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Monday, February 24, 2020


Editorial recomendado pelo AMICOR Fernando Neubarth
We are physicians, not providers, and we treat patients, not clients!
Henry A. Nasrallah
One of the most malignant threats that is adversely impacting physicians is the insidious metastasis
of the term “provider” within the national health care system over the past 2 to 3 decades.

This demeaning adjective is outrageously inappropriate and beneath thestature of medical doctors (MDs) who sacrificed 12 to 15 years of their lives in college, medical schools, residency programs, and post-residency fellowships to become physicians, specialists, and subspecialists. It is distressing
to see hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, insurance corporations, and managed care companies refer to psychiatrists and other physicians as “providers.” It is time to fight back and restore our noble medical identity, which society has always respected and appreciated.

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