Mind - 3
Nesta semana spmente consegui ler uma página, mas não consegui comentar. Se alguém tiver algo a acrescentar, postarei com muito prazer. Espero pode na próxima semana ler ao menos um parágrafo por dia e comentá-lo.* >>> III - 1 How Does the Mind Work in Ease and Dis-Ease? (64) In t... mais »
Nonhuman AD
New research detects Alzheimer's disease markers in nonhuman primates [image: The brain of a chimpanzee]Research investigating the evolution of the human brain may inform therapeutic advances for humans More at https://www.nsf.gov/discoveries/disc_summ.jsp?cntn_id=242850&WT.mc_id=USNSF_1
Report Cards: Food trends
Wayne RobertsFollow I have a PhD from U of Toronto and a diploma from School of Hard Knocks at Toronto Food Policy Council, so I can blog, speak & consult wisely on food & cities Aug 2 Do numbers count? Can they demonstrate important food truths?How Report Cards Can Inspire New Food Trends & Opportunities By Wayne Roberts I still shudder at the thought of report cards. When I was a child, I dreaded them because my teachers used them to tell my parents I spent too much time daydreaming and clowning around. That’s the point of report cards. They make someone accountable for behaviors t... mais »
late-life dependency
Is late-life dependency increasing or not? A comparison of the Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies (CFAS) Andrew Kingston, PhD , Pia Wohland, PhD , Raphael Wittenberg, MSc , Prof Louise Robinson, MD , Prof Carol Brayne, MD , Prof Fiona E Matthews, PhD , Prof Carol Jagger, PhD[image: ']Correspondence information about the author Prof Carol JaggerEmail the author Prof Carol Jagger on behalf of the [image: show] Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies collaboration† †Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies collaborators are listed at the end of this paper Published: 15 August 2017 O... mais »
Direito Sanitário
Sueli Gandolfi Dallari 19:32 (Há 1 hora) para mim Caros leitores e caras leitoras, *A Revista de Direito Sanitário* acaba de publicar seu último número - volume 18, número 1 – e os artigos publicados tratam de temas que estão na pauta das discussões sociais, políticas e econômicas do Brasil e do mundo. Começando pelo editorial sobre a nomeação do novo diretor-geral da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, ex-ministro da Saúde e também ex-ministro de Relações Exteriores da Etiópia. De autoria de Sueli Gandolfi Dallari, editora científi... mais »
Olds and very olds
Stop Treating 70- and 90-Year-Olds the Same By LOUISE ARONSONAUG. 11, 2017 Every summer around this time, pediatricians’ offices are flooded with children getting the vaccines they need to start another year of school. Doctors base their advice on which shots patients should get when on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s vaccine recommendations. The guidelines are presented in two schedules, one for children, the other for adults, both divided into subgroups based on developmental biology and social behaviors common at different ages. Unfortunately, there’s a major probl... mais »
America's Millionaires
LOOKING FORWARD 5 Things You Didn't Know About America's Millionaires Money Staff Aug 15, 2017 This snapshot shows who America's millionaires are, where they live, and what they do. A look at the data may provide some other helpful clues for anyone focused on building wealth
Sírios e Libaneses no Rio Grande do Sul 1890-1940
[image: Julio B Francisco] *Julio B Francisco* Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Departament of Information Science, Faculty Member *FROM THE MIDDLE EAST TO SOUTHERN BRAZIL: SYRIAN AND LEBANESE IMMIGRATION TO RIO GRANDE DO SUL (1890-1949) DO ORIENTE MÉDIO AO SUL DO BRASIL: A IMIGRAÇÃO DE SÍRIOS E LIBANESES NO RIO GRANDE DO SUL (1890-1949* The paper deals with the memory and history of the Syrian-Lebanese immigration to Rio Grande do Sul State/Brazil, seeking to situate the middle-eastern immigrants into the political, economic and social dynamics of the state, during the l... mais »
New Neurons
Adult Brains Produce New Cells in Previously Undiscovered Areaby Neuroscience News University of Queensland researchers report they have discovered evidence of neurogenesis in the amygdala. Researchers say their findings could help develop new avenues of treatment for fear processing disorders. Read more of this post *Neuroscience News* | August 15, 2017 at 10:47 am | Tags: University of Queensland | URL: http://wp.me/p4sXNK-b8K Comment See all comments
2017 World Population
SpPRB Releases 2017 World Population Data Sheet With a Special Focus on Youthotlight [image: headline photo] CHILDREN/ YOUTH, ENVIRONMENT, POPULATION DYNAMICS, REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, HIV/ AIDS/ STIS, GENDERAUGUST 20172017 World Population Data Sheet The global population will reach 9.8 billion in 2050, up from 7.5 billion now, according to the 2017 World Population Data Sheet. This year’s edition includes a special focus on the world’s youth (ages 15-24), with indicators and analytical graphics that assess whether youth are poised to become productive adults.
Memory, the Self, and the Universe
91-Year-Old Lebanese-American Poet, Philosopher, and Painter Etel Adnan on Memory, the Self, and the Universe“The universe is itself the glue that keeps it going, therefore it is memory in action and in essence, in becoming and in being. Because it remembers itself, it exists. Because it exists, it remembers.”BY MARIA POPOVA [image: 91-Year-Old Lebanese-American Poet, Philosopher, and Painter Etel Adnan on Memory, the Self, and the Universe] Oftentimes during meditation, I am visited by flash-memories dislodged from some dusty recess of my unconscious — vignettes and glimpses of peopl... mais »
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