Projeto experimental que pode interessar nossos amigos ou visitantes eventuais: Releitura comentada. do livro de Daniel J. Siegel expondo o conteúdo no Blog AMICOR.
Daniel J. Siegel - 2017 WW Norton Co.
New York Times bestselling
Proposta de excursão pela essencia de ser Humano
Primerros passos:
Textos 1 e 2 de 5 a 12 de agosto
(53) This flow arises both within us and between us.
Energy end information flow happens in relationships as energy and information is shared, it happens inside of us as the physiological processes, especially of the nervous system including the brain, mediate the embodied mechanism of energy and information flow within us; and the mind is that embodied and relational emergent process of self-organization that regulates that flow.
As we discussed this working definition of one aspect of the mind as self-organization did not explain away mental experiences such (54) consciousness and its felt texture of the subjectivity of lived life, or the experience of thought or memory as a part of information processing. Perhaps one day those aspects of mental life will be seen as a part of self-organization, perhaps not. But for the time being, the fact that 40 scientists from a wide range of disciplines could rally around that one single statement, defining at least this one aspect of mind, was a powerful convergence. The collaboration that arose from having a shared statement of what the mind might be helped us collaborate fruitfully for many years.
Expressões repetidas:
- fluxo de energia e informação
- dentro e entre nós
- incorporado e relacional
- processos eletroquímico intra e inter
- regulação auto-organizada
- ………
- Os chamados espírito de colaboração, gregário e tribal provavelmente têm a ver com a consciência de que a elaboração mental não se restringe às nossas conexões intra-cranianas. Provavelmente a experiência demonstrou-nos ser possível resolver mais rápida e eficientemente nossas questões contando com os recursos (conhecimento e imaginação) acumulados em nossos parceiros através da decodificação e interpretação de meios de comunicação verbais, gestuais, escritos, impressos, eletrônicos ou representados em formato visual por imagem, expressões faciais e outras expressões artísticas.
- O conhecimento, mesmo com base científica, sabemos ser difícil despi-lo de componentes imaginários. É provável também estar aí um dos motivos pelos quais a investigação científica em geral não é, ou não pode ser muito abrangente, os fragmentos de conhecimento podem ser melhor elaborados despidos de conteúdos afetivos, e daqueles elementos frutos da imaginação, dos quais falamos, que preenchem os interstícios e pretendem construir ilações. Não se consegue construir uma teoria científica de tudo…
- A mídia eletrônica e o desenvolvimento da tecnologia da informação, certamente aceleram e facilitam a comunicação e a experiência de expansão da mente humana.
- Como se inserem nesse fenômeno os chamados “programas eletrônicos de comunicação social”?
(54)Does imaging your mind as an emergent aspect of the inner physiology of your body, including your brain, and the inter connections you have with the world, especially the social world of other people, fit with your reflections on your experience? The notion of emergence can feel for some, not intuitive, almost nonsensical, perhaps even bizarre. The idea that something simply arises from the interaction of elements of a system - like patterns emerging as water molecules move around in a cloud - may feel odd, or seem to not even apply to living systems, especially to your own life. You may wonder, “Who is in charge here?” Are we just emerging without a sense of free will? Can’t we generate intention that drives the system of ourself, not simply emerge from it?
These questions, and many, many more, will likely fill our minds as we move ahead. For now, if you focus on our exploration of the emergent aspect of mind - including your conscious experiences and your non-conscious elements of information flow, or which you may only see their shadows, of thoughts, memory, and emotion that later enter awareness, can you sense a quality of emergence, of something arising without you, or perhaps anything, “in charge?”.
- Hoje tive a grata satisfação de receber um telefonema de minha irmâ, Maria Helena (87) comunicando que gostou da ideia da aventura, e se propoz a andar conosco nessa jornada.
- Do Reginaldo ainda não recebi retorno, mas como ele se mostrou interessado no livro, e sempre gostou de aventuras no mundo da comunicação-informática, acho que vai nos acompanhar.
- A proposta não tem nada de comprometimento rígido, e como o tempo e o espaço em nosso caso são virtuais e flutuam no mar da imaginação, quem quiser e puder será bem vindo a qualquer momento, podendo contribuir com suas mentes a contemplar a paisagem que se descortina.
- Eu mesmo iniciei a jornada a partir do ponto em que havia feito uma pausa na leitura, e não o fiz de forma contínua. É bem provável que volte mais adiante sem atalhos...
- Quando se contempla uma imagem ou uma paisagem, nunca se absorve toda a informação que se descortina, e cada um com suas experiências (informações anteriores acumuladas), acuidade, interesses, enxerga detalhes, e a seu modo. É por isso que olhar, ler, ouvir, sentir, conversar em conjunto enriquece o encontro.
- As ideias apresentadas nesses parágrafos de hoje, ajudam a pensar na importância e extensão da autonomia, autodeterminação e independência. Nós nos influenciamos uns aos outros, o que fica fácil de entender com o conceito da mente que extrapola ao próprio corpo de cada um.
(54) I invite you to imagine times when your mind seems to have “a mind of its own”. For example, if information processing mental activities, like thoughts or emotions are revealed in fact to be part of the self-organizing aspect of mind, then as emergent processes they can feel as if they are simply arising on their own, without a director or someone, like your “self” in charge. Sound familiar? This is what an emergent process feels like - it just happens without a conductor in control. In other words, there is no linear causation. The self-organizing facet of mind arises from and then regulates itself. That is the recursive property as it self-reinforces its own becoming. That’s the self-organizational aspect of mind. You may feel that as the experience of simply watching life unfold, within you and relationships, without having to be the symphony conductor or computer programmer.That’s how self- (55) organization functions. You may feel, observe,notice, and recognize it, even it at times you are not trying to control it. You just get out of your own way and things naturally organize themselves.
But other times do you notice that things get so out of sorts that you need to assert some kind of volitional control?That’s likely where our conscious intention comes in as we bring consciousness and intention to influence our own experience, as we’ll explore in future entries.
Intention and free will can influence our mental lives, but perhaps not fully control them. For me, this blend of active participation as an influencer, along with innate emergence, fits well with the subjective sense of my own mental life. But how does that fit with your experience?
The self-organizational aspect of emergence means that your mind, in addition to emerging from energy and information flow, is turning back and regulating that flow. Now you may be wondering, what does this really mean? Is this some metaphysical proposal of energy patterns that are hard to grasp? Well, not really. Energy is a scientific concept, a process that exists in the physical world, not beyond it - it is not metaphysical.
To address this important issue here, I invite you to explore, both in the conceptual framework and in your own personal reflections, how your mind unfolds. I invite you to consider some fascinating views of energy offered by science of physics. As we move in to these points of view, you may try weaving the scientific concepts with your subjective experience of life, and even of how reading these ideas feels to you in the moment. This gets a little wild for some people, so you may want to put on your seatbelt and hold on for this segment of our journey.
Let’s review in more depth and make more personal what some physicists say about energy flow. The physical property of energy, as mentioned before, can be summarized according to many physicists as the potential to do something (Arthur Zajonc & Menas Kefatos, personal communication) Energy can take a variety of forms, from light to sound, electricity to chemical transformations. It comes in various frequencies like the range of sound waves from high to low pitch, or the spectrum of colors found in visible light. Light we see as red of yellow are both in the form fo light, only with different frequencies. Energy can have a range of amplitudes, from quiet sounds and subtle light, to blaring noise and intense light ampli(56)tude and even density are ways to putting words to the notion of quantity and quality or intensity. And energy like light or sound, has a shape and texture to it, such as pulses, colors, and contrasts, which we can simply call its contour.
- O conceito de auto-organização é muito interessante e me faz lembrar algo que aprendi com Thomas Simpson, quando ele dizia que quando retiramos algo da memória e colocamos em cima da mesa para examinar (pode ser introspecção ou no diálogo), quando re-colocamos o conteúdo na memória ele volta enriquecido, corrigido, com novas conexões de informações novas ou pré-existentes.
- As considerações sobre energia parecem também muito interessantes, mas preciso de um pouco mais de elaboração para incorporá-las porque vejo que o pensamento, as ideias, para mim não estavam bem no mundo físico ou material. Era como se fosse algo metafísico…
- Acho que na medida em que seguimos nesta jornada, será possível contextualizar e compatibilizar muitos detalhes das paisagens vislumbradas, muitas ainda cercadas de imaginação e fantasias. Espero que meus companheiros possam também nos ajudar. Se vierem contribuições para nossa mente estendida, pretendo inseri-las nesse mesmo texto, dando-lhes o devido crédito. Entretanto, adotando o conceito da mente não restrita ao cérebro, no momento em que nos comunicamos, mesclamos nossos conteúdos e informações, elas passam a ser nossas, e não mais propriedade minha ou de outros, até minimizando a preocupação com créditos.
(56)So on one level, we can see that energy has a range of characteristics: frequency, form, amplitude, density, shape or contour, and even location. We can have energy flowing through our brain, certain parts of our body, and between our bodily selves and others; and we have that flow happen between our bodily selves and the larger world in which we live.
Energy changes over time and in its various dimensions - intensity and contours, for example - as it influences the world. When I wrote these words to you, energy was being transformed in my nervous system, activated these fingers, typed these words, placed them in a document, and then, ultimately, was sent to you as words on a page of paper, digital screen or as sounds in the air, depending on how you were receiving the energy from me to you. That’s flow it involves change - change in location, me to you, and even change in the various features, such as form or frequency.
- Resumindo tudo em energia, estamos entrando provavelmente numa perspectiva quântica, ponto de vista que não foi aquele através do qual nos ensinaram olhar. Embora eu tenha dificuldade de traduzir todo o conhecimento acumulado como teoria newtoniana, parece-me sedutor e mais cômodo poder encontrar uma explicação comum e única para nós mesmos e para tudo o mais.
- Com a unificação da teoria, desde já, ao menos em nosso sistema, pode-se antever a importância do sol como nossa grande fonte energética, não somente relacionado com tudo que nos constitui e nos cerca, mas em particular a própria vida e todas suas formas de apresentação e de relação.
- Se aqui é assim, também é fácil antever uma explicação semelhante para o resto do universo.
- Estou curioso para ver o que nos espera ao tentar reunir o conhecimento, a imaginação, as emoções, as tensões que se criam no fluxo energético, não somente em nossas mentes como na interação com todas as demais, inclusive com as informações que nos foram sendo deixadas pelas gerações que nos antecederam, através de múltiplos e variados meios de comunicação, que formam a cultura e a memória coletiva.
(56)One view of information, as we’ve seen, is that it involves energy patterns with symbolic value. In many ways, the information processor facet of the mind extracts from energy’s profile of change, its patterns of flow, something that symbolises something other than that profile. We call this information. But information seems, from an energy-as-fundamental perspective, to itself be emerging from mental life. Energy has a profile, an array of features, with or without informational value.
Patterns of energy flow can involve changes in contour, location, intensity, frequency and form. Here’s a new acronym to help us remember this: CLIFF. And so when we say we can regulate energy and information flow we are saying we can monitor and modulate the CLIFF of energy, sensing and shaping its contour, location, intensity, frequency, and form.
You can regulate energy within you, between you and other people, and between you and the larger world. Regulation involves both the sensing process and the shaping process, like when you ride a bicycle or drive a car. You watch where you are going and you change the speed and direction of the vehicle. That’s regulating your movement through space. When you regulate energy and information flow, you are monitoring and modifying energy, within your body and between (57) you and the world. Regulation of energy - a fundamental facet of the self-organizational function of mind - happens within and between.
This CLIFF set of variables aspect is an accessible way of conceptualizing how your mind might sense and shape the flow of energy in each moment of life.
Still, there is another aspect to energy that is a bit more abstract, but equally relevant for considering how your mind might emerge from and regulate energy flow.
- Devo reconhecer que a ideia compactada no acrônimo CLIFF (penhasco - tem a ver com a imagem escolhida para a capa do livro?...), embora já tenha sido enunciada em parágrafos anteriores, não concegui absorvê-la inteiramente e fazer as conexões com prévias informações em minha mente.
- Contour, Location, Intensity, Frequency, and Form são padrões do fluxo de energia??? Seriam características do que chamamos informação?
- Se CLIFF foi usado pelo Daniell símbolo da paisagem que se descortina nesta jornada, deve ser muito importante e não pode ficar sem se mesclar adequadamente em nossas mentes.
- Lembrei-me da história contada por nosso filho Luiz Eduardo em um de seus livros: um menino ao ver o mar pela primeira vez, levado por seu pai, extasiado pela visão imensa, pediu “pai ajuda-me a ver…”
- Repetem-se: fluxo de energia e informação, emergência da mente, regulação, monitoramento do fluxo, auto-organização, dentro do corpo e entre nós e o mundo.
- O último parágrafo anuncia a abordagem de outro aspecto da energia, ainda mais abstrato. Veremos se não tendo incorporado tudo integralmente, será possível acrescentar algo mais pesado? Ou mais informação poderá ajudar a formar novas conexões para compreender o todo?!...
(57) Energy, as we’ve discussed, can also be viewed as a distribution of potentials.These potentialities are what some quantum physicists see as the fundamental nature of the universe. These potentials can be described as spanning a range from infinite potential to specific actualization of one of these potentialities. In this way, the reality of energy flow - how energy changes - can be proposed, as briefly mentioned earlier, to be the movement of energy from possibility to actuality, the movement from potential to the realization of one of that wide range of possibilities.The energy can continue to flow as it transforms back into potentiality. Abstract and odd, I know, (this is what we may need seat belts for), but this is what many physicists see as the true nature of our universe. When we explore the experience of consciousness in detail later on, we’ll return to this view to discuss exciting new possibilities of what consciousness itself may reveal about this view of a sea of potential and the arising of actualities.
- Voltamos ao fluxo de energia e informação, mas dentro de um contexto que não consegui captar em todas suas dimensões. Espero que relendo consiga compreender melhor.
(57) Often we live in the classical, Newtonian level of analysis, seeing large objects and how overt forces, like a car driving down a highway or this plane living in the sky, shape our world. But at another level, quantum mechanics enables us to view the world as filled not with absolutes, but possibilities and probabilities. In fact, much of our modern financial world and advanced computing are based on quantum theory. I bring all this up because if we are to deeply embrace the proposal that the mind is some sort of process that emerges from and regulates energy flow, we need to consider what this proposed idea of energy flow really means.
The basic elements of mind, energy and information, can be seen as smaller than a plane or truck, smaller even than a brain, smaller even than a neuron. So though I am reassured that this plane I am flying in now lives in a dominant Newtonian classical physics set a of laws and we can rely, with fair certainty, on properties of gravity and flow to keep us afloat, the mind doesn’t quite work that way. For example, in preparing for the plane’s departure earlier this afternoon, a mechanic pressed the (58) wrong button and the emergency evacuation slide was released. Besides the fear generated with the large sound of its deployment, the delay in our flight was another source of distress. The plane’s large size made the outer structures and internal mechanisms have high degree of certainty. We are now up in the air and it can be relied upon that button will not spontaneously push itself and eject the door and slide mid-air.
But the mechanic’s mind is not the same as the plane’s structure. His mind could have become distracted, perhaps thinking of a disagreement he had with his co-worker, a distressing concern about one of his kids, or any of an infinite number of thoughts or feelings that, with a few moments distraction, might have led to his compromised attention. Attention - that process which directs energy and information flow - is fundamental to mind.
- Daniel nos leva a contemplação de esferas distintas do mundo real (relembrando a visão pré-científica, pensando o mundo inserido em esferas concêntricas com lugar para tudo que imaginávamos).
- Não é fácil compatibilizar a física Newtoniana com a Quântica, e eu acrescentaria mais a dimensão Cósmica. Com dimensões tão distintas, fugidias à nossa percepção desarmada, cujas manifestações necessitavam de nossa imaginação para explicar.
- Embora estejamos tentando compreender nossa mente, ela, em si mesma, é provavelmente o maior desafio a ser compatibilizado para a compreensão de nossa essência.
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