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Saturday, March 14, 2020

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein celebrating his 70th birthday with children from a displaced persons camp on Mar. 13, 1949, at his home in Princeton, N.J.
Albert Einstein celebrating his 70th birthday with children from a displaced persons camp on Mar. 13, 1949, at his home in Princeton, N.J.
Gamma-Keystone—Getty Images
Albert Einstein’s March 14 birthday is always cause for celebration. In past years, children in Princeton, N.J. — the theoretical physicist’s home for about two decades — have participated in an Einstein look-alike contest, and in San Francisco people would sing him the Happy Birthday song while circling a shrine to Pi at the Exploratorium science museum. (March 14 is also known as Pi Day for its tie to the first digits of Pi, 3.14.)/.../
Einstein, Albert

1879: German American physicist Albert Einstein, one of the most creative intellects in human history, known for his groundbreaking theories of relativity , was born in Ulm, Germany. [ Watch an overview of Albert Einstein's life and career .]

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