The Surprising Location of Atlantis Could the answer to one of the world’s greatest mysteries have been under our noses all this time? [image: Fiona Cameron Lister] Fiona Cameron Lister Follow May 1 · 15 min read The legendary lost island of Atlantis. Everyone’s heard of it and everyone’s got an opinion. Was it just an elaborate fiction given to us by the Greek philosopher Plato in 360 B.C.? Or was it a “mother culture”, a real place with an advanced Stone Age civilization?/.../ *Estive lá no século passado, durante um Seminário Internacional de 10 dias.*
A Universal Truth
A Universal Truth: Desire in Buddhism, Taoism and Stoicism Desire has long been the downfall of many a good man. As such, many a system of philosophy and religion has… J. W. Barlament[image: Member only content]7 min read
Caxias do Sul 130 anos
A cidade onde nasceu *Dra, Valderês Pizani Robinson* só tinha 40 anos quando ela nasceu.
Imprensa Gaúcha - 193 anos

Há 193 anos, nascia a imprensa gaúchaNo dia 1º de junho de 1827, começou a circular o Diário de Porto Alegre, o primeiro jornal da então Província de São Pedro 20/06/2020 - 05h15min [image: Ricardo Chaves] RICARDO CHAVES [image: Reprodução / Acervo MuseCom]No dia 1º de junho de 1827, começou a circular o Diário de Porto Alegre, o primeiro jornal da Província de São PedroReprodução / Acervo MuseCom *Onde a imprensa é livre e todo homem é capaz de ler, tudo está a salvo*. — Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) O texto a seguir é uma colaboração de Carlos Roberto Saraiva da Costa Leite, pes... mais »
Casket Letters
Casket Letters ENGLISH HISTORY WRITTEN BY: - The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica See Article History [image: Mary, Queen of Scots]Casket Letters, the eight letters and a series of irregular sonnets asserted by James Douglas, 4th Earl of Morton, to have been found by his servants in a silver casket in the possession of a retainer of James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell, on June 20, 1567, six days after the surrender of Mary, Queen of Scots, to her rebels at Carberry Hill. If they are genuine—particularly Letter II, or the Glasgow letter—they prove Mary’s full complicity wi... mais »
Lost Cities
10 Ancient Cities Lost in History Lost, but not forgotten Andrei Tapalaga [image: ✒]️ in History of Yesterday[image: Member only content]8 min read
BREAKING: Physicists announce first direct evidence for 'axions' By Rafi Letzter - Staff Writer a day ago This could be a game changer. Axions are unconfirmed, hypothetical ultralight particles from beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, which describes the behavior of subatomic particles. Theoretical physicists first proposed the existence of axions in the 1970s in order to resolve problems in the math governing the strong force, which binds particles called quarks together. But axions have since become a popular explanation for dark matter, the mysterious substance that mak... mais »
Jürgen Habermas
Jürgen Habermas GERMAN PHILOSOPHER WRITTEN BY: - Martin Beck Matustik LAST UPDATED: Jun 14, 2020 See Article History Jürgen Habermas, (born June 18, 1929, Düsseldorf, Germany), the most important German philosopher of the second half of the 20th century. A highly influential social and political thinker, Habermas was generally identified with the critical social theory developed from the 1920s by the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, also known as the Frankfurt School. He belonged to the second generation of the Frankfurt Institute, following first... mais »
Battle of Waterloo
Battle of Waterloo] 1815: Napoleon was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo, ending 23 years of recurrent warfare between France and the other powers of Europe.
Três Primas - SM 1947
Fotos que recebi hoje de minha irmã *Maria Helena Cechella Achutti:*Três primas, alunas da *Escola Normal Olavo Bilac em Santa Maria*. A mais alta é *Lia Maria* *Cechella Achutti, *minha irmã que faleceu em setembro do ano passado com 91 anos. A outra é a *Lurdes (Dinha) Achutti Bered*, (filha de *Tia Emília, e tio Jorge Bered*) mora no Rio de Janeiro há anos. A terceira é *Lourdes Bered Achutti* (prima terceira, da linhagem do *José Mançur Achutti*, irmão mais velho de meu avô *Antônio Mançur Achutti*, com quem ele veio junto como imigrante do *Líbano*, aí por 1898. Era filha de ... mais »
World Populatiom 2020
*7.7 billion people210 countries1 trusted sourcePRB’s 2020 World Population Data SheetReserve Yours Today.* Smart decisions start with good data. For more than half a century, policymakers, researchers, academics, and decisionmakers around the world have relied on PRB’s World Population Data Sheet as a trusted resource for global demographic data. The 2020 Data Sheet is set for release on July 11, in honor of World Population Day. Reserve your free digital download today and you’ll gain access to key global indicators and the latest demographic trends on July 9—two days before ... mais »
The Health Gap
Sir Michael Marmot 6,220 Tweets Following See new Tweets Following Sir Michael Marmot @MichaelMarmot UCL Institute Health Equity / Former WMA President / Chair WHO CSDH / Fair Society Healthy Lives / Do something, Do more, do better!o instituteofhealthequity.orgJoined December 2014 145 Following 35K Followers Followed by RHDAction, The Lancet Global Health, and 13 others you follow Suggested IHE (Marmot Review) @TheMarmotReview Follow
Diabetes 2: 318 new risk loci f
Nature Genetics @NatureGenet · Jun 15 Discovery of 318 new risk loci for type 2 diabetes and related vascular outcomes among 1.4 million participants in a multi-ancestry meta-analysis (Vujkovic et al.) [image: Image] 1 41 94
Universe "Dark Ages"
[image: When did the 'Dark Ages of the Universe' end? This rare molecule holds the answer.] When did the 'Dark Ages of the Universe' end? This rare molecule holds the answer. Read More
Matter fifth state
[image: Exotic, fifth state of matter created on the space station] Exotic, fifth state of matter created on the space station Read More
Hidden HIV
HIV may hide out in brain cells, ready to infect other organs] HIV may hide out in brain cells, ready to infect other organs Read More
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