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Friday, November 15, 2019

The Right To Go Topless

Elle Beau
Sep 23 · 3 min read
One of the reasons that the 10th Circuit overturned the ban was the expert testimony of the head of psychology at Colorado College, Tomi-Ann Roberts, who testified to this harmfulness. Some of her areas of research include “Social psychology of emotion, gender, and the body; psychological consequences of the sexual objectification of women and girls; gender differences in self-evaluation, self-conscious emotions, and perceptions of bodily states.”

"Lembrei-me de uma história de meu tempo de adolescente: Um colega e grande amigo LXP, contava que um peão de estância dizia que não queria morrer antes de assistir o "encontro das modas". Os decotes iam descendo e as saias subindo. Ele imaginava que se daria a uns três dedos abaixo do umbigo..."

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