Saturno em Chamas
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 minute ago

*Artigo do AMICOR Dr. Fernando Neubasrth, * *primo da Dra. Valderês na Zero Hora de Hoje*
The Necessity of Rage
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 10 hours ago
Advice for an Empath Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse: The Necessity of Rage [image: Dr. Ava Pommerenk] Dr. Ava Pommerenk Follow Dec 7, 2018 · 6 min read ------------------------------ *I’d venture to say that over half the human population has felt or currently has something that triggers rage from within them. And, for many of us, we have never been taught how to deal with this complex affectual experience. In fact, most of us don’t understand what rage is, or are terrified when trying to deal with it, when it appears.* *This way of relating to rage, unfortunately becomes the Achi...
On this day: february 29
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 11 hours ago

57 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: FEBRUARY 29[image: Charlize Theron in Monster][image: Rossini, Gioachino] [image: Coolbrith, Ina Donna][image: Ørjasæter, Tore]
On this day: February 28
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 23 hours ago

178 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: FEBRUARY 28 [image: Linus Pauling, photograph by Yousuf Karsh.][image: Henry James, 1905.] [image: Paul Krugman][image: Jane Russell in The Outlaw (1943).][image: Novaës, Guiomar]
Human Development Report 2019
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago
Download Human Development Report 2019 English - Human Development Report 2019 - English - Human Development Report 2019: Overview - English French - Human Development Report 2019 - French - Human Development Report 2019 - Overview - French Spanish - Human Development Report 2019 - Spanish - Human Development Report 2019 - Overview - Spanish Portuguese - Human Development Report 2019 - Portuguese (COMING SOON) - Human Development Report 2019 - Overview - Portuguese
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago

Possible new 'minimoon' discovered orbiting Earth By Brandon Specktor - Senior Writer a day ago It's been with us for three years, astronomers say. Sadly, it'll probably be gone by spring. - - - - - - Comments (0) [image: A small asteroid has been orbiting Earth for 3 years, astronomers say. Meet our newest minimoon.] A small asteroid has been orbiting Earth for 3 years, astronomers say. Meet our newest minimoon. (Image: © Shutterstock) Tumbling through Earth's increasingly crowded orbit are about 5,000 satellites, half a million pieces of human-made...
Time-Lapse Coronavirus
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago
[OC] Time-lapse of Global Coronavirus Infections Using a Radial Map REPLAY VIDEO 0:37 0:37 345 Comments Give Award Share UnsaveHideReport 85% Upvoted
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago

Hitler’s Surprising SS Volunteers: The “Wikings” The Scandinavian volunteers who would become part of one of the world’s most feared army section. [image: Calin Aneculaesei] Calin Aneculaesei Follow Nov 24, 2019 · 4 min read Men of the 11th SS Panzer-Grenadier Division Nordland during the Battle of Narva, 11 February 1944 The Schutzstaffel (SS for short) was a major paramilitary organization under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party within the Third Reich, and later throughout German-occupied Europe during World War Two. It began as a small guard unit known as the Saal-Schutz (“Hall Securi...
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago

154 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: FEBRUARY 27[image: Elizabeth Taylor, 1953.][image: Ivan Petrovich Pavlov] [image: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth][image: Lawrence Durrell, 1968.] [image: Alice Hamilton.][image: Woodward, Joanne: The Three Faces of Eve]
Molyneux’s problem
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago
Bumblebees Solve a 17th-Century Psychological Puzzle By answering the question posed in Molyneux’s problem, the invertebrates may have demonstrated an ability to internally represent objects - By Viviane Callier on February 20, 2020 In 1688 Irish philosopher William Molyneux wrote to his colleague John Locke with a puzzle that continues to draw the interest of philosophers and scientists to this day. The idea was simple: Would a person born blind, who has learned to distinguish objects by touch, be able to recognize them purely by sight if he or she regained the ability to see? T...
New microscopy technique
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago
neurosciencestuff *(Image caption: Using a new microscopy technique researchers simultaneously recorded from the cortex (green) and hippocampus (blue) of a mouse brain. Bright areas correlate with cell activity)* *New microscopy technique peers deep into the brain* In order to understand the brain, scientists must be able to see the brain—cell by cell, and moment by moment. However, because brains comprise billions of microscopic moving parts, faithfully recording their activity comes with many challenges. In dense mammalian brains, for example, it is difficult to track rapid cellula...
Biographies on this day
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago

167 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: FEBRUARY 26 [image: Kellogg, John Harvey] *A Kellogg Foundation em convênio com a UFRGS ajudou a financiar a primeira Residência Médica no RS e a segunda no Brasil, da qual tive a ventura de participar em 1959 e 1960 com base no Serviço do Professor Eduardo Zaccaro Faraco catedrático de Terapêutica Clínica* John Harvey Kellogg AMERICAN PHYSICIAN AND NUTRITIONIST WRITTEN BY: - The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica LAST UPDATED: Feb 22, 2020 See Article History *John Harvey Kellogg*, (born February 26, 1852, Tyrone, Michigan, U.S.—died De...
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago

THIS DAY IN HISTORY FEBRUARY 26 FEATURED EVENT [image: Napoleon in His Study by Jacques-Louis David, 1812; in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.] 1815 Napoleon's escape from Elba [image: Napoleon in His Study by Jacques-Louis David, 1812; in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.] Forced to abdicate as French emperor in 1814, Napoleon escaped from exile on the island of Elba this day in 1815 and, gathering support en route, retook power on his return to Paris on March 20, ushering in the Hundred Days. BIOGRAPHIES [image: Victor Hugo, photograph by Nadar (Gaspard-Féli...
"The final Plague"
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago
Waiting for "The Final Plague" *A Talk with Nathan Wolfe [1.30.09]* [ED. NOTE: In January 2009, I sat down in Los Angeles with virologist Nathan Wolfe for a wide-ranging discussion on his studies concerning the biology of viral emergence. Within a few months, the world was in a panic about the H1N1 swine flu epidemic that lasted most of 2009. Several months later in "How to Prevent a Pandemic," he wrote: *"The swine flu outbreak seems to have emerged without warning. Within a few days of being noticed, the flu had already spread to the point where containment was not possible. Yet th...
Mário Bunge (1919-2020)
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago

*Recomendado pela AMICOR Marioa Inês Reinert Azambuja* Morre Mario Bunge, um dos cientistas de língua espanhola mais citados da história, aos 100 anos O pensador argentino completou 100 anos em setembro. Traduzido de Julio Batista Original de Patricia Fernandez de Lis, no El País O cientista e filósofo argentino Mario Bunge morreu hoje à noite em um hospital em Montreal, onde vivia desde 1966, confirmaram fontes próximas à família ao EL PAÍS. Bunge é um dos cientistas de língua espanhola mais citados da história e recentemente completou 100 anos em setembro. Ele publicou meio mais de q...
Maria Corazon Aquino, (1933-2009)
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago

[image: Corazon Aquino] Corazon Aquino PRESIDENT OF PHILIPPINES WRITTEN BY: - The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica LAST UPDATED: Feb 20, 2020 See Article History *Alternative Titles:* Maria Corazon Aquino, Maria Corazon Cojuangco *Corazon Aquino*, in full* Maria Corazon Aquino, *née* Maria Corazon Cojuangco*, (born January 25, 1933, Tarlac province, Philippines —died August 1, 2009, Makati ), Philippine political leader who served as the first female president (1986–92) of the Philippines, restoring democratic rule in that country after the long dictatorship of Ferdinand Marc...
178 Biographies THIS DAY
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago

178 Biographies THIS DAY IN HISTORY FEBRUARY 25 [image: Tennessee Williams.][image: Self-portrait by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, oil on canvas, 1910; in the Archives Denyse Durand-Ruel, Rueil-Malmaison, France.] [image: Caruso, Enrico][image: John Foster Dulles] [image: José de San Martín, detail of a portrait by F. Bouchot; in the West Point Museum, New York.][image: Thomas Moore, detail of an oil painting by Sir Martin Archer Shee, 1818; in the National Portrait Gallery, London] [image: Koop, C. Everett][image: Myra Hess, c. 1925]
Queen Elizabeth I
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago

[image: Elizabeth I] As pope, Pius V excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I of England from the Roman Catholic Church.
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago
Editorial recomendado pelo AMICOR Fernando Neubarth *We are physicians, not providers, and we treat patients, not clients!* Henry A. Nasrallah One of the most malignant threats that is adversely impacting physicians is the insidious metastasis of the term “provider” within the national health care system over the past 2 to 3 decades. This demeaning adjective is outrageously inappropriate and beneath thestature of medical doctors (MDs) who sacrificed 12 to 15 years of their lives in college, medical schools, residency programs, and post-residency fellowships to become physicians, speci...
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago
*How gut bacteria make broccoli a superfood* Researchers have revealed how a common gut microbe helps the body to take advantage of the anti-cancer powers of broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and other vegetables in the *Brassica *genus. A set of genes in the bacterium *Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron* transforms the chemical that gives brassicas their distinctive flavour into compounds called isothiocyanates, which have protective effects against certain cancers.
Solar Energy
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago

Revolutionary Solar Energy Breakthrough Could Replace Industrial Fossil Fuels A Bill Gates’ backed renewable energy project has made a solar energy breakthrough that could lead to… Citizen Truth Staff in Citizen Truth[image: Member only content]3 min read
Cerebral função em nanoescala
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago
Pesquisadores observam comportamento cerebral em dispositivo em nanoescala Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:00 AM PST Uma equipe internacional desenvolveu um dispositivo em nanoescala com características análogas a certos comportamentos cerebrais, como aprendizado, memorização, esquecimento, vigília e sono
On this day February 24
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago

183 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: FEBRUARY 24[image: Jobs, Steve][image: Charles V] [image: Ibn Baṭṭūṭah][image: Butler, Judith] [image: Homer, Winslow: Daydreaming]
Dr. Li Wenliang
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago
Coronavírus: A Morte do Dr. Li Wenliang Sacode a China por *Gordon G. Chang* • 23 de Fevereiro de 2020 - A doença que assola o país poderá se transformar, como já circula na boca do povo, no "Chernobyl" chinês, o acobertamento de um desastre levando à queda do regime. - Muitos analistas calculam que Pequim irá estimular a economia, mas o estímulo só funciona se houver atividade econômica por trás. Grande parte da economia está parada, portanto não há muito o que estimular. Uma economia morta representa uma crise existencial para um regime cuja base primária ...
Individual atom just held
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago

Physicists just 'held' an individual atom for the first timeExperiment could allow us to build things on the atomic level. BRYAN NELSON February 20, 2020, 6:44 p.m. Tweet 12 [image: oganesson atom] Visual representation of an oganesson atom's subshells and orbitals. (Photo: TokyoMetropolitanArea69 [CC 4.0 License]/Wiki Commons) Physics has taught us that grasping things on the tiniest of scales can be just as challenging as grasping them on the grandest of scales. Sometimes it seems that the universe is even more vast the closer we look.
Newton’s Gravitational Constant
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago

[image: A an illustration of Newton’s constant]Is it time to retire Newton’s Gravitational Constant? Mathematical operations that involve Newton’s gravitational constant are extremely counter intuitive at the… Nicolus Rotich in Cantor’s Paradise[image: Member only content]7 min read
University of Göttingen
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago

THE UNIVERSITY OF GÖTTINGEN The Mathematical Center of the Universe (1800–1933) [image: Jørgen Veisdal] Jørgen Veisdal Follow Jan 7 · 12 min read “The pilgrimage to Göttingen was imperative for serious mathematicians in Europe and the United States” The inception of quantum mechanics can essentially be traced back to a single “Golden Age” in the mid-1920s at one university: the Georg-August University of Göttingen in Germany. Home to many notable scientists, the university is associated with no less than 45 Nobel Prize winners. Included in this group are many of the figures respons...
Universe speed limit
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago
The Universe Has A Speed Limit, And It Isn’t The Speed Of Light Nothing can go faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. But particles in our Universe can’t even go that… Mayank Patel in The Startup[image: Member only content]9 min read Best of Starts With A Bang! for you 4 Cosmic Records That The James Webb Space Telescope Should Shatter We’ve come fantastically far in our understanding of the distant Universe. Here’s how we’ll go even farther. Ethan Siegel3 min read Ask Ethan: Will The Earth Eventually Be Swallowed By The Sun? The Sun will eventually become a red giant star, swall...
The Poetry of Existence
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago

Until the End of Time: Physicist Brian Greene on the Poetry of Existence and the Wellspring of Meaning in Our Ephemeral Lives Amid an Impartial Universe“From our lonely corner of the cosmos we have used creativity and imagination to shape words and images and structures and sounds to express our longings and frustrations, our confusions and revelations, our failures and triumphs.”BY MARIA POPOVA [image: Until the End of Time: Physicist Brian Greene on the Poetry of Existence and the Wellspring of Meaning in Our Ephemeral Lives Amid an Impartial Universe] “Praised be the fathomless un...
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago

169 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: FEBRUARY 23 [image: Handel, George Frideric] Composer George Frideric Handel, a leading figure of late Baroque music, was born in Germany.Take our classical composers quiz[image: Gauss, Carl Friedrich][image: Keats, John][image: Willard, Emma][image: Joanna Baillie, engraving by H. Robinson after a portrait by Sir William Newton]
Antimatter Atom
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago

[image: Jeff Hangst standing on ladder in cluttered room]*Physicists Take Their Closest Look Yet at an Antimatter Atom* The laws of physics, as experts currently understand them, dictate the following: Every fundamental particle has an antimatter twin. The electron, quark, and muon, for example, are paired with the positron, antiquark, and antimuon, respectively. Each antiparticle weighs exactly the same as its twin, but exhibits precisely the opposite electric charge. If the twins meet each other, they annihilate, often to produce light. Since physicists discovered the first antimatt...
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