POCKET WORTHY · Stories to fuel your mind. The Mathematics of Mind-TimeThe special trick of consciousness is being able to project action and time into a range of possible futures. Aeon| - Karl Friston - - - - [image: GettyImages-608916961.jpg] *Photo by Arthur Yu / EyeEm / Getty Images*. I’m compelled to treat consciousness as a process to be understood, not as a thing to be defined. Simply put, my argument is that consciousness is nothing more and nothing less than a natural process such as evolution or the weather. My favourite trick to illustra... mais »
POCKET WORTHY · Stories to fuel your mind. The Mathematics of Mind-TimeThe special trick of consciousness is being able to project action and time into a range of possible futures. Aeon| - Karl Friston - - - - [image: GettyImages-608916961.jpg] *Photo by Arthur Yu / EyeEm / Getty Images*. I’m compelled to treat consciousness as a process to be understood, not as a thing to be defined. Simply put, my argument is that consciousness is nothing more and nothing less than a natural process such as evolution or the weather. My favourite trick to illustra... mais »
Giacomo Puccini
[image: Puccini, Giacomo] 1896: Giacomo Puccini premiered his opera *La Bohème* at the Teatro Regio in Turin, Italy. in full *Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo Maria Puccini*, (born December 22, 1858, Lucca, Tuscany [Italy]—died November 29, 1924, Brussels, Belgium), Italian composer, one of the greatest exponents of operatic realism, who virtually brought the history of Italian opera to an end. His mature operas included *La Bohème* (1896), *Tosca* (1900), *Madama Butterfly* (1904), and *Turandot* (left incomplete).
Coronavirus: Five burning questions scientists want to answer about the outbreak [image: Laboratory worker in protective suit] A laboratory operator wears protective gear while handling patient samples at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. Researchers have a lot to learn about the coronavirus outbreak that began in China. (Thomas Samson / AFP/Getty Images) By MELISSA HEALYSTAFF WRITER JAN. 29, 2020 5 AM How much do scientists know about the coronavirus spreading through China and around the world? What are they trying to learn as the outbreak expands? To make decisions about how best to... mais »
Global CO2 emissions p/c
[image: Post image] Posted by u/VizKnits 18 hours ago [image: Silver] We knitted the global carbon dioxide emissions per capita from 1960 to 2014 into a pullover [OC] OC
Living with Presence
[image: Marcus Aurelius on Embracing Mortality and the Key to Living with Presence] Marcus Aurelius on Embracing Mortality and the Key to Living with Presence Maria Popova, Brain Pickings *“The longest-lived and those who will die soonest lose the same thing. The present is all that they can give up, since that is all you have, and what you do not have, you cannot lose.”*
Viral Outbreaks Are Here to Stay. This is How Humans Will Fight Back De: Eliane Pereira dos Santos Enviada em: quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2020 16:01 Estimados amigos do HIFA-PT, Compartilho informações atualizadas sobre o Comitê de Emergências do Regulamento Sanitário Internacional sobre o novo coronavírus na China. Abaixo, uma breve tradução sobre o último informe de situação publicado no dia de hoje. 30 de janeiro de 2020. Genebra, Suiça - O Diretor-Geral da Organização Mundial da Saúde, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, convocou novamente, em virtude do Regulamento Sanitário In... mais »
Reanimação Cardio-Respiratória - Ressucitação
Lembrei-me de que quando retornei para a Faculdade de Medicina da UFRGS em 1985, na coordenação da *Disciplina de Promoção e Proteção à Saúde III*, introduzi o treinamento em Reanimação Cardio-respiratória que não existia no currículo da faculdade. O desafio foi tomado com entusiasmo pelos alunos, especialmente um grupo de quatro (se não me engando *Sheila Martins, Stefen Stefanis, Sandro Cardaval, e Eduardo Estrela*). Introduzimos na Secretaria da Saúde e do Meio Ambiente, inclusive compramos um boneco. Em 1987 participei sob coordenação do *Dr. John Cook Lane*, da elaboração de um... mais »
Virus Spreading
[image: Post image] https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/evzbnf/oc_how_fast_is_the_wuhan_virus_spreading/
Technology 2020
Top 10 Technology Trends for 2020 Strategies and things that will change the way we think and work [image: Ryan M. Raiker, MBA] Ryan M. Raiker, MBA Follow Jan 3 · 9 min read Television shows of the 1960’s like The Jetsons predicted that the 21st century would be filled with flying cars, and airborne robots would be a part of our everyday lives. October 21st, 2015 marked the point in time in which Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) traveled to in Back to the Future Part II, the 1989 sequel to the time-travelling classic. The future he found was one which had captured the imagination of milli... mais »

Carl Jung Theories
4 Carl Jung Theories Explained: Persona, Shadow, Anima/Animus, The Self A Brief Introduction to Carl Jung and Jungian Psychology. Harry J. Stead in Personal Growth Oct 2, 2019

Caesar Salad
Caesar Salad! An exploration into the mysterious origins of the world-famous dish Jef Harmatz in Spiralbound Nov 28, 2018

Universe misconceptions
5 scientific myths you probably believe about the Universe How a little knowledge can bring about some huge misconceptions… and how to fix it. Ethan Siegel in Starts With A Bang! Dec 27, 2016

Discovering millions of datasets on the web Natasha Noy Research Scientist, Google Research Published Jan 23, 2020 Google just published 25 million free datasets Here’s what you need to know about the largest data repository in the world Tom Waterman in Towards Data Science[image: Member only content]2 min read Across the web, there are millions of datasets about nearly any subject that interests you. If you’re looking to buy a puppy, you could find datasets compiling complaints of puppy buyers or studies on puppy cognition. Or if you like skiing, you could find data on revenue of ski ... mais »
Brain connectome
The partial fruit fly “connectome” contains approximately 25,000 neurons and 20 million synapses - By Diana Kwon on January 22, 2020 [image: Largest Brain Wiring Diagram to Date Is Published] Electron microscope image shows neurons in the fruit fly brain. An algorithm determines where each neuron starts and ends, and human proofreaders check the algorithm’s work. Credit: FlyEM *Janelia Research Campus* The brain of a common fruit fly (*Drosophila melanogaster*) is no larger than a poppy seed, but the miniscule piece of tissue holds tens of thousands of neurons joined by tens o... mais »
Romualdo Romanowski
Soube hoje notícia do falecimento de nosso colega psiquiatra e amigo dos tempos de faculdade. Infelizmente o tempo nos separou, mas fiquei com saudade da década de 50 quando *ele*, *eu* e *Mario Bertoni* (também falecido) namorávamos meninas que moravam num apartamento da rua Barros Cassal. *Ele* a *Tylinha Picoli*, *eu* a *Valderês *e *Mário* a *Beatriz Picoli *(irmã da outra). Havia também uma estudante de odontologia *Selma*, da qual não tive mais notícia e, se tinha namorado, não era de nosso grupo. O apartamento era sub-alugado por *Dina Buriak *(também falecida, minha colega n... mais »
ability to fly
Today's selection -- from *A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived* by Adam Rutherford. When will humans evolve the ability to fly?: A television producer once took me to lunch to ask me a very important question: 'When will humans evolve the ability to fly?' A new superhero series was coming to television, with mutations in the characters' DNA that were gifting them uncanny comic-book powers of flight, telekinesis, time travel, mind control, and so on, rather like Marvel's mutant X-Men, but definitely not Marvel's mutant X-Men. The producers were int... mais »
Asimov 100

Pride and Prejudice
[image: Jane Austen] 1813: Jane Austen's *Pride and Prejudice* was published anonymously and enjoyed immediate success, thanks in part to the popularity of the central character, Elizabeth Bennet, who was reportedly Austen's own favourite among all her heroines. *[ Test your knowledge of Jane Austen .]*
Peter Salama
WHO mourns passing of Dr Peter Salama 24 January 2020 Statement Geneva, Switzerlan The World Health Organization announces with deep sadness the sudden death of Dr Peter Salama, Executive Director of WHO’s Division for Universal Health Coverage – Life Course. The Organization extends its most profound sympathies and condolences to Dr Salama’s family, friends and colleagues. He was 51 and leaves behind his wife and three children. “Pete embodied everything that is best about WHO and the United Nations – professionalism, commitment and compassion,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebr... mais »
Costs Of Physician Burnout?
*Artigo recomendado por Jorge Gomes, colega de turma da Valderês que neste ano comemoram 60 de formatura.* 38 viewsJan 9, 2020, 08:30am *What’s The Economic Cost Of Physician Burnout?* [image: HBS Working Knowledge][image: Doctor burnout takes a toll on physicians and patient care, but there is another cost to be accounted for, says Joel Goh.] HBS Working Knowledge Contributor Leadership Strategy Business research for business leaders *by Michael Blanding* Physician burnout costs the United States health care industry $4.6 billion a year, a number that brings a new spotlight to an age-o... mais »
[image: Pac man-like microglia moves through a brain maze] *BACKCHANNEL* *The Tiny Brain Cells That Connect Our Mental and Physical Health* *BY DONNA JACKSON NAKAZAWA* A new understanding of long-overlooked cells called microglia is challenging the assumption that body and brain function are completely independent.
Sugar and Cancer
The Titanic Was on Fire for Days Before It Sank It wasn’t just an iceberg that led to the infamous tragedy [image: Erik Brown] Erik Brown Follow Oct 29, 2018 · 7 min read Titanic leaving Southampton. Photo: F.G.O. Stuart Most people know the story of the *Titanic*—a massive luxury liner deemed the “unsinkable” ship. At the time of its completion, the *Titanic* was the largest man-made moving object on earth. The company building the ship was so sure it wouldn’t sink, they didn’t include enough lifeboats for all the passengers. Of course the ship wasn’t what it was advertised to be and s... mais »
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