Wuhan high-security lab
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 hours ago

Does the novel coronavirus have any links to a high-security lab in Wuhan? By Jeanna Bryner - Live Science Editor-in-Chief 3 hours ago - - - - - - Comments (1) [image: This transmission electron microscopic image shows particles of SARS-CoV-2 isolated from the first U.S. case of COVID-19.] This transmission electron microscopic image shows particles of SARS-CoV-2 isolated from the first U.S. case of COVID-19. (Image: © Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images) An unprecedented amount of research has been focused solely on understanding the novel coronavirus...
Woodrow Wilson and Flu
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 hours ago
[image: Vittorio Orlando, David Lloyd-George, Georges Clemenceau, and Woodrow Wilson sitting in a room]Daily CommentWoodrow Wilson’s Flu, and How Pandemics Change History The two worst pandemics to strike the United States in the past hundred years have coincided with the terms of two Presidents—Wilson and Trump—who were plainly unprepared for their responsibilities. By Steve Coll
Military Spending by country
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 10 hours ago
[OC] Countries by military spending in $US, adjusted for inflation over time from r/dataisbeautiful
"Theory Z" - Transcendence
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 23 hours ago

What Humans Could Be As psychologist Abraham Maslow wrote, “Perhaps human nature has been sold short” - By Scott Barry Kaufman on April 13, 2020 [image: What Humans Could Be] Credit: Getty Images *"Perhaps human nature has been sold short...."* —Abraham Maslow Toward the end of his life, the humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow was developing new insights into self-actualization – and envisioning an even higher motivation, which he called transcendence. He referred to his theory as "Theory Z".* To Maslow, “transcenders” are regularly motivated by values and experiences that g...
Our Unconscient
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 23 hours ago
BEHAVIOR & SOCIETY What Neuroimaging Can Tell Us about Our Unconscious Biases [image: What Neuroimaging Can Tell Us about Our Unconscious Biases]It reveals that they involve the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex, the posterior cingulate and the anterior temporal cortex
Dinosaur DNA
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 23 hours ago

Possible Dinosaur DNA Has Been Found New discoveries have raised the possibility of exploring dino genetics, but controversy surrounds the results - By Riley Black on April 17, 2020 [image: Possible Dinosaur DNA Has Been Found] *Centrosaurus*. Credit: Elena Duvernay *Getty Images* The tiny fossil is unassuming, as dinosaur remains go. It is not as big as an *Apatosaurus* femur or as impressive as a *Tyrannosaurus* jaw. The object is a just a scant shard of cartilage from the skull of a baby hadrosaur called *Hypacrosaurus* that perished more than 70 million years ago. But it may c...
Brasília 60 anos
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago

|Enviou-me um amigo. Nem se deu notícia por aqui... Il y a 60 ans, Brasilia devint la capitale du Brésil [image: Vue de Brasilia le 21 avril 1960, jour l'inaguration de la nouvelle capitale du Brésil] Vue de Brasilia le 21 avril 1960, jour l'inaguration de la nouvelle capitale du Brésil afp.com - - - - - - - - - 17 AVR 2020 Mise à jour 17.04.2020 à 12:00 AFP © 2020 AFP Le 21 avril 1960, le Brésil inaugure en grande pompe sa nouvelle capitale, Brasilia, cité futuriste créée ex nihilo, abritant de multiples chefs-d'oeuvre architecturaux. Voici le récit de...
Alzheimer’s Dementia Recognition
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago
Alzheimer’s Dementia Recognition Through Spontaneous Speech: The ADReSS Challenge A new competition at an international speech A.I. conference hopes to push forward the ability to automatically detect Alzheimer’s dementia after analyzing a clip of a person talking. Startups like Winterlight Labs are also trying to build out this capability.
O Vírus
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago
*De nosso amigo e compadre *O VÍRUS*Jacy de Souza Mendonça* O novo *coronavírus* surpreendeu os médicos, pois eles não dispunham, como não dispõem, de meios para evitá-lo ou eliminá-lo. As pesquisas científicas que poderiam abrir caminho para essa prevenção ou esse extermínio são muito lentas, enquanto o micro-organismo mórbido opera em velocidade máxima. Médicos e pesquisadores científicos já jogaram a toalha: reconhecem sua impotência, ao menos momentânea, ante o inimigo invisível e socorrem-se da estratégia de esconder-se dele, aguardando a descoberta da arma adequada para ...
pandemics in history
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago

20 of the worst epidemics and pandemics in history By Owen Jarus - Live Science Contributor, All About History a month ago Plagues and epidemics have ravaged humanity throughout its existence, often changing the course of history. - - - - - - Comments (5) [image: An influenza ward at a U.S. Army Camp Hospital in France during the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918.] An influenza ward at a U.S. Army Camp Hospital in France during the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. (Image: © Shutterstock)
Historical linkages: epidemic threat
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago
Historical linkages: epidemic threat, economic risk, and xenophobia - Alexandre I R White Published:March 27, 2020DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30737-6 As a historian and medical sociologist, I have been studying the histories of international responses to epidemic events and what they can tell us about the nature of power, economics, and geopolitics. A historical understanding of the international regulations for containing the spread of infectious diseases reveals a particular focus on controls that have protected North American and European interests. In the ...
COVID-19 - Hospital-care
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago
April 16, 2020 *COVID-19: the case for health-care* worker screening to prevent hospital transmission
COVID-19 no RS
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago
*COVID-19 no RS * Da Academia Sul Riograndense de Medicina: Estamos enviando importante estudo epidemiológico sobre a *epidemia do Coronavírus no RS*, realizado na *UFPEL*, sob a coordenação do *Prof. Pedro Curi Hallal e dos Acadêmicos César Victora e Ana Menezes,* a quem cumprimentamos pelo êxito alcançado. Saudações *Carlos Henrique MenkePresidente da Academia* Área de anexos
Plasma Therapy CIVID-19
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago
April 16, 2020 Convalescent Plasma Therapy in Patients with Severe COVID-19 Anthony L. Komaroff, MD reviewing Duan K et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020 Apr 6 A preliminary report on 10 Chinese patients suggests benefit. Immunotherapy with neutralizing antibodies present in convalescent plasma (CP) proved to be effective and safe for patients with SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome), and the 2009 H1N1 influenza viruses. To test whether CP would benefit COVID-19 patients as well, researchers in Wuhan, China, performed a study in 10 severel...
Pandemics Preparedness
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago

Anthony S. Fauci on Pandemic Preparedness Before he led the effort to contain COVID-19, the nation’s top infectious disease expert published several papers about pandemic preparedness. Here are two. [image: Dr. Anthony Fauci speaks to reporters following a meeting of the coronavirus task force at the White House on April 6, 2020] Dr. Anthony Fauci speaks to reporters following a meeting of the coronavirus task force at the White House on April 6, 2020 Getty During the current COVID-19 pandemic, Anthony S. Fauci has emerged as the voice of science. Since 1984, he’s served as the dire...
Bernadette Mayer’s Memory
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago

Everyday Life, Revisited—with Bernadette Mayer’s *Memory* In the poet’s work, the small and ordinary rise to the level of heroic adventures. If we value human life, then we should value what makes up a life. From *Memory* by Bernadette Mayer, Siglio, 2020. Courtesy Bernadette Mayer Papers, Special Collections & Archives, University of California, San Diego. By: Lindsay Garbutt April 15, 2020 13 minutes *I started working on this article before COVID-19 became a global interruption to everyday life. Now, when we’re asked to stay home as much as possible, *Memory* serves as both an ...
English Language
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago
The Origin of the English Language A lot of native English speakers decide to learn Spanish as a second language because they say that Spanish… Alyssa Gould in Language Lab[image: Member only content]4 min read
The Enchiridion
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago
*Epictetus* Epictetus: There IS a handbook for lifeThe 1800-year-old handbook for a “tranquil flow of life” [image: Steven Gambardella]Steven Gambardella Dec 29, 2018 · 8 min read When we go through troubled times and we are faced with dilemmas, we are often consoled with the cliché “well, there’s no handbook for life.” Except that there is. It was written in the second century and has been read as an accessible guide to living a good life ever since./.../ From MEDIUM Discover Medium Welcome to a place where words matter. On Medium, smart voices and original ideas take center stage - w...
Diaries of W. War II
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago
The lost diaries of war Ilvy Njiokiktjien for The New York Times Anne Frank’s famous diary was one of thousands written by Dutch people during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. After the war, many were collected at a national archive, but most accounts never surfaced again. Now, the Dutch have started an effort to transcribe the handwritten or typed pages into digital documents, to post on the archive’s website. The voices of the forgotten diarists, filled with anxiety, isolation and uncertainty, resonate powerfully today.
Nanoparticles Immages
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago

Imagens 3D de nanopartículas criadas a partir de reconstituição átomo por átomo têm precisão sem precedentesPor Liliane Jochelavicius, em 15.04.2020 Os microscópios eletrônicos, inventados na década de 1930, permitem que cientistas vejam a estrutura atômica de materiais. No entanto, não conseguem mapear com precisão estruturas atômicas de materiais em solução líquida. Agora, cientistas desenvolveram uma técnica chamada 3D SINGLE, sigla em inglês para identificação de estrutura de nanopartículas por microscopia eletrônica de célula líquida de grafeno. O trabalho foi possível com a me...
Distanciamento até 2022?
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago

Se uma vacina não for rapidamente encontrada o distanciamento social terá que durar até 2022Por Natasha Romanzoti, em 15.04.2020 Um novo estudo da Universidade de Harvard concluiu que os Estados Unidos podem ter que adotar medidas periódicas de distanciamento social até 2022, a menos que uma vacina apareça antes. - Covid-19 é oficialmente a maior causa de morte nos EUA matando milhares de pessoas por dia Os pesquisadores supõem que o COVID-19 se tornará sazonal, como outros coronavírus intimamente relacionados que causam o resfriado comum, com taxas de transmissão mais altas...
Bioterrorism (2005)
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago

Nature’s Bioterrorist Is there any way to prevent a deadly avian-flu pandemic? By Michael Specter February 21, 2005 Early last September, an eleven-year-old girl from Kamphaeng Phet, a remote village in Thailand, developed a high fever, a severe cough, and a sore throat. She lived with her aunt and uncle in a one-room wooden house—not much more than a hut on stilts. The family had fifteen chickens, which wandered freely beneath the plank floor, where the young girl often played and slept. Then, at the end of August, the chickens died. Within days, the girl was sick, too. Her aunt too...
Dr. Li Wenliang
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago
Requiem for a whistle-blower Agence France-Presse — Getty Images Dr. Li Wenliang tried to warn China about the coronavirus but was silenced by the government authorities. He became a hero in the country when his warnings proved true, then a martyr when he died from the virus in February. Today, people gather, virtually, at his last post on Weibo, the Chinese social media platform, to grieve and seek solace in the comments section. Our columnist Li Yuan writes: “In a largely atheist yet spiritual nation with little tradition of praying, the digital Wailing Wall allows the Chinese peopl...
Not Dying Alone
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago
- Pandemic - - Perspective Not Dying Alone — Modern Compassionate Care in the Covid-19 PandemicList of authors. - Glenn K. Wakam, M.D., - John R. Montgomery, M.D., - Ben E. Biesterveld, M.D., - and Craig S. Brown, M.D. - *Dr.. Wakam: I’m 5 hours into my ICU shift at a community hospital in Detroit when the results of another arterial blood gas return. My patient has been hospitalized for 3 days and is Covid-19–positive. Over the past 12 hours, his treatment has progressed from intubation, to prone positioning on 100% fractional inspi...
Ventilador - COVID-19
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago

*COVID 19 GEPEC-VENT* O marido da *Profa. Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja,* principal colaboradora do AMICOR - *José Azambuja,* professor da Engenharia da UFRGS, está coordenando um projeto de desenvolvimento de um ventilador. Ela estou participando como liason para a área da saúde. Até agora trabalham meio quietos mas ontem fizemos este ppt de divulgação pois chegou o momento em que precisam de apoio institucional e dinheiro para fazer os protótipos e os testes. E correm contra o tempo. Torçam, divulguem e podem contribuir... Há uma conta na FEENGE... Colegas, Olá! Em nosso site, na p...
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago
What even is water Water is unlike most other liquids on Earth: it has at least 66 weird properties, including high surface tension, high heat capacity, high melting and boiling points and low compressibility. Some chemists have come to think of it as not being one liquid at all, but two distinct liquid phases that co-exist in a mixture. “We can’t fill a glass of two kinds of water types, but there have been some experiments which have indirectly seen these sorts of transitions,” says mathematician and modeller John Russo. Chemistry World | 11 min read
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago

Psychology tips for maintaining social relationships during Psychology tips for maintaining social relationships during lockdown HEALTH 14 April 2020 By Tiffany O'Callaghan [image: New Scientist Default Image] Social distancing may limit how much we see loved ones, but there are ways to make sure our relationships won’t be damaged Credit: Sisoje/Getty *Robin Dunbar has spent decades studying relationships, social bonding and the importance of touch and grooming in forging and sustaining our ties to others. As much of the world remains in lockdown, unable to meet loved ones and friends ...
orage de cytokines
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago
Avis de tempête immunitaire dans les cas graves de Covid-19[image: Ajouter l'article à vos favoris][image: Retirer l'article de vos favoris] CORONAVIRUS Un phénomène d’hyper-inflammation de l’organisme, appelé «orage de cytokines», pourrait jouer un rôle important dans les cas sévères de Covid-19. Des pistes thérapeutiques sont à l’étude Comment expliquer, dans l’épidémie actuelle de Covid-19, que certaines personnes infectées par le SARS-CoV-2 ne présentent pas ou peu de symptômes, alors que d’autres développent une forme aiguë de la maladie, y compris des individus en apparente bon...
Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago
The Smartest Person in the World That YouHave Never Heard Of Calin Aneculaesei Follow Jul 26, 2019 · 4 min read Portrait of Leonhard Euler by Jakob Emanuel Handmann (1753)
'Pillars of Creation'
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago

Hubble image reveals the mighty baby stars that will probably destroy the 'Pillars of Creation' By Brandon Specktor - Senior Writer 9 hours ago - - - - - - Comments (9) [image: The 'Pillars of Creation' glow in infrared light] The iconic 'Pillars of Creation' glow anew in infrared light. (Image: © NASA, ESA/Hubble and the Hubble Heritage Team) S
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago
*Através do Dr. Marcelo Blaya Peres* Páscoa Tânia Maria Baibich e Marcelo Jugend 12 de abril de 2020. É domingo. Boris Johnson, Primeiro Ministro do Reino Unido, discípulo dileto e declarado de Margaret Tatcher, afirmaque deve a vida ao sistema público de saúde( https://www.metropoles.com/mundo/boris-johnson-recebe-alta-devo-a-vida-ao-servico-de-saude ).. Sua mestra, paladina do Estado Mínimo, se revolve no túmulo. A Organização Mundial da Saúde nomeia a Fundação Osvaldo Cruz, instituição pública federal brasileira de pesquisa, dedicada à formação de recursos humanos para a área de ci...
on this day April 12
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago

155 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: APRIL 12[image: Franklin D. Roosevelt][image: Joe Louis][image: Bossuet, detail of an oil painting by Hyacinthe Rigaud, 1698; in the Uffizi, Florence][image: Baker, Josephine][image: Edward de Vere, 17th earl of Oxford][image: Przhevalsky, Nikolay Mikhaylovich]
Epidemic Diseases
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago
- *28 devastating infectious diseases* - *11 (sometimes) deadly diseases that hopped across species* - *The 12 deadliest viruses on Earth*
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