Nikola Tesla:

[image: Nikola Tesla: The Extraordinary Life of a Modern Prometheus] Nikola Tesla: The Extraordinary Life of a Modern Prometheus Richard Gunderman, The Conversation The eccentric inventor set the stage for many modern technologies amassing a fortune in the process. Yet he died nearly penniless. Save to Pocket
Particle Physicas
Strange ice formations may have tricked physicists into seeing mysterious particles that weren't there By Rafi Letzter - Staff Writer 9 hours ago What if one of the strangest, most unsettling findings in particle physics turned out to be an illusion?Comments (0) [image: Researchers prepare to launch the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) experiment, which picked up signals of impossible-seeming particles as it dangled from its balloon over Antarctica.] Researchers prepare to launch the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) experiment, which picked up signals of impos... mais »
To be more Productive...
[image: Want to Be More Productive? Try Doing Less.] Want to Be More Productive? Try Doing Less. Kate Northrup, Harvard Business Review We’ve been taught that if we want more — money, achievement, vitality, joy, peace of mind — we need to do more, to add more to our ever-growing to-do list. But what if we’ve been taught wrong? Save to Pocket
Carolus von Liaeus
Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 17 horas
Carolus Linnaeus QUICK FACTS [image: Carolus Linnaeus]View Media Page Alternative Titles: Carl Linnaeus, Carl von Linné Carolus Linnaeus, also called Carl Linnaeus, Swedish Carl von Linné, (born May 23, 1707, Råshult, Småland, Sweden—died January 10, 1778, Uppsala), Swedish naturalist and explorer who was the first to frame principles for defining natural genera and species of organisms and to create a uniform system for naming them (binomial nomenclature)./.../
Black Holes

Today’s highlights The Unexpected Reason Why The Smallest Black Holes Bend Space The Most The strongest tests of curved space are only possible around the lowest-mass black holes of all. Ethan Siegel in Starts With A Bang![image: Member only content]8 min read The Darkest Material in the World A material so dark and black that it makes the surface of objects seemingly disappear. Daniel Ganninger in Knowledge Stew[image: Member only content]4 min read
Gavrilo Princip (1894–1918)
The Most Influential Person In Modern History It wasn’t a creator, thinker, or leader. [image: Erik Brown] Erik Brown Follow Jun 30, 2019 · 8 min read Gavrilo Princip Prison Photo — Photographer Unknown, wikipedia creative commons If I asked you who the most influential person in modern history was, could you come up with an answer? The question itself might seem a bit monumental. To define it down to a single person over the last couple hundred years might be a struggle. I’m sure your first instinct might be to think of inventors who created the architecture of our modern world. ... mais »
A Vaccine Against COVID-19 Would Be the Latest Success in a Long Scientific History BY JEFFREY KLUGER MAY 15, 2020 8:30 AM EDT [image: Barbara Dale, a school nurse, prepares an immunization needle for a child Aug. 8, 2007 in Hialeah, Fla. (Photo by /Getty Images)]Here’s betting you wouldn’t want anyone blowing smallpox scabs up your nose. But you might feel differently if you lived in 15th century China. Long ago, the Chinese recognized that people who had contracted smallpox once were immune to reinfection. They came up with the idea of preserving scabs from individuals who had suffe... mais »
Dia Mundial da Diversidade Cultural para o Diálogo e o Desenvolvimento
*O texto a seguir, do Blog Saúde e Você do Hospital Moinhos de Vento, resultou de conversa com Shirley Manteufel e Lisiane de Assis, a quem agradeço pela oportunidade de tentar elaborar o que emerge em situações inusitadas pelas quais atravessamos e esperamos poder aprender, e sair melhores para um mundo melhor.* A importância da Diversidade Cultural para o Diálogo e o Desenvolvimento em um momento de pandemia O Dia Mundial da Diversidade Cultural para o Diálogo e o Desenvolvimento foi criado pela UNESCO e, desde 2001, é celebrado no dia 21 de maio. Nas palavras de Koichiro, Matsuur... mais »
Seneca the Younger (4 BCE — 65 CE)
Seneca: Slowing Down Time “Life is very short and anxious for those who forget the past, neglect the present, and fear for the future.” [image: Steven Gambardella] Steven Gambardella Follow Mar 23, 2019 · 11 min read A bust of Seneca in Seville. Seneca was born in modern Spain and is regarded as a local hero in Córdoba. (source: Wikimedia Commons) At the beginning of *Annie Hall*, Woody Allen, speaking to camera, relays an old joke: two elderly women are at a Catskill mountain resort, and one of them says, “Boy, the food at this place is really terrible.” The other one says, “Yeah, I k... mais »
Enigmas das Pandemias
ENIGMAS DAS PANDEMIASO que sabemos – e o que ainda é mistério – sobre a gripe espanhola, o comportamento social em catástrofes e o papel do acaso na históriaRAFAEL CARIELLO [image: Em 1918, mulheres se protegem da pandemia com máscaras: “Espalharam-se então horrores. Às moças mortas, arrancavam as capelas e levantavam as mortalhas para ver as partes”] Em 1918, mulheres se protegem da pandemia com máscaras: “Espalharam-se então horrores. Às moças mortas, arrancavam as capelas e levantavam as mortalhas para ver as partes” CREDITO: MUSEU NACIONAL DA AUSTRÁLIA Em agosto de 1998, um bat... mais »
Dead Sea Scrolls
'Blank' Dead Sea Scrolls have hidden letters on them By Laura Geggel - Associate Editor 16 hours ago - - - - - - Comments (0) [image: The Hebrew word "Shabbat" is visible in the upper right hand corner. A lamed (the letter "L" in Hebrew) is written on the left side of the fragment.] The Hebrew word "Shabbat" is visible in the upper right hand corner. A lamed (the letter "L" in Hebrew) is written on the left side of the fragment. (Image: © Copyright The University of Manchester) Four *Dead Sea Scroll* fragments, previously thought to be blank, are... mais »
Academia Sul-Riograndense de Medicina 30 anos
*30 Anos da ASRM - na Zero Hora de hoje*
The 75 Most Livable Cities in the World *(Nenhuma da América do Sul nem do Brasil!...)* By Mariana Zapata, updated on April 29, 2020 We know travel plans are impacted right now. But to fulfill your wanderlust, we'll continue to share stories that can inspire your next adventure. Many people dream of packing up their belongings and starting a new life abroad — even if it’s just for a little while. With technology making remote work much easier and globalization expanding the reach of companies, it is easier than ever to fulfill this dream. Mercer, a company that provides quality of liv... mais »
73 - World Health virtual Assambly
Watch the World Health Assembly live On Monday 18 May, WHO hosts its first virtual World Health Assembly. Watch discussions live from midday Geneva time. Questions about the World Health Assembly? Find what more about WHO’s role and how the World Health Assembly works The world needs WHO now, more than ever COVID-19 threatens us all, whoever we are, wherever we live. Now more than ever, the [image: 🌎][image: 🌍][image: 🌏] needs WHO. To build a healthier world: FOR YOU, FOR EVERYONE! ... mais »
Blood Pressure
Millions of us take drugs for high blood pressure – is it worth it? Hypertension affects one in four adults and is usually treated with medication, even though lifestyle changes can reduce blood pressure. Here's what you need to know HEALTH 13 May 2020 By Peter Judge [image: New Scientist Default Image] Animated Healthcare LTD/Science Photo Library LAST year, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, otherwise known as hypertension. “Why me?” I asked. “I exercise regularly, I’m not overweight, I don’t smoke and I don’t drink excessively. I even meditate.” At first, I doubted the diag... mais »

This Is How Physics, Not Math, Finally Resolves Zeno’s Famous Paradox Zeno’s paradox stumped philosophers, mathematicians, and intellectuals for millennia. It took physics to finally solve it. Ethan Siegel[image: Member only content]8 min read 10 Fantastic Finds From Hubble’s Deepest-Ever View Of The Universe The Ultra-Deep and eXtreme Deep Fields have revealed the Universe as never before. Here’s what lies inside. Ethan Siegel[image: Member only content]3 min read
Edward Jenner
WRITTEN BY: - Lester S. King LAST UPDATED: May 13, 2020 See Article History Edward Jenner, (born May 17, 1749, Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England—died January 26, 1823, Berkeley), English surgeon and discoverer of vaccination for smallpox. Jenner was born at a time when the patterns of British medical practice and education were undergoing gradual change. Slowly the division between the Oxford- or Cambridge-trained physicians and the apothecaries or surgeons—who were much less educated and who acquired their medical knowledge through apprenticeship rather than through academic... mais »
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