Iwo Jima 75 years ago
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 hours ago

The Famous Iwo Jima Flag-Raising Photo Captured an Authentic Moment—But Gave Many Americans a False Impression [image: U.S. Marines of the 28th Regiment, 5th Division, raise the American flag atop Mt. Suribachi, Iwo Jima, on Feb. 23, 1945.] U.S. Marines of the 28th Regiment, 5th Division, raise the American flag atop Mt. Suribachi, Iwo Jima, on Feb. 23, 1945. Joe Rosenthal—AP BY MATTHEW PRESSMAN AND JAMES J. KIMBLE FEBRUARY 21, 2020 This Sunday marks the 75th anniversary of what is arguably the most famous news photo of all time. The shot of U.S. Marines raising an American flag on ...
Arthur Schopenhauer and more...
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 11 hours ago

194 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: FEBRUARY 22 Arthur Schopenhauer GERMAN PHILOSOPHER [image: Arthur Schopenhauer, 1855.] WRITTEN BY: - Arthur Hübscher LAST UPDATED: Feb 18, 2020 See Article History *Arthur Schopenhauer*, (born February 22, 1788, Danzig, Prussia [now Gdańsk, Poland]—died September 21, 1860, Frankfurt am Main [Germany]), German philosopher, often called the “philosopher of pessimism,” who was primarily important as the exponent of a metaphysical doctrine of the will in immediate reaction against Hegelian idealism. His writings influenced later existential phi...
White Rose
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 11 hours ago

White Rose GERMAN ANTI-NAZI GROUP WRITTEN BY: - Michael Ray See Article History Volume 90% 03:29 03:29 *World War II: White Rose*Overview of the White Rose.Contunico © ZDF Enterprises GmbH, MainzSee all videos for this article *White Rose*, German anti-Nazi group formed in Munich in 1942. Unlike the conspirators of the July Plot (1944) or participants in such youth gangs as the Edelweiss Pirates, the members of the White Rose advocated nonviolent resistance as a means of opposing the Nazi regime. [image: White Rose] *White Rose*Hans and Sophie Scholl, *c.* 1940.Authenticated...
The biology of our selves
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago
The biology of our best and worst selves Robert Sapolsky | 1.8M views ► WATCH NOW SAVE TO LIST Martin Marquis Sapolsky focuses on the genetics of violence and benevolence, and carefully contextualizes how environmental factors impact how we behave. As a sociologist, I really appreciated that Sapolsky pointed out how complex it can be to explain our behavior. His talk was not only insightful but engaging.
Mary Astell (1666-1731)
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago
Idea / Ethics A woman philosopher calls out misogyny in the 17th century Allauren Samantha Forbes
prévention du tabagisme
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago

La Suisse, la «patrie des multinationales du tabac» épinglée[image: Ajouter l'article à vos favoris][image: Retirer l'article de vos favoris] SANTÉ Selon un classement qui scrute la lutte des pays européens contre le tabac, publié jeudi, la Suisse dégringole de 14 places et occupe l’avant-dernier rang. L’Association suisse pour la prévention du tabagisme déplore les blocages qui empêchent de faire face à un fléau qui fait 9500 morts par an
The Elegant Universe
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago
[image: Image may contain: Brian Greene, Human, Person, Coat, Suit, Clothing, Overcoat, Apparel, Electronics, Phone, and Mobile Phone]PAID POSTFrom the world-renowned physicist and author of *The Elegant Universe* A captivating exploration of the cosmos and humanity’s search for purpose. “Greene remains one of our best living intermediaries between the sparkling, absolute-zero world of mathematics and the warm, clumsy world of human language.” –Anthony Doerr, The Boston Globe
W.H. Auden and 150 more
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago
153 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: FEBRUARY 21 [image: Auden, 1965.] [image: Czerny, Carl] Carl Czerny 1907: *W.H. Auden*, one of the foremost English-language poets of his era, was born. *[ Test your knowledge of the opening lines of famous poems .]*[image: Benedict de Spinoza] *Benedict de Spinoza*[image: Walker, Mary Edwards] *Mary Edwards Walker*
science and faith
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago
‘He could speak intelligently about both science and faith’ George Coyne, the priest and astronomer who spent nearly three decades as head of the Vatican observatory, died earlier this month at the age of 87. Although he publicly clashed with prominent anti-religious figures such as Richard Dawkins, he is known for championing the ideas of Galileo and Darwin, and challenging intelligent design. “If they respect the results of modern science,” Coyne once wrote, “religious believers must move away from the notion of a dictator God or a designer God, a Newtonian God who made the univer...
Cardiology Connect
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago
Abrir no Navegador [image: Image] *Resultados surpreendentes de um estudo internacional sobre defeitos cardíacos congênitos críticos* Vídeo-cápsula informativo apresentando resultados e conclusões de um estudo de coorte retrospectivo internacional realizado para avaliar tendências e padrões de diagnóstico pré-natal de DCCCs e sua relação com a prevalência de DCCC em recém-nascidos e nascimentos totais, bem como sua mortalidade. *Referência:* Bakker MK - National Center for Biotechnology Information [image: Assista ao vídeo] *Clique aqui para assistir ►* *Você sabia? A Pfizer te ofe...
Ansel Adams and more...
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago
BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: FEBRUARY 20 Calendar JANUARY JANUARY 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 293031 FEBRUARY 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 29 MARCH 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 293031 MARCH Go to Today's Date *190* Biographies [image: Ansel Adams: Half Dome, Apple Orchard, Yosemite] 1902: Ansel Adams, the most important landscape photographer of the 20th century, was born in San Francisco. *[ Watch John Szarkowski discuss the work of Adams .]*
Coronavirus Structure
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago

Coronavirus 'spike' protein just mapped, leading way to vaccine By Yasemin Saplakoglu - Staff Writer 3 hours ago The coronavirus uses this protein to invade human cells. - - - - - - [image: This is the 3D atomic scale map or molecular structure of the SARS-2-CoV protein "spike" which the virus uses to invade human cells.] This is the 3D atomic scale map or molecular structure of the SARS-2-CoV protein "spike" which the virus uses to invade human cells. (Image: © Jason McLellan/Univ. of Texas at Austin) Researchers worldwide are racing to develop potenti...
CVD Burden by US States 1990-2016
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago
May 2018 The Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases Among US States, 1990-2016 Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases Collaboration Article Information JAMA Cardiol. 2018;3(5):375-389. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2018.0385 editorial comment icon Editorial Comment - - Key Points *Question* How does the total burden of cardiovascular diseases vary across US states? *Findings* In this study using the Global Burden of Disease methodology, large disparities in total burden of CVD were found between US states despite marked improvements in CVD burden. *Meaning* These estimates can pro...
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago

'Death Cleaning' Is the Newest Way to Declutter. Here's What to Know Getty Images BY AMANDA MACMILLAN OCTOBER 17, 2017 My father, a meticulous organizer, has perfected the art of storage: nestling suitcases inside of suitcases, suspending old tables from the ceiling and filling every available nook with things we just might need again someday, but haven’t touched in years. As a result, our basement—like that of many Americans—is full of stuff. My mother has been hounding him for years to pare it down, but he hasn’t been willing to budge. Until this year. In the past 12 months, two of ...
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago

Chamávamos *Exame AMRIGS*, eu fazia parte da Diretoria quando a criamos e colocamos o *Pofessor José Martins Job *comoprimeiro Diretor do Projeto. Tenho fotografias do grupo reunido, acho que também do dia em que foi oficialmente lançado. Essa foto estava em minha memória como se fosse do lançamento do *Exame AMRIGS*, mas agora estou em dúvida Certamente é da época. Não vai ser fácil comprovar pois do grupo somos somente três sobreviventes: *Luiz Alberto Arisoli Fagundes, Gunther Von Eye e eu*. Fiquei na dúvida por que não encontrei aí o *Prof; José M. Job* que esteve comprometido c...
Natural Systems
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago
[image: Nations are no longer limited by a lack of knowledge or methods when it comes to ecosystem mapping and assessment.]
178 Biographies on this day
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago
178 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: JANUARY JANUARY 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 293031 FEBRUARY 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 29 MARCH 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 293031 MARCH Go to Today's Date [image: Copernicus, Nicolaus] FEATURED BIOGRAPHY 1473 Nicolaus Copernicus [image: Edison, Thomas] 1878: American inventor Thomas Edison patented the phonograph [image: Deng Xiaoping] 1997: Deng Xiaoping, who introduced economic reforms to China in 1978, died in Beijing.
Cosmic Ctrings
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago

Cosmic strings from the Big Bang may have left behind ripples in space-time By Yasemin Saplakoglu - Staff Writer an hour ago A new study may help answer one of the universe's biggest mysteries. - - - - - - [image: Inflation stretched the tiny universe into a macroscopic size and turned cosmic energy into matter. But it likely created an equal amount of matter and antimatter. It's not clear why but the authors probe one theory that a phase transition after inflation led to a tiny bit more matter than anti-matter and also created cosmic strings which ...
'engine of consciousness'
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago
[image: Neuroscientists discover 'engine of consciousness' hiding in monkeys' brains] Neuroscientists discover 'engine of consciousness' hiding in monkeys' brains Read Mo
WWII History (em português)
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago
*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQgR2utCYEU* [image: YouTube post de BBC News Brasil: Os brasileiros que viveram a 2ª guerra mundial em Londres]
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago

Posted by u/takeasecond OC: 47 8 hours ago [image: Gold] Languages by Speaker Count & Type [OC] OC [image: Post image] 874 Comment
On this day biographies
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago

Mary I [image: Mary I]QUEEN OF ENGLAND WRITTEN BY: - Eric Norman Simons LAST UPDATED: Feb 14, 2020 See Article History *Mary I*, also called *Mary Tudor,* byname *Bloody Mary*, (born February 18, 1516, Greenwich, near London, England—died November 17, 1558, London), the first queen to rule England (1553–58) in her own right. She was known as Bloody Mary for her persecution of Protestants in a vain attempt to restore Roman Catholicism in England. [image: Michelangelo.] 198 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: FEBRUARY 18 [image: Martin Luther, oil on panel by Lucas Cranach, 15...
Dopamine Fasting
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago
[image: image.png]Everyone is Wrong About Dopamine Fasting Avoiding pleasurable activities to reset the brain’s ‘reward chemical’ sounds great. Too bad that’s not how… Dana G Smith in Elemental[image: Member only content 4 min read
February, 17 - EB Biographies
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago

*Encyclopaedia Britannica: 168 biographies* *Destaques:* *https://www.britannica.com/biography/Giordano-Bruno* *https://www.britannica.com/biography/Moliere-French-dramatist* *https://www.britannica.com/biography/Johann-Heinrich-Pestalozzi* *https://www.britannica.com/biography/Adolphe-Quetelet* *https://www.britannica.com/biography/Rene-Laennec* [image: Bruno, Giordano][image: Mignard, Pierre: portrait of Molière] [image: Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich][image: Quetelet, Adolphe]
Madama Butterfly
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago
[image: Giacomo Puccini, 1908.] 1904: Italian composer Giacomo Puccini's *Madama Butterfly* premiered at La Scala in Milan, and it became one the most frequently performed operas. *[ Test your knowledge of operas .]*
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