuPont "If DNA is the blueprint of life, enzymes are the laborers that carry out its instructions," says chemical biologist Adam Garske. In this fun talk and demo, he shows how scientists can now edit and design enzymes for specific functions -- to help treat diseases like diabetes, create energy-efficient laundry detergent and even capture greenhouse gases -- and performs his own enzyme experiment onstage. Watch now » PLAYLIST OF THE DAY [image: A decade in review] A decade in review Sayonara 2010s! Enjoy this... mais »
Julia Achutti
Portofólio de *Julia Belardinelli Achutti* nossa única e linda neta pode ser acessado Recentemente fiz um site com meus trabalhos acadêmicos e profissionais, para trocar de estágio e tal, *Www.juliaachutti.myportfolio.com*

[image: A first-edition folio of William Shakespeare’s plays, shown in shallow depth of focus.]Machine Learning Has Revealed Exactly How Much of a Shakespeare Play Was… Literary analysts have long noticed the hand of another author in Shakespeare’s Henry VIII. Now a neural… MIT Technology Review[image: Member only content]4 min read
Toxoplasma Gondii
A parasite that makes mice unafraid of cats may quash other fears too*Toxoplasma gondii* can mess with all sorts of mice behaviors, a new study shows [image: Cat on grass] The parasite *Toxoplasma gondii* turns mice’s fear of cats into curiosity. The parasite emboldens mice in other situations too, a new study finds. FIRMAFOTOGRAFEN/GETTY IMAGES PLUS Share this: - rint By Laura Sanders JANUARY 14, 2020 AT 11:00 AM A parasite common in cats can eliminate infected mice’s fear of felines — a brain hijack that leads to a potentially fatal attraction. But this cat-related boldness (*SN:... mais »
A new drug lowers levels of a protein related to ‘bad’ cholesterolThe next clinical trial will test if the treatment reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke [image: doctor talking to a patient] Testing for a person’s level of lipoprotein(a), which carries fat and cholesterol, could become widespread if a new drug that can drastically reduce the protein is found to lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. FATCAMERA/GETTY IMAGES PLUS Share this: - Print By Aimee Cunningham JANUARY 16, 2020 AT 7:00 AM Routine blood tests in the not-too-distant future may feature a new line item... mais »
CAR-T cell therapies
[image: newsletter image] Exploding cancer cells can cause serious side effects in CAR-T cell therapies Jan 17 2020 2:00 PM Blocking a protein caused cancer cells targeted with CAR-T cell immunotherapy to shrink rather than burst, which may help reduce inflammation. READ MORE
brush cells
Hairy cells in the nose called brush cells may be involved in causing allergies Jan 17 2020 2:00 PM [image: newsletter image]Some hairy cells in the nose may trigger sneezing and allergies to dust mites, mold and other substances, new work with mice suggests. READ MORE
Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov Lenin
[image: Vladimir Lenin, 1918.] 1924: Vladimir Lenin, who led the Russian Revolution (1917) and later served as the first head (1917–24) of the Soviet state, died. *[ Discover the significant events of the Russian Revolution .]*(born April 10 [April 22, New Style], 1870, Simbirsk, Russia—died January 21, 1924, Gorki [later Gorki Leninskiye], near Moscow), founder of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), inspirer and leader of the Bolshevik Revolution (1917), and the architect, builder, and first head (1917–24) of the Soviet state. He was the founder of the organization known as ... mais »
Ending Global Poverty?
The Science of (Not) Ending Global Poverty *By Aparna Gopalan* – The Nation* The 2019 Nobel Prize winners in economics represent a new strain of neoliberal thought. In 1974, the neoliberal Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek was awarded the newly instituted Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in…Continue Reading →
Mina Guaíba. Alerta!
*NOTA DE ALERTA URGENTE À POPULAÇÃO:* *sobre a Poluição da Mina Guaíba* O III Simpósio de Saúde Planetária de Porto Alegre propiciou palestras e debates públicos com renomados professores e especialistas internacionais em Saúde Ambiental das áreas da Justiça, Geologia, Medicina, e outros. Por consequência, julgamos imperativo tornar público as considerações: a) Graves falhas na EIA-RIMA (Estudo de Impacto Ambiental) da Mina Guaíba, como: i) Não inclusão do município de Porto Alegre na região de impacto ambiental indireto da mineração localizada a apenas 16 km do centro da cidade; ii)... mais »
*Kurzweil | e-newsletter* Dear readers, Welcome to the Kurzweil e-newsletter --- tracking the press + activities of Ray Kurzweil: best-selling author, inventor, and futurist. Plus breakthroughs in science, tech, and progress --- illustrating Ray's ideas + predictions outlined in his acclaimed books. Our web library features Ray's key writings, resources, and a digest of stories on the world of tomorrow. *to visit our home page* | *click here*
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