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Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Parentes of Mathematics

Egypt 1900BC

Oct 19 · 4 min read
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
We all think that mathematics is quite a new language however, many are not aware that this is one of the oldest technical tools to exist. Mathematics can be also used to explain how the pyramids were built, it did take an impressive amount of work as well as slaves, however, none of it would have been possible with the help of geometry.Geometry can be seen as a more simplistic form of mathematics from a second perspective, you need to have a good grasp of how much of something or how big something has to be in order to create or generate something else. 
Rather than assuming how many bottles of water you will need to fill up a pool you can measure the diameter of the pool to get an exact measure of how many liters of water you will need to fill up a pool.

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