Dra. Valderês Antonietta Robinson Achutti
*Hoje - dia de Santo Antônio - ela está de aniversário. Foi assim que conheci minha namorada em 1951, nos seus vinte aninhos.*
Fronteiras do Pensamento
Universo numa casca de noz no meio da sala de estar Nos últimos meses, as nossas rotinas tiveram uma alteração considerável. O cotidiano foi adaptado para novas condições durante o isolamento social. E, mesmo que você não esteja apenas em casa, o que envolve os seus deslocamentos ou compromissos diários também requer pensamentos e planejamentos diferentes dos anteriores. Em essência, somos adaptáveis – com mais ou menos dificuldades. O que muda mesmo, pense com a gente agora, é a nossa noção de tempo. O dia transcorre, estamos em casa sozinhos ou com as crianças e familiares. Às vez... mais »

Hugging Your Dog
[image: Stop hugging your dog]Why You Should Stop Hugging Your Dog There’s a better way to show your dog love Carlyn Beccia in Creatures[image: Member only content]4 min read
The International Space Station is home to the Cold Atom Lab — one of the coldest places in the known Universe. (NASA) Quantum matter in the coolest place in space Physicists have made a Bose–Einstein condensate on the International Space Station. (Bose–Einstein condensates form when clouds of atoms are chilled to just above absolute zero and they coalesce into a single macroscopic quantum object.) The results are a proof-of-principle showing that the Cold Atom Lab can successfully exploit the microgravity of space in ways that should allow scientists to create phenomena that would b... mais »
quantum entanglement.
Physicists entangle 15 trillion hot atoms By Tim Childers - Live Science Contributor 4 days agoomments (3) [image: Abstract illustration of quantum entanglement.] (Image: © Shutterstock) Physicists set a new record by linking together a hot soup of 15 trillion atoms in a bizarre phenomenon called quantum entanglement. The finding could be a major breakthrough for creating more accurate sensors to detect ripples in space-time called gravitational waves or even the elusive dark matter thought to pervade the universe. Entanglement, a quantum phenomena *Albert Einstein* famously described a... mais »
Anne Frank
[image: Anne Frank] FEATURED BIOGRAPHY Anne Frank READ MO
civilized and barbarian
An Ancient Roman Lesson in the Power of Immigrants Among the ideas we inherited from Rome, none has had a more pernicious power than the division of the world into civilized and barbarian, argues historian Douglas Boin
William James
Philosophy Sick Souls, Healthy Minds: How Can Save Your Life - John Kaag From the celebrated author of *American Philosophy: A Love Story* and *Hiking with Nietzsche*, a compelling introduction to the life-affirming philosophy of William James - In 1895, William James, the father of American philosophy, delivered a lecture entitled “Is Life Worth Living?” It was no theoretical question for James, who had contemplated suicide during an existential crisis as a young man a quarter century earlier. Indeed, as John Kaag writes, “James’s entire philosophy, from beg... mais »
*Referência enviada por meu amigo Alexandre Gruszynski* La photographie : un œil pour voir le monde Descendue de son piédestal, utilisée par tout un chacun, la photographie donne lieu aujourd'hui à des millions d’images par jour. Il y a celles que nous faisons et celles que nous voyons, et aussi celles que nous ne voyons même plus. Dans cette aventure passionnante, il devient essentiel de prendre le temps de regarder pour faire la différence entre ce qui est sans lendemain et ce qui se construit et se lit dans la durée. De la qualité de notre regard dépendent la vie de ces photograph... mais »
Rosetta Stone
What Does the Rosetta Stone Say? WRITTEN BY: The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica SHARE: [image: Demystified Video on Rosetta Stone. Ancient artifacts; hieroglyphics; ancient Egypt; Ptolemy V Epiphanes; political propaganda] Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. In 1799—about a year into Napoleon Bonaparte’s occupation of Egypt—French engineers doing demolition work in the delta town of El-Rashid (Europeanized as “Rosetta”) made a remarkable find. While tearing down a wall, they unearthed a large black granite stone with parallel inscriptions in two languages (Greek and Egyptian) and three... mais »
This Is Your Brain on Anger Anger is natural, even necessary, and it can be highly productive if properly channeled [image: Robert Roy Britt] Robert Roy Britt Follow Jun 9 · 6 min read Photo: Olivier Douliery/AFP/Getty Images There’s no shortage of anger in America right now. For many people, the roots of it run deep, stretching back lifetimes and beyond. Occasionally, and visibly of late, anger can explode into rage. So what’s going on, biologically and emotionally, in your mind and body when you’re angry? Anger is a normal human emotion, psychologists say. It’s not inherently good or... mais »
Primes and Equations
Unexpected Beauty in Primes The Visualization of Primes & Its Potential Significance [image: Jesus Najera] Jesus Najera Follow Oct 12, 2019 · 9 min read The significance of prime numbers, in both everyday applications & as a subtopic pertinent to all branches of math, *cannot be overstated*. We quietly rely on their special properties to carry the backbone of countless parts of our society — all because they are an irreducible part of the very fabric of nature. Resistant to any further factorization, prime numbers are often referred to as the “atoms” of the math world. As Carl Sagan so... mais »
[image: When your beliefs are being challenged] When your beliefs are being challenged What do you do when your beliefs and understanding of the world have been challenged, unraveled or even destroyed? Take a deep breath and learn from TED's best on how to approach these moments with grace and fortitude. Watch »
How flags unite (and divide) us 15:18 minutes · TEDxTAMUSalon Flags are one of the simplest yet most powerful pieces of design ever conceived. They can make us swell with pride, burn with hatred -- and even inspire people to die or kill in their name, says vexillologist Michael Green. Take a brief walk through history as Green explores the symbolic fervor behind flags that unify and divide, inviting us to imagine a future where we can come together under one collective identity: humanity. Watch now »
Museum Natural History
For all who are personally affected and all who are morally outraged by racial injustice, the Museum community stands with you. While the Museum has closed its buildings during the COVID-19 outbreak, our work continues. We're here to help you explore our exhibits and other resources from home—and we look forward to welcoming you back as soon as we can. Visit amnh.org/health-safety for updates. ------------------------------ [image: Tasmanian Tiger] WATCH PARTYScientists at Home: Amazing Mammals Join Museum Specialist *Sara Ketelsen* on Thursday, June 11, at 2 pm EDT, as she highlights... mais »
Remote Care
*GET USED TO IT: REMOTE CARE IS THE NEW NORM* ------------------------------ The novel coronavirus made healthcare professionals retrace their way of thinking. It did disrupt the systems, and forced health networks to rehash their telemedicine concepts. Not only that: in order to protect medical professionals from the virus, the need for remote technologies skyrocketed. What’s for sure is that telemedicine is faster, cheaper and can also be better streamlined. And it’s definitely a better solution for both the patient and the doctor. I just wish moving on to digital health solutions ... mais »
2020 World Population Data Sheet
Having accurate information about our world has never been more important... Since 1962, PRB’s World Population Data Sheet has been one of the most trusted sources of vital demographic data for government leaders, policymakers, researchers, academics, and decisionmakers around the world. The 2020 Data Sheet will be released globally on July 11 in honor of World Population Day, and will show key indicators and demographic trends for 210 countries and territories. Due to international postal restrictions related to the coronavirus crisis, the 2020 Data Sheet will be available exclusiv... mais »
Bohr Einstein Debate
The Bohr-Einstein Debate A narration of the “Debate of the Century” Jørgen Veisdal in Cantor’s Paradise[image: Member only content]18 min read Meet Quark Matter — A New State of Being The densest stars of all — neutron stars — may have an even denser core, where even neutrons are crushed to… James Maynard in The Cosmic Companion[image: Member only content]4 min read
from The Great Influenza by John M. Barry
THE WORST-GOVERNED CITY IN AMERICA -- 6/08/20 - 0 COMMENTS *Today's selection -- from The Great Influenza by John M. Barry. *In the early 20th century, Philadelphia gained the reputation as the most corrupt and worst-governed city in America: "Muckraker Lincoln Steffens called Philadelphia 'the worst-governed city in America.' He may well have been right. "Even Tammany's use of power in New York was haphazard compared to that of the Philadelphia machine, which had returned to power in 1916 after a reformer's single term in office. Philadelphia's boss was Republican state senat... mais »
George Floyd
* Enviado pelo AMICOR Alexandre Henrique Gruszynski* Bispo católico que conheceu George Floyd escreve-lhe carta: Agora conheces a respiração do amor Caro George Floyd, bom dia para ti. Não faço ideia que horas são na tua parte do Reino de Deus. Mas recordo vividamente do nosso primeiro encontro. Foi num jogo de basebol. Trazia calças de ganga azuis, t-shirt, um boné, com um gigantesco copo de papel cheio de Coca-Cola numa mão e um saco de pipocas na outra. Estávamos sentados; e então juntaste-te a nós. Foi em Pittsburgh, há muitos anos. Ainda eras um jovem, mas tinhas 20 anos, em viag... mais »
Quantum Computers
The Sycamore processor, which is a rectangular array of 54 qubits connected to its four nearest neighbors with couplers, contains one inoperable qubit, leading to an effective 53 qubit quantum computer. The optical image shown here illustrates the scale and color of the Sycamore chip as seen in optical light. (GOOGLE AI QUANTUM AND COLLABORATORS, RETRIEVED FROM NASA) This 90 Year Old Math Problem Shows Why We Need Quantum Computers To find the optimal route between many different locations, we need the power of quantum computers. [image: Ethan Siegel] Ethan Siegel Follow Jun 4 · 8 min... mais »
The Human Mind
The Human Mind Has Its Roots in Retroviruses “Is memory a virus?” — When brains evolved in virtue of viruses. [image: Shin Jie Yong] Shin Jie Yong Follow Mar 13 · 4 min read ll land animals have this Arc gene in their brain. This gene serves as the “master regulator” that determines how neuronal synapses (i.e., connections) form in the brain. Two independent research groups [1,2] have published their findings in the prestigious academic journal, *Cell*, in 2018 — showing that Arc behaves like viruses and has ancestral roots in retroviruses./.../ [image: Microbial Instincts] Microbial In... mais »
Back To Our Starting Point
Would A Long Journey Through The Universe Bring Us Back To Our Starting Point? If you traveled in a straight line for far enough, would you come back to where you started? [image: Ethan Siegel] Ethan Siegel Follow May 26 · 8 min read If you were to set out on a journey from anywhere on Earth’s surface, and traveled in a straight line for far enough, you’d eventually wind up right back where your journey began. After traversing approximately 40,000 kilometers (25,000 miles) — crossing mountains, oceans, deserts, etc. — you’d have completed one entire journey around the surface of our p... mais »
1 comment:
Grande abraço à Valderês, minha colega de turma da ATM60. Interessante que minha mãe fazia aniversário no dia 13 de junho e por isto se chamava Antonieta, também. Se viva, estaira completanto 120 anos pois nasceu na virada do século em 1900
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