Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 9 hours ago
Médicos Negros na Formação da Medicina Gaúcha Participe da Live sobre Médicos Negros na Formação da Medicina Gaúcha, no dia 12 de Setembro às 14h, com os participantes: *Live: Médicos negros na formação da Medicina Gaúcha12/9 - 14h Canal do** Simers no YouTube* CLIQUE AQUI PARA ACESSAR O CANAL
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 10 hours ago
I’m back, Chaps & Chapesses! You survived Part 1, so why not… [image: Image for post]24 More (And What They Really Mean) Raghav Jain in Slackjaw[image: Member only content]3 min read 1. “Arry Po-ah.” Translation: “Harry Potter.” 2. “You must come home for supper sometime.” Translation: Don’t actually show up now, I’m merely being polite. 3. “I’ll let you get on then.” Translation: I’ve had enough of you for now, goodbye. 4. “There’s a heatwave coming.” Translation: Cloudy skies with 25mph northerly gusts. A high of 16 degrees Celsius/61 degrees Fahrenheit and a 30% chance of precip...
Quanta Magazine
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 21 hours ago

[image: My Bookmarks] NUMBER THEORY | ALL TOPICS Mathematicians Open a New Front on an Ancient Number Problem By STEVE NADIS For millennia, mathematicians have wondered whether odd perfect numbers exist, establishing an extraordinary list of restrictions for the hypothetical objects in the process. Insight on this question could come from studying the next best things. Read the article [image: Share] Share [image: Tweet] Tweet [image: Forward] Forward *EVOLUTION* How Two Became One: Origins of a Mysterious Symbiosis Found By VIVIANE CALLIER Carpenter ants need endosymbiotic bac...
Nature briefing
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 21 hours ago

Friday 11 September 2020 [image: Nature Briefing] Hello *Nature *readers, Today we hear grim news about wildlife decline and Arctic fires, discover that more than 100 open-access journals have disappeared from the Internet and learn about a new method for cooling computer chips from within. [image: An aerial view of a grass fire in the fields in Bolotnoye District, south Siberia.] Northern fires (like the one shown here in the Novosibirsk region of south Siberia) released record-setting amounts of carbon dioxide this year. (Kirill Kukhmar/TASS/Getty)
aeon + Psyche Magazine
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 22 hours ago
This week in Friday 11 September 2020 Evolution Essay Origin story Perched on the cusp between biology and chemistry, the start of life on Earth is an event horizon we struggle to see beyond by Natalie Elliot History of ideas Essay On tact in dark times Far from a social luxury, tact becomes imperative when life is cheapened. We exercise it to show gentle respect for another by Corina Stan Thinkers and theories Idea To Karl Jaspers, uncertainty is not to be overcome but understood by Carmen Lea Dege Memory and nostalgia Idea In a journey through time I’ve seen the past imp...
TED recommendations
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 22 hours ago
[image: TED logo] Recommended for Aloyzio Who were the Vestal Virgins, and what was their job? Peta Greenfield | 6.8M views ► WATCH NOW SAVE TO LIST Elizabeth Cox I love the way this lesson immerses you in the world of the vestal virgins--and equally love that I'm only there to visit and don't, in fact, live in ancient Rome. NEWEST TALKS [image: An idea from TED by Leah Garcés entitled A lesson in turning adversaries into allies] *A lesson in turning adversaries into allies* Leah Garcés [image: An idea from TED by Jacqueline Novogratz entitled What it takes to make change] *Wh...
Valores e Objetivos
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 22 hours ago

* Da ZH de hoje, artigo do Dr. Flávio José Kanter* *Acho que muito do mal estar no qualestamos mergulhados, gerando infelicidade, intolerância, agressividade e depressão estão relacionados com uma visão irreal do mundo, em geral com uma dose muito grande de idealização. Provavelmente no mundo da fantasia não tem lugar nem para os virus que são muito mais abundantes na natureza, e aqui chegaram antes de nos. * *Somos induzidos a olhar somente como se vivessemos num paraíso, mito que há muito tempo já se foi.*
Luiz Fernando Cechella (29.03.1939 + 09.09.2020)
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago
*Meu primo Luiz Fernando, filho de meu padrinho Nilo Cechella faleceu hoje e nos deixa com imenso pesar. Um abraço à sua esposa Lúcia, à seus irmãos, filhos e netos.*[image: A imagem pode conter: 2 pessoas, incluindo Aloyzio Achutti, pessoas em pé, árvore e atividades ao ar livre]
NCD Countdown 2030 Report
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago
[image: Elsevier-TheLancet_inFocus.png] September 2020 | Update [image: Tweet] [image: Share on Facebook] NCD Countdown 2030 Report | 2nd Edition Dear Aloyzio Thank you for registering to receive In Focus: NCDs. Following on from the NCD Countdown 2030 Report published in 2018, we are delighted to share with you the 2nd edition of the NCD Countdown 2030 report led by Imperial College London, World Health Organization, and the NCD Alliance, published in *The Lancet* ahead of the Global Week of Action on NCDs. NCDs currently kill over 40 million people a year worldwide, making u...
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